Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima

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Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Name: Eirina Makishima/Frau Doktor Eirina
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purplish Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 141 lbs
Nationality: Japan/Germany (dual citizenship)
Alignment: Face/Tweener at her worst (Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral)
Entrance music: Battlefield of Steel

Wrestling Information

Strategy: A well-balanced wrestler who leans heavily towards submissions.
Style: Pro Wrestling.
Type: Technical.

Preferred Attacks: Is capable of using strikes, holds, throws and aerial maneuvers, though she heavily leans towards submission.

Preferred Matches: Any except Hardcore (she detests the usage of weapons, being someone who favors submission holds above others, but has no problem fighting in No DQ matches where weapon usage is still allowed).

Endurance: ★★★ - Eirina is capable of lasting quite a while in the ring.
Strength: ★★★★ - Don't judge a book by its cover. Her slender frame packs quite a punch.
Speed: ★★★★ - Matching her appearance, she is quite fast.
Defense: ★★★ - Can endure quite a bit of damage.
Technique: ★★★★★ - Eirina's greatest forte, very skilled and deadly.

Favored moves:

Abdominal Stretch
Airplane Spin
Boston Crab
Camel Clutch
Double Knee Strike
Dragon Sleeper
Fireman's Carry
Fujiwara Armbar
Inverted DDT
Knee Bar
Lou Thesz Press (transitioned into Body Scissor)
Octopus Hold
Smothering Techniques
Suplex Variations
-Inverted Exploder
Torture Rack

Finishing moves:

Busaiku Knee
Crippler Crossface
Tombstone Piledriver

Visual Appearance:

Eirina is a fit woman with curvaceous body, looking athletic despite having no obvious muscles. Her hair is purplish blue and her eyes are blue. In the ring, she wears a bikini ensemble which consists of white bikini top and bottoms with red frills. She also wears leather straps on both her thighs. Besides that, she wears red ankle boots. To complete the ensemble, she wears red detached sleeves that also acts as gloves. Outside of the ring, she can be seen wearing doctor's coat, being a trained doctor.


Eirina has a motherly and kindly disposition, often using polite and warm tone whenever she's addressing others, even during matches (except when she's truly angry). Whenever she's about to deliver barbs and insults to someone, she will use the same polite and warm tone. Even so, behind her kindly appearance, she is quite a sadist, taking intense pleasure in inflicting pain to others. That is why she prefers submission holds the most, as she can effectively inflict pain with them. Eirina also has a near-insatiable sex drive, which is probably one of the reasons why she agreed to join LAW.

Despite her kindly nature, she is a very huge tease, especially towards anyone younger than her. She loves teasing her younger opponents to see how they will react, as well as to distract them. Younger, cuter opponents are his favorite targets of his merciless teasing, though she will not be overly cruel to them. Still, if there is one thing that she hates the most, it's that being called old. She may tolerate being called a MILF, but she will not let those who call her old unpunished.


Born to a German mother and a Japanese father, Eirina spent most of her childhood at Germany before moving into Japan when she was twelve. She would spend a few more years in Japan before graduating from high school. During high school, Eirina was introduced to the world of wrestling, and she became instantly enamored by the sports. As she explored more of the world of wrestling, she would then be introduced with sexfights, and she became addicted to such sports that mixed both sex and violence. Becoming a wrestler herself, she quickly became a fan-favorite within the local wrestling community.

She would stay active in wrestling for a year before she decided to continue her study abroad at Germany. She would then leave behind the world of wrestling as she studied medicine, and after eight years, she had become a certified doctor and surgeon. She got married to a German doctor, but then they got divorced a year later. She returned to Japan after that and opened a private clinic at Tokyo. As the private clinic would only open from 11.00am until 6.00pm and would be closed during weekends, Eirina had a lot of time for herself.

To fill her free times, she started to dabble in wrestling again and get back in shape after leaving the sports for ten years, and joined the independent wrestling circuit to fight in several matches. Her exploits would then catch the attention of LAW, who then offered her a contract to fight under LAW. Eirina agreed under the condition that she was still allowed to run her private clinic. After an agreement had been reached, Eirina prepared herself for her first match in LAW as Frau Doktor Eirina.

Wrestling Attire: (see pics)
Default Wrestling Outfit
ImageSpecial thanks to Torakun for the awesome art!

Alternate Wrestling Outfit
Fun Facts:
-Ambidextrous and capable of writing using both her hands.
-More comfortable speaking in Japanese despite being half-German.
-Dislikes fast foods and prefers healthy diet.

Not So Fun Fact:
The reason behind her divorce with her ex-husband was due to unfaithfulness and miscommunication from her part.
LAW Information

Check her profile

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