Real Name: Fei-hsien “The Silver Bullet” Qiqiang
Age: 25 Years, 6 months
Eyes: Hazelnut
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Height: 6’ 2” or ~188 cm
Weight: 183 lbs or ~83 kilograms
Nationality: Chinese-Japanese (Birthed in the Sichuan Province of China but migrated to Japan as a child)
Alignment: Lawful Good - Tweener
Sexuality: Straight
Entrance Music:
Tempered by the discipline of a life in the Japanese Self Defense Forces, Fei has not grown into the rowdy, attention-seeking hellion one might expect from a combination of temptations infecting his background. He presents himself as an ambitious person outside the ring, lacking the motivation to commit evil onto others. The moral reason for staying away from this behavior is due to the Buddhist-based teachings he was raised under. He may not start a fight, for example, but would be justified in engaging if the feeling is mutual.
His choice to compete partly comes from finding innate grace in the way martial arts are practiced, in much the same way as he enjoys watching non-predatory animals, the design of weapons, or the high-pace way of the city-life. Among other people, however, he is guarded and prefers to take things slower and may get flustered/stumble in his step when faced with a FAR more assertive person. Otherwise, he will likely continue talking his share of slander until he is beaten into silence.
Within the ring, Qiqiang’s every move is calculated. Every word is thought about to get the opponent to dance for his amusement. The persona he tries to adopt is an exaggerated, showman-type version of himself inspired by Sun Wukong: the jackass with a heart but still regarded as Fei instead of a carbon copy. The severity of this performance depends on the opponent’s personality, with it ranging from nonexistent to probing for deep-cutting insults. What isn’t a charade is the mentality in a fight. In a bid to avoid being boring, whether in conversations or battle, he focuses on either winning the match with efficiency or surviving barrages from a stronger enemy as the bare minimum.
Wrestling Information
Fei is comfortable dipping his body into the two situations of the stand up fight vs the ground game, though he has not had enough time to become some freakish all-arounder like some of the talent in this wonderful place. When he is on his feet, the opponent must deal with heavy strikes with a surprising amount of limber agility. If the fight is taken to the ground, he coils around his opponent as tightly as they do him.
- Loses his composure easier when getting choked or if his sensitive chest is compressed.
- His kicks especially have semi-telegraphed set-ups and lead him to overcommit in order to follow through on the motions. This opens him up to counters, as you may know. It hasn’t presented itself as a major problem yet…
- Refuses to use weapons unless his life is at stake because he considers official matches to be different from waging a war or being in a hostile zone. He has the capability of killing someone, he does not do so needlessly.
- As the match goes on and on, he particularly suffers from decreased stats in terms of fighting unless he is able to rest because of exhaustion and the aforementioned lung issue. Say, one star per stat.
- Constantly scared into redirecting the match where he’s on the defensive if the opponent devolves to trickery he can’t figure out because he deems taking the restricted route better than flailing like a chicken and suffering for being hyperactive, though this applies more to striking.
Style: Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing supplemented by Tai Chi, mostly for flexibility.
Preferred Matches: “I will make SURE to prove any doubters wrong no matter what you select, hopefully~.”
Attitude To Hentai: “It depends on the type. I am not a back-alley whore.”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★☆ – Built different. He is hampered by his tender lungs and inability to easily put on enough weight to extend into a gargantuan amount of muscle or fat. Could break faulty hammers
Strength ★★★★★ – Fei’s skin is solid and conditioned as much as the strikes are. You’d be better off trying to choke him to bypass statistics.
Speed ★★★☆☆.5 – His speed leaves something to be desired. The lack of stiff joints provided by consistent stretching gives him limber limbs for kicks and such.
Defense ★★★★☆ – Finds himself in his element when defending, and can do well against popular moves if someone pushes him on the backfoot.
Technique ★★★★☆– Overall, he has amazing technique in everything he does save for some holes when faced with unorthodox aerials, complex grappling or overwhelming striking.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★☆ – Hits hard and fast as previously stated.
