(Mixed) Lady Constantine

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(Mixed) Lady Constantine

Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Lady Constantine

Real Name: Bethany Susan Constantinou

Age: 50

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'9

Weight: 160

Alignment: Face

Nationality: North American (is of Greek descent)

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Entrance Music:
Ring Attire
Bunny Attire
Gym Attire
Promotional Shots
Lady Constantine is a vain sort, more than she'd be willing to admit. Not to the extent that it makes her insufferable, but it's clear that she likes to be the center of attention. The spotlight is a secondary home to her, being where she's the most at ease outside of when she's with her family. She's a loving mother of two boys and a doting grandmother, which happens to be another source of pride for her: As her fans across the globe are always willing to tell her, she's still got it.

And there have been a number of them over the years who have gotten to get a better look at what she's got, up close and personal. She has a particular liking for the younger amongst them, citing their energy in bed as a big part of the reason why she's still so youthful today.

A descendent of a family that has an extended history in showbusiness, Constantine is a natural at working a crowd, be it through what she does in the ring or says on the mic.
Bethany Susan Constantinou was born into a wealthy family with a long, expansive history in showbusiness. Movies, television, music, dance, martial arts...The list goes on. In the case of her father, it was magic shows. Her mother? The circus. She was trained to potentially continue their crafts and enjoyed it as a child, but by the time she was about to leave her teens, she wanted to explore another form of entertainment: Professional wrestling. Having seen her wowed by the highflyers of the era, her parents arranged to have her trained by El Dragon Rojo, a legend in full-contact Lucha Libre.

After he'd instilled all the knowledge that he had to pass on, Bethany would travel to the United Kingdom to get her start in the aptly named United Full-Contact Wrestling, an up and coming promotion that was the first in the country to host unscripted intergender matches to accompany the Men's and Women's divisions. She would enjoy much success in this new Mixed division, due in equal parts to her talent and her physical charms, with many of the men being too distracted by her showy outfits to keep up with her speed and high flying antics. In time, she would even become a champion, but her true ability was a subject of contention in the locker room, mainly amongst the other women. It was about an even split, with one camp believing that she was truly a top tier competitor and a worthy champion and the other believing that she was only at the top of that division because of sex appeal and/or straight-up sex behind the scenes.

There were unofficial sexfighting gatherings that were arranged by a group of the wrestlers between shows as a fun way of building camaraderie and letting off steam. While Bethany herself was also a participant, she didn't pull any "favors" to get ahead. And to prove this, she went after the women's title, which at the time was held by another upstart who quickly proved to be even more controversial than she was: Angela Belti, La Donna Perfetta. She was the largest woman on the roster by far, and one of the most powerful. And with that strength, she bulldozed her way to the Women's title. Much to the dissatisfaction of the other women in the locker room, who viewed her as an outsider.

With half of them having dismissed her as a talentless bimbo, Bethany found that whole ordeal to be entertaining, seeing a possible new friend in her. That is, until she discovered that Angela and Oscar Kelly, the champion of the Men's division and her then fiance, were having an affair. Her pursuit of the title promptly became a mission of vengeance.

But it wasn't to be. In fact, Bethany would never even get to see a match that had it on the line. After a confrontation backstage turned violent, UFCW management arranged for the two to first square off in a non-title contest. At its peak, Angela would lift her up for a Last Dance right through the announcer table. The angle of her landing made it too much for her neck to endure, so it ended up being a very apt name for the move.

After hours of surgery and scans, Bethany would be told two things: That she could never wrestle again, and that she was pregnant with twins. Mortifying news on both accounts, the latter because she knew that Oscar was the father. In her fury, she considered terminating the pregnancy just to spite him. They'd had long conversations about starting a family together, with him being the one to convince her when she wasn't too keen on the idea in the beginning.

She'd do him the way he'd done her: Do the deed behind his back, and when he finds out, offer an apology that's less than worthless. Say something about how it "just happened" and how sorry she was. How she didn't mean for things to go the way they did; that the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him.

And she almost went through with it. But on the day of the operation, she realized: She just couldn't. She couldn't do it and be able to live with herself afterwards. She felt a deep shame at herself for having those thoughts, and an even deeper acrimony towards Oscar for his part in putting her in that situation. Matthaios and Adonis would be born, and they would be loved. But as their newly chosen names hinted -- being fully Greek when Oscar was English -- Bethany intended to do everything in her power to keep him away from her children.

And her wealth afforded her a lot of power. Oscar fought long and hard in court, but in the end, Bethany would be awarded sole custody of the boys, raising them with the help of her family. And what's more, she still had her mobility, so when they were a little older, she started following in her father's footsteps to perform magic shows under the stage name "Lady Constantine", eventually becoming popular enough to have her own television show: "Lady Constantine: Believe". It had a five year run, and she would go on to do other events and specials after its finale.

