Alexander Lyons

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Alexander Lyons

Unread post by TickTock »

Alexander LyonsImage

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Fighting Style:
Stiff Powerhouse
Alexander has accumulated many styles in wrestling due to the variety of territories he worked. However, the stiff and hard-hitting style of Japan, aka Puroresu. Strong strikes, debilitating submissions, and power moves is what Alexander learned to utilize the most while in Japan, and it’s the style he sticks to in the current day, partially due to his body unable to sustain a faster pace.

Preferred Match Types:
Standard, Submission, Hardcore. Open to more.

  • Strength: Alexander possesses massive power, and uses it to his advantage in the ring with monstrous strikes and power moves. It seems to be the one thing that hasn’t diminished in growing older,
    being just as powerful as he was when he was young.
  • Sadism: Alexander will never hold back, and will go out of his way to inflict great harm upon his opponent. No amount of groveling can get him to stop until he himself is done. And with such an attitude, it unlocks many sinister possibilities for him in the ring.
  • Athleticism: While he’s grown older and lost a step, Alexander is still quite athletic. In sprints, he is very quick and can reach deadly speeds with his size, he can still bust out the rare springboard or tope, and is athletic enough to do kip-ups and high jumps should he need or want to.
  • Mental: Alexander had been manipulating and dismantling people verbally for decades, and thus can easily work mindgames into a match, having developed tough skin for barbs himself. Combined with his sadism, there isn’t a depth too deep for him to reach for ways to throw his opponents off their game.
  • Endurance: Alexander is tough. Bar any injuries, it is very difficult to keep him down, and he often has to have the tank run empty in order to go down for the three.
  • Speed: While quick in sprints, Alexander is actually fairly slow in all other aspects of wrestling. His reflexes are slowed, and making quick motions to turn or keep up with a speedy opponent is quite difficult for him, in part due to his size but also his older age having slowed him down.
  • Stamina: Alexander can get gassed fairly easy if he expends too much energy early, or if matches run very long. Growing older has restricted his stamina, and while he isn’t prone to just collapse, he’ll need to pause and take a breath on occasion.
  • Injury: Alexander tore his shoulder and pec completely years back, and while it has healed up, it still bothers him from time to time, limiting the use of his right arm and can be vulnerable to targeting.
Seated Running Knees

Lion Suplex
Half and Half Suplex

Roaring Flowsion
Inverted Emerald Flowsion


Growing up, Alexander learned to be ruthless, to take any advantage he could. And that formed him into the man he is today, a ruthless and brutal man who’s willing to step over anyone for his own success. There aren’t limits to the depths he’s willing to go to undermine someone else in favor of himself, and he’s able to get away with a charming personality.

Deep down. Alexander is a resentful man, but outwardly, he is able to play up being positive and friendly, quick-witted and having a fine sense of humor, which he uses to make others endear themselves to him. And thus he’s able to hide his most sinister of plots backstage behind his charisma.

In the ring however is a different beast, and is the place Alexander shows the real himself the most. Sadistic, unforgiving, and egotistical, he gladly pummels anyone who steps in his way, and won’t blink twice at pleads for mercy or injury. Being a high-school bully who only had his behavior rewarded as life went on, he never grew out of enjoying the tormenting of others, and let’s it all out in the ring, before going back to warm smiles and playful jokes once he goes to the back.

Spoiler because long
Alexander came from a poor family, one who got by paycheck-to-paycheck, and his only solace in life was the fact that he was gifted genetically. Hitting growth spurts early, Alexander was always the tallest kid in class, and thus bullies tended to avoid him even if he wore ragged clothing as it was all his parents could afford. In fact, by the time he joined high school, the “cool” kids practically initiated him into their group due to his size, since he could easily push others around at over 6 foot. But even if school life was fine, his life at home was anything but a breeze. His father was an ex-basketball player who rode the benches in the big leagues and got his career ended by a multitude of leg injuries, and his mother was an overworked kitchen worker who could barely give him any time.

