Persephone Kamenis

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Persephone Kamenis

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »


Name: Persephone Kamenis
Age: 38
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5"9'
Weight: 174 lbs
Nationality: Greek
Alignment: Face

Personality & Past
Born in Athens, Greece, Persephone grew up with a very loving mother and father, accepting and loving of her, truly being the reason that she grew up being such a warm individual, even from a young age. Her early life was par for the course, receiving good grades in school and becoming quite a good student, however the largest shift happened to be when after she had gotten through high school, and was transitioning into young adulthood. In the midst of continuing her studies in college, Persephone happened to have a quite nice date with a fellow student... and later on, found out that she was pregnant. The news was an incredible shock to her, even more so to the father, who after receiving it, seemed to vanish completely, running out on Persephone and the unborn child. Still, her parents were more than willing to help her, welcoming her back to live with them as she carried and eventually delivered her child, a baby girl that she named Kore.

Being a mother presented a whole new world of challenge to Persephone, as she struggled to provide for her child and also continue to study what she wished, finding it more and more tedious to keep up with school when she was so busy with her baby, who she adored from second one. Money was a struggle, and despite help from her parents, Persephone was having a harder and harder time keeping up. That was, until a friend of hers approached her with an idea, introducing her to oil wrestling! Persephone was a bit surprised that this had been what her friend thought she could do, but Persephone had come out of childbirth and still retained her fit and curvy physique, and she had always been a woman with a certain way of hypnotizing others. Not to mention that she had remained someone quite provocative and teasing, be it with men or women. So while it might have seemed unlikely, after a little bit of training, Persephone would experience oil wrestling for the first time... and she fell in love on the spot. The sensuality of it, as well as the physical activity was something that Persephone loved, and she was often eager to have some fun with her foes, not to mention the money she made from doing so. It was clear to her what she wanted to do now, and she would soon enough leave school, making her way into the world of wrestling!

For years, Persephone would oil wrestle for local establishments, usually the more erotic in nature kind. It made good money, but Persephone was never complacent, always learning and getting better, even studying the larger wrestling world as a whole, trying her hand in a few non oil bouts! All the while, she would continue to raise her daughter, a warm and motherly persona forming, which would also translate to wrestling as well, with the greek woman often taking care of her opponents during and after the match, despite how lewd or humiliating the encounters could get! But eventually, Persephone was contacted about an opportunity to join a worldwide wrestling promotion, her reputation having reached far enough that the organization known as LAW contacted her! Persephone hardly hesitated, only about as long as it took to ask her daughter, now 16, if she would be okay with the move. And before you knew it, Persephone and her daughter, along with Persephone's parents (who she insisted come with them, as they had been around for her daughter's whole life, and none of them wanted to be split up) were headed to Japan, where Persephone would get ready to take the next step, and become a true pro wrestler!


Persephone is exceedingly sweet and kind, and is always looking out for the well being of others, her motherly instinct often taking over when dealing with younger wrestlers or when helping those in need. Even in matches, she'll make sure to take care of her opponent, whether that be not hurting them too badly, or if it means making sure that they find a satisfying "finish" to more lewd encounters! She's always willing to teach or help opponents, and she's quite the flirt on top of it all, ready to make friends and "friends" with most anyone!


Strategy: Persephone is less about beating her opponents down and brute force, and more about loving her foes into submission. She loves to get her opponents close, squeezing and smothering them until they can't fight back, loving to tease them as well. She may occasionally lock in a few submissions, but more for the purpose of locking her foes up, so that she can play with their body in creative ways. Still, much as she teases and smothers foes, she has a motherly charm to her, and will always be kind and thoughtful of her opponents, caring for them during and after the match!

Preferred Attacks: Smothers, Squeezes, Scissors, and Submissions

Preferred Matches: Hentai, POW, Smother, and ESPECIALLY Oil

Attitude towards Hentai: "I would absolutely love to show what I can do..."


General Stats
-Endurance: 3/5 - Able to keep up with hefty opponents, though she dislikes being struck and hit. Slams and submissions, she doesn't mind too bad.
-Strength: 3/5 - Strong enough to keep most foes under her control, though she is unlikely to purely try to muscle around foes.
-Speed: 3/5 - Good speed, slightly faster than most heavyweights, though still slower than smaller weight classes.
-Defense: 2/5 - Doesn't handle strikes or being hit well, though she does alright with slams and submissions. Prefers to be the one on top of her opponent, however.
-Technique: 5/5 - Thanks to her oil wrestling background, Persephone knows all the best ways to wrestle down her foe, and is totally able to take control of them once she has them. Since she is used to wrestling in oil, holding onto even the slipperiest of foes is easy for her.

Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 0/5 - Finds striking to be worthless for her, and HATES to be struck.
-Submissions: 4/5 - Knows a good amount of submissions, usually uses them to bend her foes into sexy positions as she plays with their bodies.
-Power Moves: 2/5 - Uses power moves rarely, mostly to floor her opponents and allow her to have plenty of time to get her hands on them.
-Aerial Moves: 3/5 - Uses aerial moves more often than you'd think for a heavyweight, mostly to squash foes beneath her curvy frame!
-Counters: 4/5 - Able to get out of most maneuvers, once again thanks to her oil wrestling background. Somewhat harder if she is not in an oil match, and the foe has a good grip on her.


Signature Moves

Reverse Headscissors


Single Leg Crab W/ Fondling


All Forms of Smothers (Breast Smothers, Stinkfaces, Facesits, etc.)


Aphrodite's Clutch: Persephone will trap her foes in a camel clutch, bending them until their face is pointed directly upwards, before leaning forwards and planting her breasts on their face to smother them!
Iron Maidenhood: Persephone gets her foe on their back, before laying across their body, wrapping her legs around her head. From there, she squeezes hard and wedges her foe's face in her rear while scissoring their neck, reaching through their legs to grab their arms and hold them!
Deflowering: Persephone hits her foe with either a regular or inverse atomic drop. However, after she does so, she doesn't let them go immediately, instead holding onto them and grinding their crotch against her leg, to cause pain and/or pleasure!


Friends: Nothing yet.

Allies: Nothing yet.

Rivals: Nothing yet.

Enemies: Nothing yet.

Crushes: Nothing yet.

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