(Mixed) Stacy "Burnout" Bloom

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(Mixed) Stacy "Burnout" Bloom

Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Stacy Bloom

Real Name: Stacy Hunt

Age: 23

Hair Color: Brown (Dyes it a whitish blue)

Eye Color: Brown and Green (Heterochromatic)

Height: 5’8

Weight: 156

Alignment: Face

Nationality: North American

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Entrance Music:
Appearance: She looks pretty much just like the picture below, only without the 4/20 tattoo on her neck. Underneath her clothing is a very well-toned athletic physique.
Stacy is a simple girl who likes wrestling, MMA, good food, good sex, and even better weed. Due to her regular consumption of the latter, she spends a lot of time with her head in the clouds, making for an often odd, but never boring time.
A definite Work In Progress, more so than any of my other bios. Expect potentially major changes, but this is the gist of it.
A cousin of Alexis and Gloria Kildahl, related through their oldest aunt on their mother's side. Stacy Hunt is an only child who grew up with a deep interest in wrestling, as is to be expected in a wrestling family. While she stayed out of the twins' competition, she would train alongside them in the art, developing a well-rounded style that would provide the amazons quite a challenge during their sparring sessions.

Stacy wouldn't make her debut as early as they did, however, owing to a mixture of teenage rebellion (mainly against her father) and a knee injury that she suffered. There was no permanent damage, nothing that would hamper her ability to wrestle. But while she recovered, her boyfriend at the time would introduce her to weed after she'd made a complaint about the pain, starting her on the path to becoming the stoner she is today.

One day, however, her father would return home to catch the two of the under the influence and chase him out of their home, leading to an argument that started between him and Stacy and transferred from her to her mother, who allowed it and watched over them to make sure that things didn't go too far. Things were said that drove a huge wedge between the father and daughter, keeping the latter from the wrestling world for years; she still loved professional wrestling and continued her training, but would never take that next step just to spite him, knowing that her refusal to continue her parents' legacy in the business would cut into him.

The two would later reconcile, and Stacy would find herself unable to remain with a foot just outside the door to the world of professional wrestling forever. However, when she signed a contract with the LAW, it would be under the name of "Bloom", rather than "Hunt". An intentional move on her part because she still wasn't getting into it in order to chase titles and accolades, or to stand at the top of the mountain. Instead, she would be wrestling purely for her own enjoyment.
Preferred Matches: Standard or Hentai, but will often stumble into all kinds of matches

Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: “I dunno, bro. Never got down with people watching before. Oh wait, yes I did. There was that one time with the Cheese Whiz. And the one with the banana. (Chuckles at the memory) Yeah. I’ll try it out.”
Signature Moves
Finishing Moves
Critical Finishing Moves
Voice: Ashley Albert as Tiffany Blum-Deckler
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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