Age: 19
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5
Weight: 134 lbs

Ring Gear

Entrance Muisic
Nationality: American
Signature moves:
German Suplex with pin
Northern Lights Suplex
Dragon Suplex
Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Finishing move/s:
Sure Southern Thang (Omega Driver)
Atlanta's Burning (LeBell Lock)

History: Delilah's life has always been one of ambition. The youngest daughter of a family of six, Delilah always had to try to stand from her older brothers and did just that. Becoming an All American Wrestler in her high school years, as well as doing honors in high school. However, the academic didn't give Delilah that...thrill she sought, not as much as when she wrestled. Thanks to the influence of her brothers and her father, she developed a huge interest in combat sports...particularly pro wrestling.
When she was in her sophomore year, she was offered a spot at a local indy show from the promotion Atalanta Combat Wrestling. The promoter saw her amateur matches and took interest. The indy promoter, an ex-pro wrestler, offered to train her for his shows.
Excited, Delilah told her parents and though it took some time, but eventually she managed to convince her parents let her work and train in ACW, on the condition that her grades won't drop and she'd at least graduate high school. Delilah agreed, and thus began her career in ACW at the age of 16. She learned much in her time there, becoming one of the promotions fasting rising stars, despite her youth and she took to training like a duck takes to water. However, Delilah quickly became a bit bored with facing the same foes over and over again and with the blessing of the promoter, she left after completing high school
After high school, Delilah hopped from independent promotion to independent promotion. Eventually, her trials lead her to Japan, where she managed to land a job in LAW.
Match Record: 0/0/0
Match History
LAW Profile