Leon La Rouge - Sneering Joker

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Leon La Rouge - Sneering Joker

Unread post by Deus001 »

Name: Leon La Rouge
Sex: Male
Age: 10th November 1996
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Height: 5'9
Weight: 180lbs
Nationality: French/Chinese
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Entrance music: Jim Johnston: Miracle
Alternate Theme: King Of Fighters XIII OST - The Second Joker

Strategy: Leon likes to have fun, that's all that matters. He tends to favor flashy and grand moves, often ones that wow the crowd. Aside from that what's also important to him is his personal fun, he likes to tease and crack jokes at his opponent. Usually getting into their head with trash talk, and also the odd hentai move if he's facing a female.

Type: Martial Artist/High Flyer (Uses Savate as his martial art of choice alongside with his parkour training)

Preferred Attacks: Kicks, leg drops, dropkicks, elbows, anything that counts as a strike.

Preferred Matches: Standard or KO

Strengths: Great speed and striking ability.
Weaknesses: Can have a hard time with submissions, not good with those.

Endurance: 4/5 - You might think Leon wouldn't last long, but his wiry body and training grants him exceptional endurance.
Strength: 3/5 - About average, Leon doesn't tend to do much heavy lifting.
Speed: 5/5 - Thanks to his parkour background there can be few who can outrun Leon
Defense: 2/5 - Where he tends to falter, Leon tries to avoid pitched battles
Technique: 4/5 - A fun loving guy needs to know lots of ways to have it, and Leon has a lot of ways.

Strikes: 5/5 - Leon's main forte
Submissions: 2/5 - He prefers not to use submissions, although he knows a couple if he has to go for it.
Powerhouse: 2/5 - Won't really try to outlift his foes, but he can beat women who are smaller or lighter than him.
Aerial: 5/5 - Leon's second tool, expect to see him in the air often.
Counters: 3/5 - Can handle turning aside strikes, grapples maybe depending on the situation.

Finishing moves:

Pluviose (Leon rushes to the ropes, and leaps right off the middle one with the intent to deliver a swift foot right into the jaw of his standing opponent. If he connects Leon usually ends up standing above his foe, whereupon he will give a bow to the crowd and then do a legdrop on his foe.)

Crimson Splash (A shooting star splash from off the top rope)

Le Potence - The Gallows (Leon sprints up to his opponent and then proceeds to backflip off of them, hopefully to the low rope turnbuckle. After Leon finishes his backflip he then sprints to his downed opponent and grabs the top ropes with both hands, using his feet to bounce off the low rope. After hanging upside down on the top rope for about a second Leon brings his legs down, plowing into his opponent's chest.)

Having a laugh at someone's expense
Nah nah nan na!
Winter attire
Alternate attire
Parkour attire
Personality: Joker, prankster, troll, fun lover. These words can sum up Leon rather well, he's often looking for a way to get a good laugh out of something. Leon gets bored easily so he constantly looks for new things to entertain himself, like pranking another wrestler and then wrecking them in the ring.

Or by making new friends using that natural French charm, and then enjoying the fun times that then ensue. Mr La Rouge's Father was a French diplomat after all, so Leon is perfectly capable of being a gentleman. And indeed towards women he's quite happy to just sit down and be polite with them, smart girls are even more likely to earn his interest.

People can assume given his looks that's he's all talk and no walk, but make no mistake. Leon knows how to kick teeth in, and with a smile. Always with a smile, and a little wave goodbye soon after. He also enjoys doing the odd prank on his Sister Xiao, but if she is in danger then he will rush swiftly to her side. Also although he doesn't mind doing pranks on people, he has his limits. For one no mocking of disabilities.

Past: Leon and his Sister Xiao were the children of a French diplomat who had fallen in love with a Chinese actress and model. She gave birth to Leon first, with Xiao being born a year later. Growing up Leon had the best education money could buy, and exposure to other cultures through his Mother.

However Leon grew up preferring his Father's home country, and embraced it while keeping the Chinese aspects to a minimum. Rather than learn kenpo as his Mother suggested, Leon instead took up the sport of Savate as a kid. With his natural agility the young man was quite good at it, it certainly helped against the odd bully here and there. Considering Leon's predilection for pranks he managed to get himself into some trouble to be sure, although it didn't last long considering his skills.

As Leon grew from mid teens to late teens he realised that he had become bored with Savate, and sought something else. He took to parkour, and adapted quickly to it. The mansion where he stayed at became one giant playground to him, much to the dismay of the staff working there. After managing to finish high school Leon looked for things to occupy his time, his Father wanted him to become a diplomat for France like him.

But Leon being the troll that he was didn't find that too appealing to be honest, after all his playful nature could be seen as offending. And Leon didn't want to go down in history as someone who sparked a war keg, so he sought out something overseas. He had heard about LAW through the internet, and watched the matches that occurred there. It all seemed so new, so exciting.

A small smirk appeared on his lips, maybe now he could find things that could keep him amused.

Last edited by Deus001 on Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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