Sex- Male
Age- 28
Eyes- Unknown (Mask- Right green, left red)
Hair- Unknown (Mask- Black Leopard)
Height- 6'5"
Weight- 275lbs
Nationality- Mexican
Alignment- Heel
Entrance music- Tekken 2- Armor King Theme
==Wrestling Information==
Strategy- Not too much of strategy, just using his massive size to put some intimidation into their minds and if that doesnt work, he'll put it in by force. Usually go for the strike if he could before using whatever tactics he can do by either with powerful moves or strikes to show he isnt playing around, too much. Enjoy making his opponents into his jobber.
Style- Pro wrestling
Type- Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks- Piledriver, Tombstone, Torture Rack, Over the Knee Backbreaker, Low Blows, DDTs, Suplexes, strikes to the head/face/body.
Preferred Matches- Any
==Finishing moves==
King's Pedigree- Opponent head down between his legs, hooking their arms behind the back and jump, dropping on his knees to slam their face right to the mat.
King's ?????????
King's ????????????
King's Muscle Buster- Locking the victim head under his arm then reaching both their legs to lift up, split their legs apart to pull down compressing their body at the same time on his shoulder, awaiting for their submission before dropping down on his ass/knees to finish with the insult of the impact.
Physical Appearance-

Past/History- A pro wrestler who was once a Face, until he started taking on fights where he kept taking on ladies that used dirty tactics on him to contantly get the upper hand over him even though he was the one who followed the rules. One day he disappeared out of public and wouldn't reappear until a few years later, returning as a Heel to get his revenge on all women that made his life a living hell from all those time, didnt matter if they're face or hell or neutral, he'll put them all into place. He plans to take them down one by one and also that he's gonna make a habit of when he defeats his opponent, he'll add 'insult injury' by using one painful move on them for heck whether its his finisher or something else, afterwards he usually have his way with the weaken female opponents and humiliating them the most horrible ways. Willing to prove to everyone hes the BEST heel wrestler than anyone even if theres the best female heel, he'll out beat her to claim his glory.