Name: Eren Yeager
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 6’1
Weight: 180
Alignment: Tweener (Leaning towards heel)
Entrance Music:
My War
Physical Statistics
General StatisticsEndurance: ★★★★ - Eren has gotten used to getting his butt kicked
Strength: ★★★★ - Only the strong win
Speed: ★★★ - Just barely able to keep with the faster wrestlers
Defense: ★★ - Some of his friends often call him a suicidal maniac
Technique: ★★ - Basic training, but the rest his him
Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★ - If it weren’t for Annie this would be lower
Submissions ★★★★ - Making someone submit is a greater win
Powerhouse ★★★★ - The plan is to out muscle his opponent
Aerials ★★ - Despite looks he’s not to confident in this aspect
Counters ★★ - Not his usual plan but can pull something out
Signature Moves
Wall Maria

Attack on Titan

Paradis Fall

Subjects of Ymir

Eren is described by those close to him as a hardheaded, strong-willed, passionate, and impulsive. Which attributes to his strong determination. Eren tends to have a lack of self-restraint that often led him into trouble, causing his friends and family to worry about him. His limited self-control was evident in his temper, which often caused him to act recklessly in anger, or say things he himself knew he should not have. Still though Eren is more than willing to go the extra mile for his friends.
Eren’s life is more or less normal. Eren was born into the lower class, but he never hated it. Seeing as how the people still got by fine, and it was like one big family. His father was a doctor to a fighter that lived nearby. Eren always thought that guy was super cool. Getting into any ring and giving a beat down on someone. Despite never seeing any of the mans matches Eren always viewed him as a winner. If he was honest though, what bothered him the most was that Eren was viewed as lesser in the eyes of society. Not because of anything he did, but because where he is from. The same for the others Eren grew up with. Eren wanted nothing more than to change the opinion of those bastards. This wasn’t just for him, but if he could do it everyone around him would prosper. Eren would contemplate on how he could make the change he wanted possible. But that would get put on hold, as Mikasa Ackerman would end up joining his family. Eren would be spending his time with Mikasa, trying to make her feel better. As he would do that, Eren would think about Mikasa’s father. What if Eren became a fighter? He could prove his worth, and the worth of everyone elses around him. While also beating down the ones who look at Eren that way. It seemed promising and the more he thought about it, the more appealing it was. So he would get at it, in killing two birds with one stone. Eren would bring back Mikasa into the ring. That way she would be able to feel better about herself. Not being the greatest student, Eren would bite off more than he could chew. Trying to do moves that he normally should practice before hand. Leading to his matches ending much more quickly. This would happen for several matches, while Mikasa was almost running things on her end. Eren’s career was having the opposite effect he wanted it to have. Instead of what he wanted, people were being proven right. Eren wasn’t winning so why should society change their minds? Because he tried? The logic being at least he is good at losing. This would start to change his mindset, if he were to start winning matches. Then the mindset would have to change. No matter the cost. This simple change in mindset would allow Eren to start winning his matches. Despite him being over top with his antics, some borderlining what is allowed in a match. Fight, Fight, Fight these words were the ones that carried Eren on his path.
Main Attire

Had to catch up to Annie

Various Images
A more casual look for me

Fixing my hair for a long day

Training done

God is it hot today