Sampson Obayana

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Sampson Obayana

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »


Name: Sampson "The Raging Bull" Obayana
Age: 28
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 230 lbs
Nationality: American (Nigerian descent)
Alignment: Heel

Personality & Past
Growing up, Sampson was a relatively quiet child, keeping mostly to himself and the people close to him, which left him relatively friend free in school, not that he minded too much. What Sampson really enjoyed was pushing himself physically, multiple sports coming and going as he tried them all out. But nothing really excited him until one day in school, Sampson stepped in between a bully and one of the kids he was picking on, sticking up for him. Despite how large he was, Sampson's quiet demeanor gave the bully a fair deal of confidence that he wouldn't swing back, so without much hesitation, he threw a punch that hit Sampson right in the face! What followed was a one sided beating, wherein Sampson pounded the bully until he could hardly stand! And, strangest of all to Sampson... he felt so ALIVE during it! After that, quickly developed an interest in feeling that same sort of rush again, which led to Sampson beginning to take an interest in combat sports! Boxing and MMA were mildly entertaining for him, but... from when he first saw a wrestling match, there was just something about it that spoke to him. So unbeknownst to friends or family, Sampson decided to jump right into the deep end, and entered himself into an underground wrestling league, a perhaps poor idea, but Sampson was ready to test this feeling he had!

When first arriving, Sampson had zero idea on what he was doing, going off of what he had observed during his time watching wrestling before competing himself! And while he certainly had the size and athleticism, he lacked in technique, and the foes that he did fight were quick to exploit that, Sampson not doing well in his first few matches. Sampson wasn't sure what he expected, but the main thing his underground matches focused on were mixed, and despite his confidence in his size, he was quickly humbled by the women in the ring, teaching him that anyone could be a threat! Still, he continued to feel that lust to fight, to pound others, and slowly, the more he trained, the better he did. He began to use his hulking frame in ways that could crush his opponents, learning how to land hits on them and to take punishment, beginning to do better and better! And as he improved in the ring, there was a noticeable increase in his confidence, Sampson becoming more boastful and talkative, quickly developing a technique to become dominant in the ring! In what seemed like record time, Sampson became a monster in the wrestling ring!

After school finished, Sampson neglected to head to college, despite several athletic and academic scholarship offers, instead beginning to get some real wrestling training as he continued to compete! At this point, he was winning each match in the underground league, and soon enough moved onto indie promotions, building up a veritable reputation of his own, the wrestling world becoming more and more aware of the "Raging Bull!" His time in a league with few rules had turned him into a tank that could take damn near any kind of punishment, and the power and showmanship to draw eyes to him! His domination, humiliation, and mouthing off to his opponents made him quite a sight, and as he got better and better, more and more dominant, his presence finally earned him attention from a top organization, that being LAW! Primarily a women's wrestling organization, Sampson saw no problems with that given his dalliances with mixed wrestling very early on into his career. So now, a weathered veteran, Sampson would make way for Japan, ready to join LAW!


Outside of the ring, Sampson is somewhat polite, though it's clear that he cares little for most things that are brought to his attention, and only really comes alive whenever he's in the ring! When he does feel that rush from wrestling, however, he becomes much more talkative, braggadocios and mocking his opponents often, humiliating them when he can, not really caring how lewd him or his foes get! He's all about proving how dominant he is, and will gladly let others know!


Strategy: Throw, slam, stretch, and smack around foes until they can't hardly defend themselves anymore!

Preferred Attacks: Slams, power moves, submissions.

Preferred Matches: Standard, Submission, Last Man Standing, No DQ, & Hentai

Attitude towards Hentai: "Kick ass and fuck bitches? Sounds like easy money to me."


General Stats
-Endurance: 5/5 - Can take one hell of a beating.
-Strength: 5/5 - Sampson has the incredible strength that you would think a man of his size does.
-Speed: 3/5 - Surprisingly fast for his size.
-Defense: 1/5 - Aside from raising his arms to absorb strikes, little to no defense.
-Technique: 2/5 - Some minor technique, but it's mostly channeled into raw power.

Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 4/5 - If he hits you, it'll hurt.
-Submissions: 4/5 - Thanks to his size, he's able to manhandle his foes into most submissions.
-Power Moves: 5/5 - His main form of offense, he can throw around anyone.
-Aerial Moves: 0/5 - Noooooooooooooooooooope.
-Counters: 1/5 - Has to bank on shaking them off or powering out of whatever he's put in.


Signature Moves



Torture Rack

Texas Cloverleaf

Lifting DDT


Stampede: Sampson will bend his opponent over and flip them up and over him, holding underneath their arms as they are back to back! From there, Sampson throws them into the air before dropping to a seated position while swinging them down, hitting them with a huge powerbomb/razor's edge combo!
The Horns: Sampson grips his foe by the back of their leg with one arm and around the waist with the other before deadlifting them, twisting them around so that their head dangles above the mat, before dropping to a sit and piledriving them, able to hit this move from nearly any position if he gets a good grip on his foe!
Brazen Bull: Sampson traps his foes legs under his arms while on their back, facing their head. From there, he laces his hands under their chin and wrenches back hard! He can even stand up and let them dangle helplessly if he chooses to!


Friends: Nothing yet.

Allies: Nothing yet.

Rivals: Nothing yet.

Enemies: Nothing yet.

Crushes: Nothing yet.
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Wed Nov 06, 2024 7:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

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