Sex: Male
Birthday: 19th April 1996
Eyes: Blue but wears red contacts often
Hair: Sunny blonde
Height: 6'0
Weight: 210 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Entrance music: FE Three Houses OST - Indomitable Will (Thunder)
Alternate Theme: Soul Calibur 2 OST - Confrontation
Wrestling Information
Style: Powerhouse/Grappler (Uses wrestling moves taught by his Mother and combined with classic wrestling moves)
Preferred Matches: Standard, Submission, I Quit, No DQ, Tag
Strengths: Can tank hits and give them back in kind
Weakness: Agile opponents who are hard to hit can give him a bit of bother
Endurance: 5/5 = His moniker isn't for show, Ryan can go the distance with the best of them and have fuel left.
Strength: 5/5 = Ryan shows a good amount of power thanks to his hieght, he also follows a very healthy diet as well.
Speed: 3/5 = Tall and slim Ryan can be rather nimble if he needs to be, it comes in handy against smaller opponents.
Defense: 2/5 = Ryan can deflect some moves but he's better at taking the hits than blocking them.
Technique: 3/5 = Ryan relies mainly on classical pro wrestling moves, there's not much else to his arsenal.
Strikes: 3/5 - Ryan is a master at the art of fencing, so he views his fists as swords and can excel in precise strikes.
Submissions: 4/5 - He can be quite good at this, he knows the human anatomy so he knows how to put the hurt on
Powerhouse: 5/5 - If it's human and heavier than him, there's a high chance he can lift them
Aerial: 2/5 - Ryan won't often go high flying, not after that one match he had in China. But he can do some good moves here in a pinch
Counters: 3/5 - He can dodge most strikes, some submissions and grapples too.
Signature Moves
Example Setter: German suplex followed by powerbomb into double leg boston crab.
Paragon Spinner: Giant Swing done with the crowd chanting the number of spins done, his record is 9 so far
Finishing moves: Acta Est Fabula ("The performance is over") (Twisting flipping over the shoulder leg hook belly-to-back suplex)
Ryan stands at the side of the opponent from behind. Ryan then overhooks his near arm around the opponent's and bends over. In doing so, he uses his free arm to hook the opponent's near leg over the back of his neck. He then lifts the victim by their standing leg and falls backwards onto his back as he flips the foe overhead onto their front.
Knightmare (Leg slicer submission.)
Ryan drops his foe so that they lie on their belly, he then inserts one of his legs in the backside of the opponent's leg. Once done so Ryan will flex the leg of his opponent in a way that will put extreme pressure onto the muscles surrounding the fulcrum.
There Can Be Only One: Ryan Irish whips his enemy to the ropes, and then bounces off the opposite ropes. As he rushes at the enemy Mr Knight leaps up and delivers a giant lariat or big boot right at the neck of the enemy.
Personality: Ryan after having suffered many a personal issue had fallen from the once noble state he had been, after dwelling in the darkness for so long he had eventually found the light within himself again. He now fights with honour and determination to prove that he is no longer the black knight he once was.
Ryan still at times feels the dark side he had still pulling at him, but has sworn to not go back to those ways and will prioritise ensuring that he battles in accordance to the rules rather than claiming victory now. Outside of the ring Ryan is more or less the same, conducting himself as a quiet, respectful individual. He'll be somewhat distant if polite when first meeting someone but will open up after prolonged conversation.
History: History: Ryan is the heir apparent to the Knight legacy, a clan in Britain that were renowned for being warriors of the land since ancient times. In the modern day this translates to boxers and pro wrestlers, with him being raised in luxury at the hands of legendary British wrestler Florence Knight. Ryan was a kid that was raised for the most part separated from his fellows at school, already shouldering the burden of greatness that he was soon to have.
His studies were often on the physical aspects with Michelle putting him through the paces of the ring at an early age, before long Florence would bring along Lucy Grange to the mansion. A noted up and comer at the Knight wrestling school to be brought in and raised alongside Ryan.
Once the pair hit their teens they were asked to pick a continent to travel and wrestle on the indie scene there to hone their craft, spinning the massive globe in the mansion library the pair would land on Asia. Their travels took them eventually to LAW whereupon they settled and started to create their own legacies.





Casual Attire:


Crushes: Melony
Matches :
Cobra Bolt via pinfall (IM Match)
Keira Robinson via submission
Loss: Melony via submission