Age: 21
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145lbs
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Chinese
Strategy and Style: Aaron treats his matches like a show where he's the main attraction, a natural born entertainer who employs moves as effective as they are extravagant. He's the star while his opponent is merely an extra. His manager accompanies him to every match, distracting the ref while often slipping weapons like chains into the young stud's hands to use. Blending athleticism with provocative, Aaron's performative approach challenges his opponents to either match his raw charisma and energy, or get left in the dust as he subjects them to the Aaron Wei...
Preferred Matches: Standard, NHB, Cage, Beach, Oil, First Blood, Pole On A Chain
Preferred Moves: Tornado DDT, Boobplex, Atomic Drop, Superkick, Mexican Ceiling, Piledriver, Spanking, Shining Wizard, Liontamer, Phoenix Splash
Personality: A playboy who lacks any kind of respect for seniority and authority, Aaron enjoys living a wild and hedonistic lifestyle. His cocky nature grates on many, although those who write him off as a 'loud mouthed little shit' soon discover he has the means to back his words up. Aaron thrives on drawing the attraction of the many others around him, particularly with the female demographic due to his philandering ways. Completely without shame, Aaron has no qualms about cucking some poor sap if it means he gets to hit some hot ass. In fact, stealing girlfriends is one of his favourite hobbies. He has a strong attachment and sense of loyalty to people close to him, to the point that he'll always seek retribution and vengeance for those he cares about when they have been wronged. The playboy may easily starts fights, but he also inspires a strong sense of loyalty to his 'bros' who he acts as a leader for.
History: Born in the town of Langport, a harbor city on the coast of south China, Aaron was raised solely by his mother as his father was an absent figure in his life. She was a popular dancer at the local theater, attracting interest across the country, but refusing to go international or even beyond her hometown so as not to disrupt the life of her only son. Alas, tragedy soon struck. An illness took Aaron's mother from him just before he entered his teens, and the boy was chiefly provided for by the Lu Family, a clan with ties to the Heiyue Crime Syndicate. Heiyue saw potential in the young male and attempted on numerous occasions to recruit him into their ranks, recognising him as a future executive. However, Aaron had no interest in joining them despite everything they had done for him, becoming instead the ringleader of a gang of youths. Aaron and his gang were fiercely loyal to their hometown of Langport, and soon became infamous for keeping the peace in the city's marketplace and the docks.
Aaron joined the same theater his mother did in order to provide for his future, accruing great personality in his roles and a natural love of entertaining. His mother's talent had clearly rubbed off on him, and he soon became a household name. Ladies were especially taken with him, and it wasn't long before Aaron was sleeping with a different girl practically every night. One day after performing one of his shows, he was approached backstage by an unabashed film producer who went by the name of Salvatore Gotti. He offered Aaron the chance to become famous on a global scale as a movie star. Aaron debated the proposal, initially reluctant to tear himself away from his hometown. But his beloved 'bros' urged him to accept, knowing this was the chance of a lifetime for their leader. And what better way than to make his dearly departed mother proud? So he decided to accept.
As a director, Gotti specialised in filming movies with ground-breaking violence, gratuitous sex and action-filled fight scenes. Aaron's first role was to play a pro wrestler, and his new manager wanted him to get some hands-on experience to really immerse himself into the role, sending into the indy leagues as a rookie. But there was a complication. Aaron soon found himself loving the ring. Entertaining the crowd with wild matches? He was practically made for it. Gotti at first was dismayed, until he realised that it would allow him to tap into both the film making and pro wrestling markets with a hot young blood like Aaron. So the director agreed to allow the red-head to moonlight as both a wrestler and a film star, provided he got to manage him in both professions. That suited Aaron fine, and he knew a man like Gotti, who made his life's mission to 'liberate humanity from their shackles and unleash their sexual desire' would make sure the playboy had nothing less than the hottest eye candy to tussle within the ring. Scouting potential federations for his new meal ticket, Gotti soon came across LAW, and after some consideration, Aaron decided it was the perfect place for him to both kick ass and tap ass at the same time...
Entrance Gear

In Pants Sans Jacket

In Trunks

In Trunks Sans Jacket

Casual Gear

In Langport with Cao, Ashen and Rixia

As a kid with his mom

Interview/Red Carpet Suit

With a neighbor's kid

Flaunting his rizz

Salvatore Gotti, Aaron's degenerate manager
"What matters in movies and wrestling is entertainment! I'm talking FnV: Fucking 'n Violence, baby!"

Dragon Unleashed
As one might gleam from the above images, Aaron has a unique trait in that he enters the ring in pants, but ends up in trunks. The method behind the strip is this very move, which sees Aaron tear his pants off and fling them into the opponent's face, blinding them before delivering a swift superkick. As part of his showman nature, Aaron always finds a way to incorporate this move into the expect him to leave the ring in trunks without fail. 

Aaron usually loves to reserve this move for male opponents. Irish whipping the foe towards the ropes, Aaron performs a slick twist and delivers a chop to the opponent's groin, hitting so fast that it is often difficult for the referee to tell where it struck. Followed by a dropkick to the chest.

Talon Barrage
Usually done once he has stripped down to trunks, Aaron will take the corner opposite a seated opponent. A sensual sway of his hips gets the hearts of the ladies in the crowd racing as he charges forward and leaps at the foe, slamming his hips repeatedly onto their chest while his bulge bangs the opponent's head into the corner post along with a humiliating smother.

Tyrant Suplex
Securing the opponent against him, Aaron hoists them over him and slams them down behind him onto their back with an Exploder Suplex. Ladies taking this move get an added bonus of Aaron pecking them on the cheek with his lips, for an added fluster before he delivers the move.

Cougar Trap

Phoenix Drop

MILF Buster

-Aaron's close friend, a girl he grew up with called Ashen Lu, is perhaps the only female he has never expressed any romantic interest in despite her father (a high ranking Heiyue member) being keen for them to become engaged. This is because Aaron sees her as a little sister first and foremost.
-Aaron is completely self-aware that he more than likely has mommy issues given how close he was to his mother prior to his death and the immense respect he still holds for her. It's probably why he tends to prefer cougars and MILFs, by his own admission.
-Aaron often forgoes using a person's actual name and instead opts to give them nicknames, usually of an insulting nature. Hearing him address you by your actual name is a sign that you have his rare respect.