(Mix) Ibuki Dōji summer

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Blade ocs
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(Mix) Ibuki Dōji summer

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"Oh my oh my, after seeing all the fun you can have in wrestling. I figured why not hope in the fun. There other servants taught me how to wreslte so let's go."

(This will be more base on her berserker side since she more carefree.)

Race:Oni humanoid.
Gender: female
Weight: unknown a wight was never given so i choice medium weight.
Special body parts: tail and horns.

in her summer corm hae is more child like, flirty and laid back. Which is the opposite of how she would normaly act. However she is more smart than she appears. This whole wreslting thing is so eacape her boredom and to see how strong humanity can be. She is after all a enemy.of humanity but that not important for l.a.w and such.

Making her made will make her more violent and heartless. It a fast way to see her bad side. If shebtruely gets made she hurt/ injury her opponent if she can or really wants to. She doesn't like limiting her power but as a divine spirit she has to be "fair." Besides she would love to humanity in it place. Maybe make some extra money for her master in chaleda as well. She is a complex person at heart.
ibuki entering into the L.A.W ( tail and horn rules at the bottom
Normally she wouldn't care for wrestling or L.a.w but she relaized she might actully like this wreslting and maybe she can have a good time at L.A.W. she did seek out other servants to wreslting traning to give it a try and see fi she like it and it turns out she did. She got trained as a wreslter and with quetzalcoatl as her teacher she was ready to wreslte for real.

For L.A.W try out she pass with with flying colors. She was cunning and brutal. The ones she tested in didn't come abck to work for a full week because they where scared of her. Magment didn't really care that just showed promise for Ibuki. She discovered that the wresltwrs she best up where jobbers which she remembers what they are but didn't know they where that easy. Management told her she can use her tail but not to over did it. She ued it to choke out a tester

That was a singurue move fo hers she told them and that will work. She can use her tail for other attacks but she limited on it unless it a no dq, extreme rules type matches and such. Same goes with her horns. However fi her opponent abuses her tail and horns she can use them more freely or if the crowd likes it. She signed for those sp3cial rules and the hentai rules one as well since it can give her and edge over an opponent. (NOTE IF A OPPONENT DOESN'T WANT THESE RESTRICIONS IT DOESN'T HAVE TO APPLY AND SUCH)

These rules are just incase anyone wants them so Ibuki doesn't abuse them it also possible for her not to use them.
her rules for balancing her tail and horn
She can use her tail for other attacks but she limited on it unless it a no dq, extreme rules type matches and such. Same goes with her horns. However fi her opponent abuses her tail and horns she can use them more freely or if the crowd likes it. She signed for those sp3cial rules and the hentai rules one as well since it can give her and edge over an opponent. (NOTE IF A OPPONENT DOESN'T WANT THESE RESTRICIONS IT DOESN'T HAVE TO APPLY AND SUCH)
hentai rules for her
In hentai matches she can use her tail only after successfully grappling and enemy other wise simple slapping and quick pentatration. She cna use her to turn the time. She also can become a futa which will restrict her use even futher. There are match type like no dq and such that can allow her to use free use if it or if her opponent allows it.

All stats

fighting stats
Agility: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Luck (if it matters) 3/5
tail and horn stats
Why yes her horns and tails may be a weak point but they are sturdy.
Tail strength: 3/5
Tail defense: 4/5
Horn defense: 4/5
Horn strength: 2/5
hentai stats
Technique: 4//5
Orgasm resistance:4/5
MOVESET: Ibuki tends to to for short combos, quick moves like a snap DDTA, serval power move liie a German suplex. also may do dirty pins and use mockery in her opponents.
Tail choke: straight foraed alorhight she doesn't hold her opponent as high as in the image but it good engouh repsenation.

BIG Oni hug: ibuki grands her opponents arm agoes in for a good old bear hug and may playfully but her breast upon her opponent chest. She may dig her hands into her opponent. If possible she may lift them up and wiggle them around.

Running Oni: it.a big charging ramming head butt that features the use of her horns. ALTERNATIVE MOVE it just a simple spear.
Ibuki Ride: Ibuki can use this finsher as a counter/ reversal. She takes her opponent up in the air andngives them a spinning power bomb

Ibuki wave: Ibuki mounts a person in her shoulder to give them a F-5
all hentai info 18+
Divine smothering: Ibuki grabs her opponent and smothers there face in her breast and suffercoates them.

Divine tail: Ibuki mounts her opponent and uses her tail to penetrant her opponent.

Hanging fruit: ibuki hangs her opponent upside down as she eats or sucks there privates.

Divine rear shot (futa): Ibuki goes on her opponent back and does them from behind while putting them in. A choke hold. Image

Ibuki can use her magic to become futa. Here and references. TO simple put it she is big.
Ibuki wreslting outfit.
PPV (saber costume)
hentai gear ya it her swimwear but hey different pic
:D if you wish to have a match with any if my ocs you can ask on here. All can do intergender. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=986
Blade McCharge: viewtopic.php?f=65&t=19980

Fatales od chaelda stable: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=19963


Also I am blade ocs on the discord :D

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