Anansi Ashanti

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Anansi Ashanti

Unread post by king6y »

"Let's make a story, I'll be the winner, and you'll be the loser. How 'bout that?"
Name: Anansi "The Trickster" Ashanti
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 Lbs
Alignment: tweener
Preferred Matches: Standard, submission, but is really up for anything.
Nationality: American
Music Theme
Entrance Theme

Anansi has always loved stories since he was a kid. Every night when his parents read him bedtime stories he lived how they took him to a new world. And so as he grew, that love of stories never faded. Whether it be fiction or nonfiction, you name it. If it's a good story he's seen or read it. Living to see the world that was woven before him every time, allowing him to escape into a world not as harsh as his own.

So that at least for however long he read that story the reality of his situation never reached him. But if you were to ask Anansi what his favorite style of story was, he'd probably say wrestling. Ever since he was a kid, he loved watching these larger-than-life figures go through trials, tribulation, trickery, heroics, etc. And for as long as he could remember he's always wanted to weave a story like that. So, ever since he was a kid Anansi chased that dream. He practiced wrestling, promos, athletics, and more wherever and whenever he could just so he could accomplish that dream of weaving stories like those wrestlers he watched during his childhood. He went so far as to even practice wrestling moves with family and friends who would spar with him as bit by bit that dream of his became a reality. When he turned 18 he worked his first Indie taking the name Anansi as his wrestling name. Honoring the trickster spider by making his own stories each time he entered the ring. Fighting in a tricky, technical fashion that served to use his speed and lack of weight against his opponents day in and day out As he started making a name for himself with his high-flying technical skill set he even left fans puzzled on how he did it. Gaining more and more traction online until one day he got a letter inviting him to the mountaintop. inviting him to join LAW, as he begins his next chapter in his career.

Personality: Anansi is a very playful and mischievous man who loves to have fun and mess with his opponents in an out of the ring. Usually seen as very laid back, Anansi doesn't usually ruffle many feathers or goes out of his way to anger people. Really, he's more so a rubber. Often playing pranks in the locker room to liven things up, or at least to make himself amused. But if there is one thing that does get under his skin, it's an abundance of pride and ego. He's so tired of seeing that and loves to humiliate and troll his opponents who are that. Because in his mind its just a bit of comeuppance, and he just so happened to be the tool to dish it out.

Wrestling Style: Anansi is a technician, favoring tying up his opponents in submissions or countering his opponent's momentum to make it his own. His main strategy is always to outspeed and out-think his opponents to leave them strung up with nowhere else to go but tap out in the middle of the ring.

And if that doesn't work, he's always up for taking to the sky to even the odds. Bounding too and for beating down anyone who stands in his way. But if there's one technique he always prides himself on it's getting under his opponent's skin to trip them up. Always shooting out these small jabs at his opponents to anger or annoy them. He's playing the long game and he needs all the advantages he can get.
Special Moves:
Falling Action
Sky Weaver
The Black Widow
Caught in the web
Last Tale

Power: 6/10 power isn't really his specialty. But he's at least got some strength to spare.

Speed: 9/10 Anansi is a speed demon in the ring. Often zooming everywhere around it to escape his opponent's grasp so he can capitalize.

Technique: 10/10 This is his best skill by far. If he can't overpower his enemies, he may as well get as many holds and submissions he can to cut them down to size, or at least help himself thread the needle.

Stamina: 9/10 With how much he moves and dances around his opponent, Anansi needs all the stamina he can get. Cause if he winds up facing a heavyweight and he's gassed? It's all over.

Intelligence: 9/10 he's not a trickster for nothing. Anansi keeps a sharp eye on his opponent for any crack or home he can find to thread the needle and take them down. Especially after he's already begun to weave the net for them.

Singles Record:

Friends: None yet.

Allies: None yet.

Rivals: None yet.

Enemies: None yet.

Crushes: None yet.
Last edited by king6y on Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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