Name: Elizabeth Wild
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5"11'
Weight: 192 lbs
Nationality: British
Alignment: Heel

Born as the older of two sisters to a wealthy and prideful family, Elizabeth's childhood was fairly normal growing up, as she wasn't particularly spoiled. Soon as her sister was born, the two of them shared everything, and from a very young age, her parents would impart their sense of superiority on the pair, their family's pride quickly settling into the two young sisters. In school, Elizabeth made her sense of superiority well known, though despite that mentality, she had no way to back it up at the current moment, which led to her losing a scuffle that she had provoked. Upon hearing this, Elizabeth's parents would immediately find a trainer for her, livid that anybody had harmed their daughter, regardless of circumstances. And while a number of fighting styles were presented, nothing really interested Elizabeth quite like wrestling did. And she seemed to take to it like a fish to water, quickly picking up on many techniques and falling deeply in love with it!
Now with physical skills to backup her attitude, Elizabeth became a terror to those around her, often taking down and destroying any who would stand up to her sense of superiority with submissions, her parents able to keep her out of much permanent trouble. And with her younger sister, who followed her most places and trained with her, there was little that anyone could do to stop Elizabeth from doing as she pleased! School came and went, and upon finishing it, it was clear to Elizabeth what she wanted to do. Immediately, she began wrestling at local promotions, quickly working her way up the ranks by stomping each and every foe that was put in front of her! Her sister followed along with her as soon as she was able, and while both were great solo wrestlers, as a tag team they were absolutely terrifying! But smaller promotions didn't please the pair, as they looked for a worldwide platform to showcase their talent! Which just so happened to lead Elizabeth and her sister right to LAW.
Elizabeth is prideful and vain, and values herself and her family above all others. She often looks to demean or mock her foes in the ring, and will use nearly any means available to humiliate foes that she wrestles! Outside the ring, Elizabeth is only slightly less mouthy, simply keeping her nose upturned at others and showing with her body language that they are far beneath her!
Strategy: Crush foes with her superior technique, using her size to overpower them as well!
Preferred Attacks: Submissions, slams, throws, and moves designed to humiliate and degrade!
Preferred Matches: Last Woman Standing, Submission, Standard, and Smother/Humiliation
Attitude towards Hentai: "Heh, I'll say this once. I'll win, NO MATTER the match type."
General Stats
-Endurance: 4/5 - Above average endurance.
-Strength: 4/5 - Very strong, able to lift most anything.
-Speed: 2/5 - Not the fastest, but capable of decent bursts of speed.
-Defense: 2/5 - Not super strong with defense, prefers to maintain offense.
-Technique: 5/5 - Incredibly technical.
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 2/5 - Isn't primarily a striker but will do so every now and then.
-Submissions: 5/5 - Quite technical with her submission wrestling.
-Power Moves: 4/5 - Thanks to her size and build, she can muscle opponents around well.
-Aerial Moves: 1/5 - She dislikes leaving the ground, as if her flying is countered it's twice as painful.
-Counters: 4/5 - Her size can sometimes work against her but she can usually reverse most anything.
Signature Moves
Big Boot
Octopus Stretch
Canadian Backbreaker
Brainbuster on the Knee
Long Live the Queen: Elizabeth grabs her foe by the neck and lifts them up, as if going for a chokeslam, before dropping to one knee and chokeslamming her foe across it for a backbreaker!



Friends: Nothing yet.
Allies: Nothing yet.
Rivals: Nothing yet.
Enemies: Nothing yet.
Crushes: Nothing yet.