Cal Salvatore

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Cal Salvatore

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Name: Cal Salvatore
Age: 29
Sex : Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 230
Nationality: Italian
Preferred Matches: Sexual matches and POW matches
Alignment: Heel
Backstory: Cal grew up in New York. He was training to be your average pro wrestler. He did well, well enough to catch LAW's eye. He was uninterested, then he thought "wait, it's all hot girls, and I could do whatever I want". He accepted and they brought him to one of their gyms for an evaluation match against another hopeful. He won, and after pinning her, he felt shy. "Go it." She told him, fired up after their bout. Cal, having her permission, fucked the girl several times. Over time, his shyness began to disappear. He loved domming these women in the ring, then having his way with them. He even began to keep tapes of his bedroom exploits.

Personality: Cal's shyness and humble demeanor has long left. He believes himself to be the best, and thinks every girl wants him. In the ring, if he's fighting a cute girl, he'll stick to wrestling moves to wear her down (not wanting to bruise her), but if his manhood is tested, he'll start punching them hard and and slamming them around.


Tombstone Blowdriver: Cal sets a girl up for a Tombstone, eats her out, and makes her suck him off. When one of them cums, he'll slam them headfirst into the mat.

Hardcore Anal: Cal fucks his foe in the ass while applying a chinlock.
Last edited by Jman2113 on Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:31 am, edited 6 times in total.

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