Elma Jankowski
”Poland has not yet perished, and neither have I!”
Profile[/size]Real Name: Elma Jankowski
Age: 32
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Blonde
Weight:175 lbs
Nationality: Poland
Alignment: True Neutral
Entrance Music:
Elma is a decent looking bulk of a woman with her dark blonde hair in a bun. She is showing very slight signs of aging
Elma can be fun loving when she wants too, but, most of the time she just wants to wrestle. She has great pride in her homeland of Poland, whom she dedicates every match to.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Straightforward and powerful moves are the name of the game for Elma. Nothing too fancy, simple is what works best for Elma
Style: Powerhouse
Type: Submission
Preferred Attacks: Every move that requires strength
Preferred Matches: Any
Attitude To Hentai: “No thanks”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★ –Average endurance
Strength ★★★★ –Pure strength is the name of the game
Speed ★ –Her weakness. She is not fast.
Defence ★★★ –Unremarkably average
Technique ★ –Nothing particularly fancy
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★ –Hits for power.
Submissions ★★★★ –Her specialty
Powerhouse ★★★★- A powerhouse.
Aerials ★ –Just not her thing
Counters ★★★ –Pretty average
Match Ending Moves
Signature Move
Polish Rifle: Spear
Finishing Move
Polish Sunrise: Camel clutch.
Born to a well-to-do family in Warsaw, Poland. Elma had a decent childhood, nothing out of the ordinary, but, her parents, especially her mother, liked to play-wrestle a lot. Little Elma didn’t think too much of it, seeing it as simple horseplay. Little did she know it at the time, but her parents harbored a secret…
When she hit puberty, like most girls do, her parents noticed an unusual change in their daughter: She grew big, really big, taller than her parents.. When she turned 18, they decided to let her in on their secret: they ran an underground wrestling league, and they felt with her natural born strength, she could be the next champion. Sure enough, she did.
However, it soon became apparent that because of this big secret, Elma felt that she couldn’t trust her parents anymore, so she left them high and dry for a more normal life. However, wrestling never truly left her…
One day, while flipping through channels on TV, she happened to fall on a wrestling show. They soon began talking about how there hardly any Polish wrestlers and someone else made the comment that maybe the Poles were too weak to be wrestlers, given the country’s history. This steamed Elma, who quickly joined if only to hut those two up. After about a year, she was that feds champion, earning the nickname "The Last Hussar". Still Elma wanted more…
“More” came in the form of another federation, called LAW. Hoping to showcase her skills and her homeland, she quickly accepted. Poland had not yet perished, and neither had Elma!
Loss vs. Tina Meyer
Random Facts
-She is bisexual, though this hardly ever comes up
-This is an off-shoot of my old “Katrina Andrews” character.
-...Can you tell I really like Sabaton?
Ring Attire: