Age: 19
Hair: black
Eyes: dark blue
Weight: 66 kg 132 pounds
Height: 167 cm
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Jobber
Orientation: Thinks he is straight, but in reality bisexual, Submissive
Fighting Stlye: Newbie still in development, probably Highflyler or Striker
Matchtypes: everything Specialities: Cosplays
Hentai: Oh ehm well it would be fun i think. blushes brightly and nods ((OOC Info: he is at the moment rather vulnerable to hentai-moves feel free to apply toys or stuff wich comes handy and is able to slide inside on him.))
A rather shy young man who uses sports to get into contact with other people. Touya was always a loner outside sports as he found it rather complicated to interact with other human beeings, the rather focused common topic beeing an athlete helped him a lot so he startet do explore a great variety of different sports from track and field over swimming and cycling to martial arts of different styles. After a while he stuck with martial arts especially Pro-Wrestling as he got to entjoy the theatrical element in it. He found LAW as the vide variety on events and matchtypes sparks his curiousness. His parents work in administrativ jods in a great company, he was teached to beheave well and work hard, and that every job has to be done. Raised in such a manner he has no problems do help other wrestlers to get some attendance by letting them show their signature moves. Even if it means his victory stat is abysmael, but after all someone has to do the job of beeing a jobber.



Fight against Yasha: loss.
Blue Oil: Iruma *Cerulean Demon* Suzuki vs Touya "Quiet Water" Mochizuki (loss)
Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Touya Mochizuki - Poisoning Water (loss)
"Cassandra's form of tutoring" (loss)
Other events:
Another day in the library(With anime_hentaifighter's Athena)
Calming down after a fight.(For Animehentaifighter)