Nationality:French,Japanese decent
Birthplace:Paris french
Heel or face:Heel
Personality:arrogant,violent,a bit psychotic,sadistic,narcissistic
Styles:Striker,submission's expert,speed,grappler
Finshers:Judgement day(Spinning roundhouse kick
Karate sleeper (stocking his prey until the the rised and applieds a sleeper hold,somtimes after a spinning neckbreaker.)
Tofan slicer:(Tongan death grip)
Signature:electric chair driver,inverted death valley driver,package piledriver,spinning neck breaker,hangman neckbreaker
Bio:An assassin in j6,jean kujo enjoys the trill of hamd to hand combat and to take out a target,he loves the women that want when he is performing heavy metal on stage he was sent out to wipe out the vanessa,wolf and sarah and as a bonus steele and the sirens by order of j6,he heared the were in law which made it sweeter,not only will he complete the mission but he would humiliate in front of the world as a bonus.
Personal facts:dated long time friend lion Rafael
Has a crush on both lady vega hinata and hanabi for being a bit thicc and amhas a hard crush on vega for being a similar to him

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General Statistics
Endurance[4/5] ★ -
Strength[4/5] ★ -
Speed[5/5] ★ -
Defence[4/5] ★ -
Technique[4/5] ★ -
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes 5/5 ★ -
Submissions[4/5] ★ -
Powerhouse 3/5 ★ -
Aerials[1/5] ★ -
Counters[4/5] ★ -