She enjoyed her performances and was happy with her life, but still felt that something was missing from it. Her forced retirement from wrestling had left a void that no amount of private sparring with the friends she'd made in the business could fill. When Matthaios became a teenager, he joined his school's wrestling team and took classes in the arts of Sambo and Boxing, showing an interest in combat sports. To her great joy, this included full-contact professional wrestling, which she gladly passed on her knowledge of. He explored a few different things first: Amateur wrestling and Sambo tournaments, some amateur boxing, and a little bit of MMA.

Matthaios was able to see that passion for professional wrestling that still burned inside, and in comparing the way she was moving now while teaching him how to get things done in the squared circle to the matches she'd fought in her youth, it was like she'd hardly missed a step. He suggested that she set up an appointment with another physician to get a second opinion on that forced retirement, which she refused, afraid of being told that her neck was still going to keep her away from wrestling. The idea of having that talk a second time was too much to bear.

Matthaios and Adonis would contact one in secret and arrange a house call, literally holding her shaking hands through the tests he ran. After reviewing the results, it would be determined, after a long twenty-three years, that she was fit to compete in a ring again. Ecstatic, she immediately started training and training hard, forming a new style as her son joined in on her endeavor and taught her the ways of Boxing and Freestyle Sambo. She hired luchadores to help her touch up on her old skills and teach her some new tricks. She also learned from power-focused wrestlers, paying special attention to those lessons in particular.

Angela was still out there in the wrestling world, making infrequent appearances here and there around the world. And Bethany, deciding to compete under her stage name, intended to put out feelers to keep her informed of when and where she'd pop up next. It would take some time, but she would have her destination: LAW.

They will be meeting again. And when they do, things will go very differently.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Softcore (with the exception of Wet and Messy matches)

Lady Constantine's style is a grappling-heavy hybrid of Lucha Libre, powerhouse wrestling, and Freestyle Sambo, with a bit of MMA-specified boxing thrown in to help her get in range. She's a nightmare of the wrestler who's neglected their grappling, not only possessing a solid defense against strikes, but also being quick and slippery, with explosive movements that can get her inside fast. And once she's inside, she's damn hard to shake off, being strong enough to throw Heavyweights around, technically sound, and possessing the dexterity and sleight of hand that one needs to make it as a magician.

Her library of takedowns, throws, and holds, both standing and on the ground is well-stocked, but she likes to prioritize big slams. The ones that shake the ground with the seismic force to reach out and pop the fans out of their seats. And while the opponent is down and out from those, she'll take to the skies with the same ease she had in her youth. And indeed, when she's not slamming them through the mat, she's bringing them down with impressive athletics.

Constantine also has a wide assortment of wands, powders, and other items that can literally fire up opponents, put them to sleep, make them susceptible to hypnosis, act as light aphrodisiacs, and other effects, although she tends to save those for the opponents who flout the rules themselves.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "Sex magic is a more private practice for me."
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Picture Perfect Moonsault

Tends to combo into the 450 Elbow Drop or Buckshot Lariat.
Leapfrog Dropkick

Sees the most use as a defensive move, when an opponent is rushing her when she's either on the top rope or the apron.
Power Lift Dropkick

Is commonly used to set up diving maneuvers.
Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors/Knee Drop/Tombstone Piledriver
The move begins as so...

And remains at Signature Move strength when left at that. Constantine may also maneuver about in a way that would bring her knee down onto her falling opponent's face, turning it into the Tilt-a-Whirl Knee Drop, a Finishing Move.

Another way she could go is whirling into a Tombstone Piledriver, in which case this becomes a Critical Finishing Move.
Ushiro Goshi
Harai Makikomi
Finishing Moves
Moonsault Fallway Slam

Can either be done in pursuit of an opponent who is already on the turnbuckle, or with Constantine starting it off with them in her arms; she has both the power and the balance to both carry them and step up onto the ropes to set it up. Becomes a Critical Finishing Move when performed off of the top rope.
450 Elbow Drop
Buckshot Lariat
Grizzly Bear Hug
Powerbomb Symphony

This may be used in tandem with the Grizzly Bear Hug, a combination that holds Critical Finisher-level strength.
Critical Finishing Moves
One Woman Four Post Massacre
The One Woman Four Post Massacre sees Lady Constantine hitting a Senton Bomb...

Keeping the momentum going into a Picture Perfect Moonsault...

Going into a Frog Splash...

And finishing with the 450 Elbow Drop. One move per ringpost.

Jennifer Hale as Black Cat


- Matthaious Constantine (Son)





- Angela Belti

Last edited by DSX93 on Thu May 23, 2024 5:47 am, edited 10 times in total.
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