Name: Katori Kimura
Alias: The Mighty Successor, Mighty Kimura, The Wrestle Angel
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Birthday: August 10th
Eyes: Reddish hazel
Hair: Baby Blue
Height: 5'7
Weight: 138.5 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face
Entrance music
Masami Okui - Wild Spice
PPV music
Kouji Wada - Butterfly ~Tri Version~
Champion music
Rekka Katakiri - Prelude
Wrestling Information
Style: Pro-Wrestling
Type: Puroresu
Difficulty Level: Medium - Hard
Preferred Matches: Katori will partake in any wrestling competition she can, she MIGHT do hentai matches if she wanted to...
Combat: Due to being personally trained by Yukiko, Katori's fighting style is very similar to hers with her own style to it which she improved on and nurtured to make it her own.
Favored moves
Abdominal Stretch
Arm Drag
Atomic Drop
Body Press
Boston Crab
Butt Thump
Camel Clutch
Ceiling Hold
Cross Face
Double Underhook Suplex
Dragon Suplex
Elbow Drop
German Suplex
Missile Dropkick
Moonsault Variants
Piledriver Variants
Powerbomb Variants
Russian Legsweep
Shooting Star Press
Spinning Heel Kick
Sunrise Suplex
Super Kick
Tiger Suplex
Shining Wizard
Katori Kimura is wrestler from Wrestle Angels and was the best disciple and prime successor of Mighty Yukiko. She was scouted personally by Yukiko during a time when Katori was playing a game of street basket ball with her brothers and the local kids at the age of 15, Yukiko saw the potential that Katori had in her skills and invited the girl to try her hand at using those skills in wrestling. At first Katori was reluctant to do it but soon tried it out and got very into wrestling, deciding to chose that over a career in basket ball. During her time under Yukiko's wing, the former basket ball player met her soon-to-be best friends Sonia Inagaki and Hiyoko Kusanagi who were both also scouted by Yukiko as well. Katori also met her senpai's first disciple Riyu Kikuchi and developed a strong rivalry with her. Katori had more matches then Sonia and Hiyoko did in which she mostly won and lost a few, she was very special as Katori was able to have a surprise match against Mighty Yukiko while the others, including Riyu, didn't. While she did put up a good fight against her senpai, even hitting Yukiko with her Finisher, Katori ultimately lost but was praised for her skills and Yukiko gave her best student her blessings of being her true successor as her friends and rivals congratulate Katori who was very thankful for this grand honor.
Once Wrestle Angels was shut down, Katori went back to playing basket ball with her brothers and the kids. She occasionally went to gyms to practice to keep herself in shape and get stronger just in case she were to wrestle again, but wasn't too serious about it. Katori still kept in contact with Sonia and Hiyoko but she wasn't with Yukiko and Riyu, she tried to find out where her teacher and rival was but has never seen them since that match. As the years passed, Katori's wrestling spirit slowly came back to her as she motivated herself into having sparring matches at wrestling gyms, took part in small time wrestling club and circuits as a guest wrestler, and then even decided to train other rookies to become good wrestlers just like Yukiko did for her and her friends. But she wasn't accepting full time students, just being a simple tutor for hire, even getting a part time job as a trainer for the 765 Production Studios idol agency to get their young girls into fighting shape for their wrestling themed events. It was all a nice little shtick, but it wasn't the final push to get Katori back into full time wrestling, even after becoming aware of the notable LAW wrestling league.
Then the moment of inspiration and motivation struck her. After a nightly hang out with her friends was ruined due to teenage hoodlums messing with them, Katori wandered by herself to the old Wrestle Angels building/arena by chance and was reminded of the good times in the league, and then remembering that decisive match between her and her teacher in the ring. Afterwards, she went to another wrestling gym to check out the talent brewing inside. An incident happened and a few of their wrestlers were badly hurt because a challenger from a rival gym came in with a personal vendetta. Katori intervened, refusing to let this continue like this and challenged this punk to a match, it was a very hard fight and the punk fought unfairly, but she managed to win and put her in her place. It was the most satisfying win she had ever since WA shut down, and it filled her with excitement and eagerness for more challenges. At that moment Katori remembered the legacy she was blessed with, being the successor to Mighty Yukiko and to carry on her legacy as well as pass it on herself.
With her wrestling spirit fully rekindled, Katori made preparations to make a big and successful comeback in the wrestling world. Due to her growth over the years, her original outfit can't fit her anymore, but through old connections she was able to get a brand new outfit custom made for her to wear. Katori was about to go and register for LAW, but thankfully she didn't need to. There was a scout for LAW at the gym that night, which might have been what those grudge matches were about, and saw the whole thing, and offered to invite the former Wrestle Angel into LAW. She eagerly accepted this offer and was put in the Middle Weight roster for the league, now Katori Kimura is back in the game and is ready to prove herself as Mighty Yukiko's true successor once again to the world.
Katori is a very energetic and enthusiastic girl who is real upbeat. She really seems to be like a very genki girl, but she isn't all that hyperactive like most would be. She is very confident in her skills and abilities but isn't cocky about them and makes sure to not underestimate her opponents. Katori takes her rivalries seriously and tries to make the best out of them, treating her rivals with both respect and fair play if they are friendly. She has great coordination with her movements and tactics thanks to her time playing basket ball. Outside of the ring, Katori is a very nice girl who likes to play with children who also respects the elderly folks. Once she is inside the ring Katori is very spunky and has a fierce determination to win, but also has a sense of great sportsmanship that was taught to her at a real young age when she started to play basket ball.
Over the years, as Katori got older she has become much more mature and calmer than she used to be. She is still energetic and easily excitable when it comes to wrestling and basket ball, always looking forward to the next challenge, but is in much more control of her behavior. Having grown up from the "innocent child" view people used to give her back in Wrestle Angels, Katori is bold with her body language and actions now, having no issues with making herself look hot and sexy for the audience as well as doing techniques she normally wouldn't like the Butt Bump and the Bronco Buster. One trait of Katori's that'll never go away is her pride in being the successor to Mighty Yukiko's legacy, being blessed with such a thing filled her with so much purpose and opportunity, and she'll never let it waver (again) or let others belittle it.
Katori has grown into quite a fine woman, having grown much taller since her Wrestle Angels days and even her breasts grew in size from a C-cup to a D-cup. She has a unique hair style with cinnamon bun-like hair spirals in the front sides of her baby blue hair which she always had since childhood, followed by having her thigh long hair in a downward ponytail held by a red ribbon which she used to have as upward pigtails.
Katori's brand new wrestling outfit is a bit slightly similar to Yukiko's but is original in it's own way to make herself stand out. A unique one-piece lime green leotard with white strips on the edges, and a few exposed openings on her lower abdomens, an opening on her lower chest shaped like a diamond that shows off some underboob while the above the chest is a dark see through material that shows off some cleavage that is connected by white straps up to a lime green choker. She has new black forearm length fingerless gloves with lime green straps at the end and wrist parts of the gloves along with a pad of the same color on the back of the hands. The boots are lime green with black details, with black thigh high stockings that reach the middle of her thighs, and lime green knee pads with white sashes. Lastly Katori has a new lavender purple short jacket that has a hood, underneath this the upper back is exposed.
Visual Appearance
Katori's wrestling outfit

