Titus Sinclaire
"The Beast Tamer"
ProfileReal Name: Lubanzi Bah.
Nicknames: The Savage Hunter
Age: 35
Eyes: Navy Blue
Hair: Deep Blue.
Height: 6'6
Weight: 270lbs
Nationality: African
Entrance Music:
"Welcome to the Jungle" By Guns N Roses.
Carved out of granite from decades of hunting in the wild, Titus boasts a colossal figure with pounds of reinforced muscle. Towering over almost anyone who dares to challenge his wrestling prowess, The Beast Tamer perpetually conveys a stoic strength that most tremble in the presence of.
While exceedingly terrifying due to his unnatural stature, Titus has a rather calm and collected demeanor in the presence of most, giving the impression that he is in a constant state of contemplation. Once someone takes the time and effort to push past his exterior, they will be pleasantly surprised with how profound and cultured the quiet might really is./size]
Wrestling Information
Strategy: If it wasn't obvious enough, Titus relies on his gargantuan frame to overwhelm anything and everything in his path. However, he has attained enough knowledge of the fundamentals of wrestling to be considered a menace on the floor. While most of his matches don't last too long, Titus has plenty of tricks up his sleeve if things ever become too dicey.
Style: Strong Style
Type: Brute Force
Preferred Matches: Tests of his mettle.
Attitude To Hentai: "Hmm...I never shy away from something new."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★- Possesses the natural durability to outlast most.
Strength ★★★★- Is seldom outmatched in terms of raw power
Speed ★★★★- Can make lightweights seem torpid.
Defense ★★★★- A walking wall, Titus is an impenetrable force.
Technique ★★★★- Has honed his unique style for years.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★- Can leave lasting souvenirs on his opposition.
Submissions ★★★- Knows how to bend and twist bodies in incorrect ways.
Powerhouse ★★★★★- Can easily lift two, potentially three individuals with hardly any strain.
Aerials ★★★- Rarely attempts anything too flouncy, but can navigate well in the air.
Counters ★★- Severely lacking in this category, Titus almost never needs to reverse for control.
Match Ending Moves
"The Call of the wild" Titus bends his foe across his knee, stretching their spine out while simultaneously violating their privacy.

Finishing Moves
"The Savannah Sunrise" Titus climbs onto the middle rope, executing a burning hammer on his unsuspecting foe.

A Lion's Pride
Raised amongst his tribe of savage hunters, Titus was certainly no stranger to skulking the plains and fighting for every meal. By the time he had reached adulthood, his body had become immense with rippling muscles, a testament to his lifelong endeavor of fighting to survive. Fortuitously enough, he would eventually cross paths with Agatha Svensson while tracking a particularly foul beast to its lair. After reveling in the spoils of their victory over it, she wended him into giving wrestling a try. After befriending Jess in record time, he was given a flashy ensemble and introduced to an entirely new world to conquer.
Friends: Agatha and Jess.
Record- 0/0/0
Fun fact: While not surveying the landscape or slamming someone between the ropes, Titus fancies himself a spot in the kitchen. His cooking skills rival that of Jess, who typically keeps him close by, strictly for apprentice reasons only.