Arla Adams
”I Ragnarock the house!
Profile[/size]Name: Arla Adams
Age: 22
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Weight:135 lbs
Nationality: Finland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Entrance Music:
Arla certainly can’t deny her nationality, as she definitely looks like the prize daughter of a Viking king. With blonde hair, blue eyes, and a stunning figure. Arla certainly is a Nordic original.
Arla would be labeled as a “girl-next-door” type. Kind, sweet, and a rather gentle soul, some might make the mistake her kindness for weakness, but when pushed too far, her Viking DNA comes shining through, and becomes nearly unbeatable.
Wrestling Information
Strategy:Though she considers herself a technical wrestler, Arla is a lot stronger than her frame would indicate, she is very capable of power moves, like suplexes and slams.
Style: Technical
Type: All-rounder
Preferred Attacks: Any kind of grappling.
Preferred Matches: Any
Attitude To Hentai: “Think you can conquer a Viking Princess? Go for it!”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★–Above average endurance
Strength ★★★★ –A lot stronger than you’d think.
Speed ★★★ –Average.
Defence ★★ –An “all in” type competitor
Technique ★★★ –A technical grappler
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★ –Hits for contact,.
Submissions ★★★ –Not bad
Powerhouse ★★★- Stronger then you’d think
Aerials ★ –Will go airborne if need be, but will probably stay grounded
Counters ★★ –Below average.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Move
Valhalla’s Call: butterfly DDT
Finishing Move
The Finnish-er: Muscle buster
Born in a small village in Finland, Arla often pretended to be a princess when she was young, her subjects were the various animals that roamed the countryside. Her parents, figuring that it’s just a girl being a girl, thought nothing of it.
After high school, she decided to study abroad in the United States. There, something interesting happened. She noticed she got a lot of attention, especially from guys, and more than a fair amount of females. So much so, that she decided to move to the US when her college days were up.
Sure enough, after graduating, she moved to the USA, where she became a fixture at a local gym in Charlotte, North Carolina. One seemingly unassuming day, a guy walked in and asked that Arla crush his head in her thighs. Arla wanted to beat this guy senseless, but, than he produced $2000 in cash. Apparently, he was a wealthy business man. Arla shrugged and obliged, the poor man didn’t last ten minutes before passing out.
Arla soon realized that this was a legit career path, taking advantage of horny men and women in a sport apparently called “wrestling” She had some legitimate matches, but mostly she had the horny males wanting to get squashed. Eventually, her exploits were noticed by LAW, who offered her a lucrative deal. Arla, smelling a bigger paycheck, quickly accepted. The Viking Princess and just come ashore.
Random Facts
-This was meant to be Agnes Adolphus' replacement, this idea has since been rendered obsolete.
-She wanted a “superheroine” vibe to her costume, so that’s why she’s dressed like that
-She always wanted to stinkface a guy.
Ring Attire: