Nickname(s): Platinum, Trinity
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Entrance Music: "All the Things She Said" by t.A.T.u
Nationality: Japanese
Fighting Style: Mika loves to fly through the air, take risks and go for dazzling spots to leave an impression. And that is all reflected on her style, as she uses her natural speed & agility to run around the ring and perform many high flying moves such as tornado DDTs, springboard elbows, diving dropkicks and so fourth. Though in spite of this, she is not merely just that; as she also works in submissions and strikes along with her moves as she favors to ground her opponent and maintain leverage advantage at all times if she can afford to. Her style is typically clean, as she is an honorable competitor, at times it can suddenly shift to a more aggressive and dirty one with stiffer strikes, hair pulling, wedgies and whatever else she can to get the advantage.
-Preferred Matches: Surprisingly is a fan of hardcore matches, ones that involve a lot of weapons which she has creative uses for and as in her own words allow for "plenty of chances for a show stopping spot!"
Finishing Move/s:
-Blockbuster Impact (Shooting Star Press)



-Attitude Towards Hentai: "W-what? Do I have to really do that? I-I guess if Platinum has to..."
"Of course. These skanks here are too eager to appeal to these perverts here. Whatever Trinity will still kick their butts!"
History: Growing up the daughter of a successful cooperate executive and real estate agent had its perks. Mika grew up in a privileged upbringing where money has never been an issue, but because of that her parents were never around very much and often too busy to give her any time of day. This combined with the private school they sent her to not having constant bullies at her back led to a very broken personal life she tried to mask with a happy go lucky nature. She found in the escape in the form of wrestling on television, which she became obsessive over as she desired to be a big star in the business and turned to it to provide any joy in her life. Developing the alter ego "Platinum" she play wrestled herself while watching to practice moves and high spots but without a true companion or friend who shared her interest it quickly reminded her of just how alone she was. So she made one, creating a heel alter ego named "Trinity" to act as a foil to Platinum which she became so obsessed with and into character it became its own split personality giving her that "friend" she never had. Even if that friend represented her bottled up negative traits. Upon graduation Mika saw a flier for L.A.W. and knew she had to give it a shot and looks to become that star she dreamed of as a kid.
Ring Attire



Match History
1. Yang Xiao Long (Standard Match): Ongoing
2. Lindsay Queen (Standard Match): Concluded
Mika wins with a sleeper hold knockout
Mika wins via Pinfall with the Blockbuster Impact
5. Linda de Jong (Standard Match): Ongoing
Record: 2-0
Projected Record: 4-1
Miscellaneous Events
1. Mika Matsuda (Mika aims to get a good workout in at the gym as a new arrival to the L.A.W. roster when she encounters another Mika who arrives to make for an interesting exchange): Ongoing