Katori's former outfit and younger days from Wreslte Angels

Katori's training attire

Katori's casual clothing

Katori playing Basket Ball at the park

- Katori is the only daughter in her family and is also the youngest, with having many older brothers that she loves a lot but is competitive with most of them.
- During her free time, Katori likes to play Basket ball at parks with either the local kids or her older brothers.
- Katori's best skill is being able to jump very high, which is thanks to all the times she played basket ball.
- Katori's natural sports ability is due to having played basketball with her older brothers ever since she was little.
- Whenever talking about Mighty Yukiko, Katori always refers to her as Yukiko-senpai.
- Katori's original short jacket for her old wrestling outfit was given to her by Yukiko before her first match and always wore it during her matches.
- Her original dream was to become a professional basket ball player, but after becoming a wrestler, this was changed to wanting to surpass Yukiko and defeat her.
- Katori is good friends with the idol Yayoi Takatsuki from 765 Production Studios along with her younger siblings after meeting her at a joint program during her Wrestle Angels days, and at the same time got Yayoi more interested in wrestling while Katori got even more interested in idols.
- When Katori hangs out with Yayoi, she teaches her how to cook as well as proper methods of how to shop for groceries and what to get. She also experienced the Takatsuki Family's "Bean Sprout Party" on Thursday night and loved it, and since then she did her own Bean Sprout Parties for herself and together with her brothers on Thursdays. Once Yayoi taught Katori how to properly do it.
- Riyu and Katori once had a bet on whether or not Yukiko would be able to beat fellow wrestler Shiho Kobayakaya at a curry eating contest, Katori was in favor of Shiho while Riyu was betting on Yukiko, and Katori won the bet.
- When Katori performs the Moonsault Press, she always gets the feeling that she is flying.
- Despite being in her early 20's, Katori's older brothers still treat her as a little kid which kinda bothers her.
- Katori is very brand new to the concept of hentai wrestling or sexual activities in general, so she is very shy and timid when she has to get "up close and personal" with other girls.
- Whenever Katori wants to train alone in private she likes to sneak into the shut down Wrestle Angels building to train in the gym, she tends to do this either if she is going through a tough time and is feeling down or if she has a big important match upcoming. If for the latter she plays the song "Eye of the Tiger" on her iPod while plugged into a speaker she set up in the gym as she trains to help motivate her.
- Alternatively, if Katori sneaks in the WA building while depressed she sometimes goes to the arena instead or after training and climbs into the ring to reflect on events that recently happened and/or think of the past with nostalgia. The Wrestle Angels building, both in the gym and the arena, is Katori's favorite secret spot.
- By habit and out of curiosity Katori likes to visit various wrestling gyms and clubs to check out and even take part in a few matches with their members for practice to test their skills out and her own against others, and to also scout out great raw potential in amateur wrestlers to recommend and invite to the big leagues, just like how Yukiko scouted her out.
LAW Information
Record: 0/0/0
Mighty Yukiko, Riyu Kikuchi, Sonia Inagaki, Hiyoko Kusanagi
Mighty Yukiko (One-sided rivalry), Riyu Kikuchi