Often neglected, Alexander attached himself to the bullies who accepted him, learning to be ruthless to get by least you get crushed by someone bigger and luckier. And being in a pack of malicious bullies, Alexander often scrapped with them, with one running a backyard wrestling league. His size among the other teens made him stand out, and as he did more sloppy and stupid matches, he grew more and more of a liking to it. Watching professional matches, he learned the art of it, and knew he had a shot due to his great size. But after seeing his father overworked and destroyed by the NBA before flaming out due to wear and tear with all his money blown, Alexander knew he needed to be more than a body. Bodies can get you into the door, but also give out on you. But a strong voice can keep you inside and carry you for decades.

Alexander balanced attending wrestling classes, joining acting and theatre clubs at school, and studying business agriculture to accumulate himself in the backstages of each company he was apart of. All of which designed to give him the very best chance to make it in the business. By the time he was 18, he was taking local bookings, using his physique to get promoters to pay him more than he was worth, win or lose, while also establishing connections with a sharp tongue and charming words. Over time, he grew better, and established himself a strong win/loss record which, combined with his body, secured him a solid income and made him a known figure in the American indy scene.

But that wasn’t enough. Alexander was pushing himself to make an alright living. And so, by 22, with studying the other wrestling scenes around the world, he created gimmicks for himself, new personas that’d make him shine, and was able to use his established connections to get big companies in Mexico, Japan, and the UK to sign him.
In Mexico, he was the monstrous masked Golden Mane, and favored high-flying action mixed with a slight technical game.
In Japan, he was the gaijin Great Alexander, a stiff powerhouse who played to the dramatics.
And in the UK, he was merely Alexander Lyons, but someone who used flashy flurry of moves to wow the fans while also doing a variety of submissions in his matches.

Each generated Alexander great success and established him connections worldwide. He was a multi-title holder, though he never reached the peak in any major company he landed. But he didn’t need to, as with the number of connections and the politics he could play, he was paid absurd amounts for each contract, and made many friends as well, even meeting his wife who was on excursion in Japan and seeing his daughter born into the world. By 30, he was able to work himself into a contract in America for the top company around, earning himself a top position and money that’d set him up for life.

And there, he really began to entrench himself into the business aspect. Being a “stooge” which, while making his fellow wrestlers dislike him, warmed him up to management. He became friends with the boss and other high-level officials, and began politicking his way into an office job, something to set him up for after his wrestling career. It was a slow process however, taking several years of wear and tear to get, and a grueling shoulder injury ended up sidelining him for a long time. In his time nursing his injury, management underwent a sudden shift, with new owners coming in, who decided to cut the aged and injured Lyons’s fat contract from the books, undermining all his work.

Out of his prime, Alexander knew even with his connections he wouldn’t get paid very favorably by other companies and held off from taking bookings. However, at this time, his daughter Alisha was really coming into her own as a wrestler at such a young age, using a unique style to take down opponents of any and all sizes. Having trained her for an eventual career, Alexander now knew he could ride his daughter’s talent, and used his connections to instead get her booked. She had great success herself for a few years, however as it went on, Alexander noticed the pay-flow was lacking, not close to what he was making while he was in the indies, and he figured out it was due to Alisha being a girl. Why pay a girl main event money when they could pay all of the boys good money? It seemed unfair for his daughter… and partially for himself as well.

And, looking at his exorbitant money from his own wrestling career and the increasing demand for women’s wrestling in America, Alexander took a risk. Putting several million dollars of his own money in, while also hooking investors and promoters in for money, Alexander Lyons started Women’s Wrestling Takeover Association, an entirely female-led wrestling company. If he wasn’t able to get himself an office job in the business or secure his daughter the positioning and money she deserved, then he’d do it himself.

Immediately, it was able to generate interest in fans to see a new product of wrestling, and the promotion helped promote Alisha to such a level that top companies took notice of her. However, it was when League of Anime Wrestling contacted Alexander for a deal that things really took off for him. They wanted a partnership, where they’d bring in Alisha for a deal, as well as hire Alexander under an advisory role, in exchange for young lionesses to be able to go on excursion in WWTA. Realizing the potential, Alexander managed to negotiate being able to bring in any talent(as long as they agreed), in exchange for coming in as an in-ring talent and being paid the same amount as an advisor.

Alexander never formally retired, merely sitting out ever since his prior release. But seeing the draw of LAW and its intergender division, he is willing to step between the ropes again. Having lost a step, he’s still an athletic beast, and plans on using that to his advantage while also politicking himself further and further up the business ladder at LAW.
Last edited by TickTock on Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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