”’I’ll take that.”
Name: Eduardo AlvesNickname: El Blaze, Cazador de máscaras
Age: 30
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Height: 5”6’
Weight: 119 lbs
Nationality: Mexico
Entrance Music:
L’Via by the Mars Volta
Wrestling Information
Strategy Blaze’s style is designed not just around the luchadore style, but in dissecting it, as well. He’s quite technical for a high-flyer, and many of his moves are designed to counter moves that other high-flyers use. He strives to be a sort of anti-luchadore, and he’s most used to dealing with those, but he has enough skills in other areas to handle a wide range of threats.
Style: Lucha Libre
Type: High-Flyer
Preferred Attacks: Kicks, Knee Strikes, Splash, Moonsaults
Preferred Matches: Standard Matches, is most known for his mask vs. mask matches.
Attitude to Hentai: “Not my thing, no, but hey - El Blaze never refuses a challenge.”
Physical Statistics
Endurance: ★★★ - Is fairly tough for his size.
Strength: ★★★ - Reasonably fit, can throw most in his weight class.
Speed:★★★★ - Fast on his feet, nimble and quick.
Defense:★★★★★ - Skilled at repelling attacks and seizing opportunities.
Technique: ★★★★ - Has trained at the feet of masters.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★★ - Picked up a lot from his brief boxing career.
Submissions: ★★★ - Not his area, but he has a decent selection, preferring moves that target legs.
Powerhouse: ★★ - Tends to avoid these, but he does bust out the occasional suplex.
Aerial: ★★★★★ - I mean...
Counters: ★★★★★ - El Blaze loves turning around opponent’s attacks.
Signature Moves
El Bandido

A counter to a crossbody or a standalone move. With an opponent held against his chest, El Blaze does a moonsault and slams them into the mat.

El Blaze uses this to catch his opponent off guard when they’re coming into the ring - grabbing the middle rope, he yanks himself through and hits them with a spear.
Flash Fire

A move that El Blaze added to his arsenal specifically to counter flashier moves. His ability to hit this out of nowhere pressures his opponents and remains a constant threat throughout the match, serving as a counter that can get him the win no matter how poorly a match might be going.

