Age: 19
Eye color: Shamrock green
Hair color: Light brown
Height: 6'11''
Weight: 275lbs/ 124.7 kg
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: Joywave - Somebody New

Personality and history:
Often very soft spoken and shy, Brooks seemingly embodies the idea of a gentle giant to a T; which more often than not becomes a detriment, especially when he's far too timid to even say no in most cases. This had always been a major problem for the young Michigander, though, being the victim of a rather active group of bullies in his school years, brooks would find a deep seated fear of being confronted over even the simplest of things; and as a result he tended to keep away from most, which did very little in the way of improving any social skills he could have had.
Brooks' father, as helpful as had tried to be, really wasn't; a lumberjack by trade, Brooks father was tall, built, and was what could be described as a "man's man". He knew his son had trouble with bullies, and he saw the writing on the wall; so choosing to do what his father had told him, brooks' father often encouraged the young man to take the more "Manly" routes to the situation. As one can guess, these often included confronting his bullies, or even full on violence if things ever got bad enough; which while in Mr. Castells mind, these were good solutions, Brooks wanted nothing to do with any of them. Eventually, however, the pressure from both his school bullies, and his fathers attempts at encouragement, and the feeling of failing his father, came to a head, which resulted in not only deep rooted anger issues, but Brooks eventually lashing out and getting into a brawl with his bullies.
Learning of Brooks' brawl, however, his Father was rather understanding with him; but likewise knew something had to be done, and he had an idea of what that was. Brooks would have a sit down with his father the night of the brawl, where the young man ultimately wouldn't confront his father over his pushing for him to be more of man like he was, but would concede, out of his fathers own curiosity, that he quite enjoyed the fight; that something about the action was quite fun, though he ultimately feared and hated the idea of losing control as he did. When questioned on what brooks ultimately wanted in regards to his confidence and anger issues, the young man admitted that he wanted to be as confident as his father, and be able to control his anger, but that he didn't know where to start.
As an answer on where to start, Mr. Castell would soon introduce his son to a local indie wrestling league, where he would become infatuated with the sport, and the confidence of it's roster; seeing what his father had, a possible solution to his problem. Eventually, after some training, and a bit of waiting until he was eighteen, Brooks would make his debut in that same indie league. For the most part, he enjoyed himself, he didn't quite fit in, and didn't quite know how to interact with others, but he still liked it. Sooner or later, his anger issues would catch up again, though, as he was challenged by a local tyrannical heel who thought she had an easy victim on her hands. To her credit, she was right for most the match, until she pushed him too far, and ultimately had a table she put out to use on him, brought down and broken over her splayed form in her would-be victim's fit of rage. Though angry that he had again lost control, Brooks would find encouragement in the form of a talent scout for LAW taking interest in him.
TLDR/ Personality Summary:
Brooks Castell is a relatively nice young man who, whilst probably being one of the tallest members of the roster, is quite gentle and often very shy. Years of bullying and the stress of having to live up to a macho father who wanted his son to be man enough for the world, if not more, resulted in deep rooted anger issues and violent outbursts which his large form only assists in making that more potent.
Though he typically is a gentle giant, he does love the thrill of a fight, so long as his opponents don't become malicious or sadistic; or as long as nothing happens that might send him over the edge.
Though he typically is a gentle giant, he does love the thrill of a fight, so long as his opponents don't become malicious or sadistic; or as long as nothing happens that might send him over the edge.
Brooks' main goal for his time in LAW is to both learn how to temper or control his rage, and possibly hone his skills as a wrestler, before he even thinks of trying to get higher amongst the rosters ranks.
Fun Facts:
-Brooks is a bit of a musical geek, with a fondness for jazz, and a rather good skill with the Saxophone.
-He's overly fond of quiet serene places in nature, and will usually gravitate towards any he might find.
-His favorite game soundtrack is Halo ODST's, as he used it to practice with the saxophone, and can play all of the parts in the soundtrack using the instrument.
-He's overly fond of quiet serene places in nature, and will usually gravitate towards any he might find.
-His favorite game soundtrack is Halo ODST's, as he used it to practice with the saxophone, and can play all of the parts in the soundtrack using the instrument.
General Stats:
Endurance: 7/10
Strength: 9/10
Speed: 4/10
Defense: 5/10
Technique: 3/10
Wrestling stats:
Strikes: 5/10
Submissions: 4/10
Powerhouse: 10/10
Ariels: 3/10
Counters: 4/10
Brooks is a rather sloppy fighter, with little training in most aspects of the sport. He ,however, excels as a grappler and a powerhouse, using his height as the main source for a lot of his strength and as his leverage in a match.
Signature Moves:
Castellan Drop
Backdrop Driver

Deadlift Argentine Backbreaker

Finishing Moves:
Tower Driver
Vertical Suplex Piledriver