Age: 19
Sex: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’9
Weight: 210lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener
Wrestling Style
Danny’s wrestling style, in his own words, is “Fast, Powerful, and Dangerous.” Danny will mainly rely on a mix of strong style strikes and powerful throws to keep the advantage and show off his Burning Spirit!
Raging Dropkick: Throwing his opponent into the corner, Danny will sprint to the opposite corner, before suddenly turning, sprinting back and drop kicking his opponent directly in the face!
Twin Hit Combo: Running forward, Danny will throw a flying knee to the face of his opponent, before turning them around, and following it up with a Snap German Suplex!
Spirit Buster: Placing his opponent’s head between his legs, Danny will then hook their arms, and jump up, slamming their face to the mat for a Double Underhook Facebuster!
Visual Appearance






Outside of the ring, Daniel Castle is usually a shy, revered guy who doesn’t speak up much, and usually shies away from much interaction and prefers being more of a background person. In the ring however, Danny Power is quite the opposite, wanting to be the star attraction and demands the immediate attention of all he comes across!
In the ring, Danny usually wears a white leather outfit, complete with a white headband, but sometimes may switch to the more unconventional attire of nothing but his white headband, and very revealing white underwear.
Daniel Castle grew up a quiet person, always shying himself from most social life, and spending most of his time playing video games & watching anime. As he got older however, he found himself a new passion for pro wrestling, becoming infatuated with the larger then life superstars and the exciting lifestyles they have. He began creating an idea of his own alternate persona in his head, an idea of what he would see himself as if he was to step in the squared circle.
A few years later, and now Daniel spends his days living in his own apartment, and working at a local comic book store, but at night however, he becomes Danny Power, the cocky yet passionate pro wrestler with burning spirit, aiming to become the very best!