(Mixed) Crimson Spring (紅春)

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(Mixed) Crimson Spring (紅春)

Unread post by Aifumi »


Detailed Profile
Real Name: Haruka Miyazaki (宮崎 遥)
Nicknames: Haru, Haru-chan, Spring, Redhead
Age: 25
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Red
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Weight: 55kg (121lbs)
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:

A slim, not too curvy figure, with 32D cup of breasts and quite tall for an Asian girl. Has a really smooth and long red hair, reaching her waist if untied into a ponytail. Golden-Yellow eyes, smooth and glistening skin, if she sweats. Usually wears a red one piece swimsuit with exposed sides, elbow pads, fingerless gloves, knee pads and boots.

Serious in the ring, but is really good in terms of sportsmanship. Will always help her opponent out if they're having trouble or facing injury. She thinks of her opponent as her equal, no matter who they are. But if she loses, gets humiliated and wants to get a revenge, she will give no mercy if she wins. Outside of the ring, she's a sweetheart and a gentle person, observant about how others are feeling.
7 years ago
Emotionless. Will never engage in a conversation with anyone. Bruises will always be visible on her skin. No sympathy and sportsmanship and ruthless towards her opponent. Will humiliate and break her opponent for the sake of herself and win streaks.

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Because of her figure, she needs to use her agility as an advantage. Instead of locking up or testing strength, she will wait for her opponent to make a move to avoid and counter with a strike. Strikes and throws works the best for her, since she's not big enough to be able to grapple for a long period. Sometimes, she will lip-lock with her opponent to distract them from the match and will try to use an advantage out of it. Until she manage to wear out her opponent with enough strikes, she will attempt for submission holds. She likes to use turnbuckles as well if her opponent takes their time to stand up.

Style: Brawler. Prioritize striking and throws, to wear her opponent down.
Type: The one who would use her fists and legs as long as they're free.

Preferred Attacks: Dropkick, Superkick, Clothesline, Cutter, Splash Body Press, Leg Drop
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hentai, No holds barred, POW, Smother, Bed/Bedroom, Apartment, Beach, Oil
Attitude To Hentai: *blushes as she holds up a tiara labelled "Queen of Kabukicho's Battle Fuck Arena" awarded by the Miyazaki Family from Sumiyoshi Clan*

General Statistics
Endurance ★★★
Strength ★★★
Speed ★★★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★
Submissions ★★★
Powerhouse ★★
Aerials ★★★★★
Counters ★★★

Signature Moves
Crimson Bullet: A corner dropkick. Charges on an opponent lying on the turnbuckles, diving and kicking their chest mid air. Can be countered by grabbing her feet fast enough (if opponent's agility is as equal or more than her)
(Hentai) Crimson Backbreaker: As the name states, Haruka would get a hold of her opponent to smash their spine with her knees. She then would use this opportunity to finger (handjob for male/futa wrestlers) and pinch their nipples.
Visualization (NSFW)
Finishing Moves
Crimson Missile: After a successful Crimson Bullet, if her opponents knocks back and falls to the ground face first, she would climb the turnbuckle and launches into an aerial dropkick
(Hentai) Crimson's Bliss: A sexual assault that involves Haruka slipping under her opponent to grab hold of them by their breasts and genitals, while she starts doing her job.
Visualization (NSFW)
TRIGGER WARNING: Deaths, Extreme Gangsterism, Kidnapping, Public Humiliation, Rape (CNC)
TRIGGER WARNING: Deaths, Extreme Gangsterism, Kidnapping, Public Humiliation, Rape (CNC)
Haruka was born without a father, As her mother wouldn't tell her whereabouts and what happened. When she was 5 years old, she was kidnapped by a group of Yakuza, which causes her mother to be injured badly and sent to the ward. She realized that her father was a Yakuza leader, who officially divorced her mother, which leads to her thinking that her mother was killed by her father and his men. Even though she grew up like a normal kid, attending schools and much more, She was forced to take part in an illegal underground fighting arena, where they train kids her age to workout and practice until they're strong enough to enter the ring. In the meanwhile, she unwillingly learned wrestling, boxing, and karate at the same time, but wrestling was what she was really good at. She kept a really good record, winning a lot of matches against others as well. Though if she refuses to work together, she'll be punished and tortured. By the time she was 18, they moved her into a branch that was lewder than before. She was forced to wrestle naked, and receives a rape threat or punishment if she loses. But she kept a really good record and won every single match throughout her time she was there. She was crowned the "The Queen of Kabukicho's Battle Fuck Arena" but she was never proud of that title. It brought her shame as her persona was spread around Tokyo, as her matches were recorded and uploaded into a porn site. After graduating, she could never walk out on the streets without being recognized as a 'pornstar'. Every night, she would cry on her bed, wishing for a better life.

One day, A group of forces that seemed like the FBI, raided the underground place, securing everything that was available. Every Yakuza member that tried to fight back using their firearms was shot precisely on the head, making tons of them drop dead, creating a pile of corpses. The FBI would soon reach her father's office, where she was inside, 'servicing' her father who wasn't alerted by the raid at all. He flinches the moment that his doors were knocked down, trying to grab a firearm, only to realize that a piece of bullet had already gone through his head. Everything was done silently by the FBI, to eliminate every Yakuza member that corrupts Japan. Haruka witnessed her own father's death in front of her eyes, but instead of remorse, she felt happy, glad that she had finally achieved the freedom that she had always wanted. The FBI secured her and brought other "fighters" as well, bringing them to a nearby hospital. While she was in the ward, she was visited by her mom, whom she had never seen for years. Sitting next to her was a middle aged man, his new father, as she got remarried once again, and had a brother, Haruto. They embraced each other warmly, tears flowing on their cheeks as they realize all these years of torture had finally been over. Haruka was taken in once again into the family and they moved out to a rural place in Osaka, where she started working part time as a barista, and a wrestling coach.

One day, she gets an invitation to try out and debut in a promotion called LAW. It's quite popular world wide, as she grew up watching the televised shows and matches back when she was a kid. Though it reminded of her bitter past, since everything that she does until this point was unwillingly done, even though she had the talents for it. Eventually, she accepts the offer, ready to prove that she's not what probably Japan had knew her for years and she will fix her image and reputation, by taking this opportunity.

Ruri Ayase - Platonic Relationship, Friend

Casual Outfit
Wrestling Outfit
Private Settings (Apartment, Bedroom)
Beach, Oil, Pool
Nude (NSFW)
"You did your best alright? That's all that matters~"
Match History

Current Record: 0-0-2
Debut Match: Crimson Spring vs Mandalay the Pussycat (Standard)
Crimson Spring vs Sea Turtle (Standard)
Haruka Miyazaki vs Quetzalcoatl (Bedroom Smother)
A refreshing post match interaction
Mixed Division Debut:Crimson Spring vs Tsubasa (Hentai)
Haruka Miyazaki vs Yomi Thyme (Hentai Submission)
Haruka Miyazaki vs Ren Akery (Beach Hentai)
Crimson Spring vs The Graceful Undead (Standard)
Haruka & Ruri vs The Goddesses of Justice (Bedroom Smother)
Haruka & Ruri vs Cheyenne Black Rock (Bedroom Smother)
Last edited by Aifumi on Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:35 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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