Aizen Yuzuriha
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:19 pm

”Come at me from any direction you like.”
Name: Aizen YuzurihaNickname Zen
Age: 27
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 5”7’
Weight: 152 lbs
Birthplace: Ueno, Japan
Entrance Music:
Wrestling InformationHi Izuru Style by Force of Nature feat. SUIKEN & S-Word
Strategy: Zen fights with a defensive style to start, working to methodically dissect his opponents and probing for weaknesses before he becomes more aggressive. He’s actually an average fighter all around, and that’s his strength - he doesn’t excel in any one area, but he doesn’t have any big deficiencies, either, which means he has an answer to just about any scenario an opponent can throw his way.
Style: Various Martial Arts
Type: Mixed
Preferred Attacks: Whatever gets the job done.
Preferred Matches: Will try just about anything. Has little interest in hentai matches, viewing them as an inferior style of fighting.
Attitude To Hentai: “I’m not interested.”
Wrestling Statistics
Endurance: ★★★ - A reasonably tough fighter.
Strength: ★★★ - In top shape for a man his size, but he’s no bodybuilder.
Speed: ★★★ - Moves well on his feet.
Defense: ★★★ - Can handle and defend most attacks.
Technique: ★★★★★ - The key to Zen’s success. His penchant for learning technique gives him a wide range of moves to choose from.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★ - He hits fairly hard.
Submissions: ★★★ - Can apply pressure to key spots.
Powerhouse: ★★★ - Has a good wealth of suplexes and slams to choose from.
Aerial: ★★★ - Takes flight well.
Counters: ★★★★ - Can reverse most moves, so long as he sees them coming.
Signature Moves:

PLO Style

Dragon Claw

Double Tap

Finishing Moves
Hanuman Visits Lanka

Steel Octopus

Heaven and Earth Divide
With the opponent in a front facelock, Zen pulls them up, whips them over, and smashes them right on the top of their head.
Ground Zero

Talk to ten different people about Zen and you’ll get ten different opinions, but three words will come up more often than any others: ‘one track mind’.
Zen is borderline obsessed with fighting, to a nearly religious degree. It’s what he studies in his free time, it’s what he trains for, its what he lives for in just about every waking moment he has. He can seem intense, and there’s an air about him that pushes people away, but he’s not needlessly aggressive - it’s not like he’ll attack random people in the street. The ring is sacred to him, and he wants to be challenged, he wants to improve, and strives to be the absolute best in his chosen profession.
This can be to the detriment of other things in his life, however. He doesn’t know too much about things nonrelated to combat, which makes it nigh impossible for him to connect with anyone who doesn’t share his passion. People often assume he’s just as brutal outside the ring as he is inside it. It’s forced him into a lonely life, and while he does play it off, parts of him wish there was some way to a more social existence. As of yet, it remains elusive.
A bevy of rumors and myths surround the man known as the ‘Dojo Buster’, but on some things, all sources agree.
Zen Yuzuriha was born Aizen Yuzuriha, the youngest son of a mid-class family in Kyoto. At first, Aizen seemed to be a rather average child, just sort of coasting by in school, with little ambition or drive. He didn’t show the kind of potential that his older brother and sister had, and while he wasn’t a bad student or anything, it seemed like he was sort of locked in mediocrity. His parents could tell that he needed something, but they weren’t sure what it was.
After different attempts with arts and music, they found the key: Karate. Aizen seemed to have a natural talent for the martial arts, taking to the training with an ease that stunned both his parents and his teachers. He was by far the most skilled child of his age at the dojo, and was able to hold his own with instructors who’d been practicing the style their entire lives. Anything he was taught, he quickly mastered. It was an almost supernatural level of skill.
After a year or so, however, trouble soon emerged, as Aizen would grow bored with the style, feeling as if he’d learned all there was to be taught in it and not seeing any challenge. Worse still, he started treating the dojo like a fight club, making it clear that he had more interest in sparring than anything else. He was soon pushed out, and fearing he might start settling again, his parents enrolled him in judo. He excelled…and within a few months, he ran into the same problems.
This started a pattern, with Aizen studying some martial art, reaching a wall with it, and growing bored of the competition. He won tournaments and gained some attention, but the challenge he craved was illusive. He would take his search to the streets soon enough, gaining notoriety as a street fighter and gaining the nickname of Zen, for his icy demeanor and calmness. But even those fights, tough and relentless as they were, weren’t enough to fully satisfy his appetite.
It was during this time, however, that LAW was suggested to him. Zen had always wanted to travel internationally, but his lifestyle never provided the funds to make that happen. With LAW, however, he could fight a wide variety of opponents from all over the world. Most of them women, true, but he had never been one to shy away from a fight based on sex and gender. On top of that, it would give him a chance to add wrestling moves to his impressive repertoire of moves, becoming a better fighter.
With all that in mind, he made a move to join the company, signed the contract, and eagerly awaits his first match.
Fighting Stance

”Tough fight. You came close.”

-Zen doesn’t show it often, but he’s a big fan of hip-hop and rap, with a love for old-school in particular. His favorite rapper is the late MF Doom, and his favorite album is Ghostface Killah’s Supreme Clientele.
-Is a terrible cook. He keeps trying to learn how in order to have a more balanced diet, but he’s terrible with instructions.
-Zen doesn’t have a lot of money and lives frugally, but he does have a pair of shoes, despite popular belief that he can’t afford any. He prefers to be barefoot, though. He just like the feel of Earth beneath him.
Rivals: WYVERN