With an opponent groggy and standing in the ring while he’s in the corner, El Blaze leaps up and does a moonsaut off the middle or top rope. Instead of hitting them, he lands behind them and uses the momentum from the flip to aid a German Suplex, which he holds for the pin. Powerful and so unorthodox that opponents often don’t realize what’s happening until the three count is over.
Personal Information
El Blaze is an asshole.
You can get into the weeds a bit with it, and talk about particulars. He’s a talented man, sure, but he loves to lord that talent over others, and acts like he’s god’s gift to wrestling. It’s all about the show to him, and he loves being at the center of it, taking any opportunity to shine and steal his opponent’s luster.
He’s no better outside of the ring, either, living fast and loose. A lover of fast cars and faster women, you can often find him wherever there’s a party to be had, and he revels in any pleasure he can find, trying to live life to its fullest and approaching things with a laidback, chilled attitude.
About the only thing that gets under his skin is losing - he has a high image of himself, and losing tarnishes that, especially when it happens in a way that he can’t just write off as a fluke. When something does rile him up, he holds a grudge for ages, and makes it a point to get even - his target won’t know when the receipt is coming, but it will come.
Eduardo Alves’ introduction into wrestling was, to say the least, fraught. He started up in Constelación, a popular wrestling promotion in Mexico, and he had high hopes when he was first accepted. As a long time fan of lucha libre, he’d wanted to wrestle his entire life, and he had trained for it, studied it, lived and breathed it for as long as he could remember. He had all the ingredients to be a big star, and he knew it.
There was one thing standing in his way, however - nepotism. Constelación wasn’t just any promotion, but one run by the respected Ramirez family, with a long and storied legacy. As such, they tended to promote those within their family over outside talent, and while they paid well and would occasionally throw bones to fresher faces, it was made clear to Eduardo - going by the name of El Toro Blanco at the time - that there was a ceiling that would be hard to push through.
That didn’t stop him from trying, however. He fought hard, taking the fight to the Ramirez’s whenever he could, and he was outspoken in his criticisms. This behavior eventually got him what he wanted - a match with the league’s top star, El Blaze. This turned out to be a trap, as promotion added mask versus mask stips at the last second, calling his bluff. Not wanting to back down, he accepted.
Eduardo fought hard, but the stakes were against him. The referee was highly favored to El Blaze, and after a tense match, Eduardo lost from a pin in which his shoulders were not fully down. The foul play was clear, but he accepted it, and forfeited his mask.
That could have easily been the end of his story, and it nearly was. Eduardo took a hiatus from wrestling and transitioned into boxing, where he had mild success. But, as time went on, and he saw El Blaze flourishing, the indignity of having his mask taken stuck in his craw, and after three years, it reached a boiling point. Fed up, he went online and started spreading word that he was hungry for a rematch with El Blaze, and even dared his rival to put his mask on the line, with Eduardo saying he would never touch wrestling agai if he lost.
El Blaze called his bluff, and the two wound up having their second match. Eduardo was hungrier this time, wilder and more determined, bringing the fight hard to El Blaze without a moment’s rest. It was a brutal bout, and Eduardo eventually won with a knockout, leaving no room for the referee to mess things up. With his victory, he took the mask off of El Blaze, then took it one step further - he put it on, and assumed his opponent’s identity.
This was seen as a grave insult, and it made him a pariah in the Mexican wrestling community overnight, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Bad press was still press, and it brought him more money, as wrestlers challenged him to try and restore El Blaze’s honor. He not only defeated them, but took their masks as well, a practice that made him infamous in the lucha libre world.
There did come a point, however, when the heat grew too hot, even for his tastes, and that was when he started getting multiple death threats. After someone actually went so far as to throw a burning brick through his bedroom window, El Blaze decided that, maybe, Mexico just wasn’t the best place for him anymore, and he needed a soft reset. With Japan’s wrestling scene thriving, he made the trip overseas, and promptly found gainful employment in LAW’s burgeoning male division.
There was one thing standing in his way, however - nepotism. Constelación wasn’t just any promotion, but one run by the respected Ramirez family, with a long and storied legacy. As such, they tended to promote those within their family over outside talent, and while they paid well and would occasionally throw bones to fresher faces, it was made clear to Eduardo - going by the name of El Toro Blanco at the time - that there was a ceiling that would be hard to push through.
That didn’t stop him from trying, however. He fought hard, taking the fight to the Ramirez’s whenever he could, and he was outspoken in his criticisms. This behavior eventually got him what he wanted - a match with the league’s top star, El Blaze. This turned out to be a trap, as promotion added mask versus mask stips at the last second, calling his bluff. Not wanting to back down, he accepted.
Eduardo fought hard, but the stakes were against him. The referee was highly favored to El Blaze, and after a tense match, Eduardo lost from a pin in which his shoulders were not fully down. The foul play was clear, but he accepted it, and forfeited his mask.
That could have easily been the end of his story, and it nearly was. Eduardo took a hiatus from wrestling and transitioned into boxing, where he had mild success. But, as time went on, and he saw El Blaze flourishing, the indignity of having his mask taken stuck in his craw, and after three years, it reached a boiling point. Fed up, he went online and started spreading word that he was hungry for a rematch with El Blaze, and even dared his rival to put his mask on the line, with Eduardo saying he would never touch wrestling agai if he lost.
El Blaze called his bluff, and the two wound up having their second match. Eduardo was hungrier this time, wilder and more determined, bringing the fight hard to El Blaze without a moment’s rest. It was a brutal bout, and Eduardo eventually won with a knockout, leaving no room for the referee to mess things up. With his victory, he took the mask off of El Blaze, then took it one step further - he put it on, and assumed his opponent’s identity.
This was seen as a grave insult, and it made him a pariah in the Mexican wrestling community overnight, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Bad press was still press, and it brought him more money, as wrestlers challenged him to try and restore El Blaze’s honor. He not only defeated them, but took their masks as well, a practice that made him infamous in the lucha libre world.
There did come a point, however, when the heat grew too hot, even for his tastes, and that was when he started getting multiple death threats. After someone actually went so far as to throw a burning brick through his bedroom window, El Blaze decided that, maybe, Mexico just wasn’t the best place for him anymore, and he needed a soft reset. With Japan’s wrestling scene thriving, he made the trip overseas, and promptly found gainful employment in LAW’s burgeoning male division.
Full Outfit

Hentai outfit he’s working on.

+ El Blaze takes good care of the masks he pilfers, keeping them in a private collection. He has nine, now, and is eager to make it an even ten.
+He tells people the mask doesn’t come off, but he takes it off quite often. It’s a great way for him to get stuff like shopping done without having to worry about fans or enemies bothering him, since he’s only been televised once without it.
+Apart from wrestling, El Blaze’s other big interest is comic books. Spider-Man’s his favorite, with Wonder Woman and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) being close seconds. He’s trying to get into manga, and while it’s been a bumpy road, he’s starting to come around to My Hero Academia.