Age: 53
Hair Color: White with a black streak going through his hair
Eye Color: Dark brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165lbs
Entrance music:
Nationality: Great Britain
Fighting Style: Brawler
Personality: A stern man from a rough upbringing, does not tolerate blasphemous ideals and mindsets, if he deems someone too far removed from sanity and purity, will go on a hellbent rage to purge their existence from the world. Malicious in his attacks, but kind in his demeanor. A preacher's son who believes in the toxic evil that resides in man and is determined to snuff out the maladies that shall not be removed easily. On a conquest to destroy cosmic impurities.
History: Life is a question never worth asking, but only worth wondering. I have left questions behind and only strayed far enough away from the madness that nips at the edges of my frayed existence. Never questioning, only wondering. My intention was to never be put behind in life and only ahead, never wanting nihilism to seep in, only the single belief of deeming purity. I am aware that my choice in life is neither hard nor wise, but a path that only the furthest away one is from the common path. I neither steeped in madness nor awake in purity, I am who I am and I have casted myself into a stony solitude, with only determination to cast out the one who has brought this cosmic unbalance to the world. I am aware of him, yet I am not able to see him, those tainted by his touch shall never again set out on a normal life, but slip further and further away into the sea of miasma. This sludge pulls one down and never lets go, I shall root out this toxin and lay waste to it, for what does it matter of my fraying existence, I am neither here nor there, only at this balance of unrest, for I am Enoch, Caster of Sin.
Journal Excerpts - If I wanted to die, I would have died long before and in a quiet and lonely place, but I couldn't, I had an obligation to seeing it through and knowing that my father didn't die how he did. I wanted to prove that there was a cause for this pain and emotional cataclysm that has affected so many, I wanted to prove my worth as a human. But look at me now, I am fifty-three years old, with graying hair and still on a punishing warpath towards forces real or naught, but with the conviction to destroy impurities. I know I am losing myself further and further away from who I was, but I cannot stop now, not when I have the kill in my sights. My brother thinks I have lost myself completely and am only driven by honor, I really have lost myself for the madness that lurks within all men, but, but, there will always be a "but" and there is nothing that will stop, death cannot stop me. I will ever pursue, oh dear brother, what have I become? Am I the harbinger of the this madness that I so desperately want to snuff out? Do kill me whence I have crossed a border that I can never come back from and the same to you shall I. -Excerpt from Enoch Darby's Journal