Submissions ★★★★☆– His ground game is very good currently, but his rating can suffer from ‘dirtier’/hentai fighters and will get sufficiently riled up if forced to be on the bottom of situations where he can fight his way back to the top.
Powerhouse ★★★★★ – Can shoulder-throw most women and men, save for the mammoths who rest at the top of the heavyweight or have enough awareness to counter throws.
Aerials ★★☆☆☆ – He only goes for the basic stuff like elbow drops and body splashes or submission setups that require leaping in the first place.
Counters ★★★☆☆ – Self-Explanatory and covered in defense.
Signature Moves
Uchi Mata > Armbar
Earth Scraper
Kimura Trap
"Armor-Piercing" or Reverse Spin-Scoop Powerslam
Absolute Destruction
Buggy Choke
Guillotine Choke (with double arm traps using his legs but I could not find a good enough reference.)
As a child, Fei was pleasant and obedient to his elders. He went to school, did his work to an acceptable degree, and said please and thank you. Yet, Fei had been adrift and without purpose despite the migration of his parents to Japan for better opportunity rather than the arguably shaky relations of China as it related to the Western-influenced countries. He was destined for an average kind of existence but always dreaming for a higher station than what he had started off with. He had little support. No siblings. No copious amount of money. No pets. Just control over the future he held in his hands. To cure this awakened hunger, rather than let it grow into something unmanageable, Fei-hsien took up Tai Chi as directed by his parents’ suggestions. Attracted by the increase of his status, he joined up with the JSDF as soon as he turned 18 where he came to be exposed to different martial arts. It was here that he came upon a particular realization that he mulled over for the next 3 years of service. While Fei came out in an acceptable condition, the cost of his choice was dealing with a case of particularly ‘tender’ lungs due to the inhalation of smoke from both prayer rituals near flames and the inhalation of gunsmoke. Thus, while he can still fight well, he is susceptible to losing his composure in chokeholds and his chest being restricted or compressed deeply.
As he took up smaller circles of Mixed Martial Arts-based competition for money to assist his family with their financial issues after they had sacrificed a portion of their savings to move to Japan in the first place, the previously mentioned realization fully set in. He gravitated towards fights because he derived gratification from the competition. Beating on each other and pushing through the pain in a back and forth, he loved it unlike a masochist or sadist.
He honed his mastery of two other martial arts: Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing, stemming from ‘Jieitaikakutōjutsu’, to avoid getting his teeth kicked in by some savvy, strong new generation fighter. At the same time, he used the funds gained from both his service and MMA fights to supply a college tuition for a degree in teaching World History, stemming from a childhood fascination with the tall tales of Journey to the West, aside from what was reduced due to his merit-based scholarships.
At the relevant time of his fighting career, roughly 1 year and 6 months before his LAW membership, Fei was approached by a LAW scout and offered the basic contract thanks to his more than meager record in the public space. Now he concerns himself with seeking the thrills to both satiate his thirst for brutal competition and now living as HE directs rather than at the whims of a superior or universal forces beyond his control.
Like I said before. I'm not writing a novel but ask questions if you want an answer.
Mother and Father.
Gaia Wren - Fighting Partner?
Valentina Song - ???
The Earth's Challenge - Fei vs Gaia - Ongoing
The Spy Who Loved Me - Ongoing
Sweetened Blasphemy - Ongoing
Live Fei Reaction
"Not such an effete buffoon, now am I?"
Where the Steamed Buns go
His interests include animals, fit stomachs, guns, lingering in restaurants or the streets during the daytime, fighting with someone until the two can barely stand up, etc.
He holds entertainment to a high standard, finding it a shame if something on the level of good classical art or drawn pieces sucks. Unfortunately, he is not so motivated as to rant about it to an invisible audience over the view of a camera. His favorite action movie is the first Matrix (1999) and ranks it among the best movies ever made.
He deplores body odor and bad hygiene. He cannot comprehend why someone with the appropriate opportunity cares so little that they’d waltz around with grimy hands or tear-causing funk.
In terms of cooking, he mainly specializes in Chinese dishes so here's hoping you like the classics.