Nickname: The Genocide Syo/Genocide Jack/Genocide Jill/The Genocide Show
Age: 19
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray for Toko, Red for Syo
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 164 cm/5' 4''
Weight: 47 kg/104 lbs
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Outfit/Hentai:
Syo being a tease
Personality: Toko is intellectually gifted, yet she has problems in social behavior. It's been stated that she either never learned or never bothered to learn social skills. She even considers herself a 'gloomy outcast', often deciding to distance herself from others. While Genocide Jack is very loud and outgoing despite being a bloodthirsty and potentially very dangerous
History: At the hospital where Toko was born, a baby born at the same time died in a medical accident. It was unclear which mother's child was the dead baby. Both mothers refused to test their blood, as they both wanted their child to die. Around the child's accidental death, it became clear that the two women slept with the same man.
Toko lived with one father and two mothers. Though the circumstances are a bit unclear, it's been confirmed that she was mistreated as a child. She was once locked into a closet and forced to stay there for three days without food. This traumatic experience resulted in her developing a pathological fear of the dark. She experienced severe psychological pressure and at some point turned to novels for comfort, but her negative feelings were too strong. This childhood trauma caused Genocide Jack to split off. Jack beat several young men to near death; the people on the Internet, unaware of her gender, started to call her Genocide Jack. Toko blamed her mothers for Genocide Jack's creation. On top of it all, Toko didn't have friends and was bullied in school.
After her graduation she decide to join LAW because of Jack's dangerous personality, in order to satisfy her, she sometime had to let Jack out and let her...blew out some steam...which is the only reason that she join LAWg[/img][/spoiler]