”You don’t want none. Trust me.”
Name: Luke DixonNickname: The Big Guns
Age: 24
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Blonde
Weight: 310 lbs
Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Entrance Music:
Vietnam Story by Jedi Mind Tricks
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Clark is slow as hell, and you can tell he knows, relying on his brute strength to bulldoze through attacks. He won’t hit too often, but when he does, he lands lik, e a tank, and he excels at hurling his opponents from one side of the ring to the next. His ground game is solid, too - once he’s down hurling his opponents around, he can work them down with powerful, punishing submission moves that make use of his overwhelming strength. Style: Power Wrestling
Type: Pro Wrestler
Preferred Attacks: Lariat, Powerbomb, Slams, Suplexes, Boston Crab
Preferred Matches: Standard
Attitude to Hentai: “Happily married, ma’am.”
Physical Statistics
Endurance: ★★★★★ - Is every bit as tough as he looks, and then some.
Strength: ★★★★★ - His power is overwhelming. Can even lift opponent who exceed his size.
Speed:★ - Slooooooooooow.
Defense:★★ - Struggles with quicker attacks.
Technique: ★★★★ -
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★ - Has good lariats and chops to work with.
Submissions: ★★★★ - He’s not a man you want on top of you.
Powerhouse: ★★★★★ - Will toss you from one side of the ring to the other.
Aerial: ★★ - Better than you might think. It’s rare, but he can bust out a moonsault.
Counters: ★★ - Too slow to make this work most of the time, but can surprise with raw power.
Signature Moves:
Artillery Strike

Supply Drop

Category Five

With an opponent in the fireman’s carry position, Luke rapidly spin around, gains momentum, then tosses them off, leaving them to spin all the way to the ground.
Shock And Awe

Big Mack hoists his opponent up into the powerbomb position, gets a running start, then launches them with a sitout powerbomb, using the momentum of his run for extra damage.

A full nelson hold, with Luke often lifting his smaller opponents up and tossing them around to increase the pain on their shoulders. If they refuse to tap, he’ll often turn it into a full nelson slam and go for the pin, or, if he’s feeling mean, he’ll turn into a full nelson suplex, hold it, and continue the submission until they give up.

With an opponent lying prone in the ring, Luke scales the ropes, takes aim, and leaps off with a rounding moonsault, using his great weight and solid build to devastating effect.
Personal Information
Luke Dixon is a simple kind of man. Too often, people confuse that simplicity with stupidity and take him to be a stupid, unthinking, uncomplicated oaf, but he can be an extremely intelligent person when he wants to be, and has a good common sense for the world around him. Luke doesn’t see much point in beating around the bush or hiding his feelings on matters - if something’s bothering him, he’ll say it, and if he wants something, he’ll go for it.
Luke’s biggest complication is his relationship with Tommy Gunn, his best friend, who constantly complicates a life that he’d rather keep simple. The two have a bond, one that keeps Luke close to the man despite all the trouble he gets dragged into, and while there are lines he won’t cross, he’s come to accept that the two of them are just sort of linked. Tommy has his back through thick and thin, so it’s only fair that the reverse is true.
Luke’s biggest complication is his relationship with Tommy Gunn, his best friend, who constantly complicates a life that he’d rather keep simple. The two have a bond, one that keeps Luke close to the man despite all the trouble he gets dragged into, and while there are lines he won’t cross, he’s come to accept that the two of them are just sort of linked. Tommy has his back through thick and thin, so it’s only fair that the reverse is true.
Luke Dixon grew up tall and strong on a farm in Oklahoma, and you might think that being a head taller than almost any boy in his school would dissuade the children from picking on him. You’d be wrong, however. Luke’s simplicity was often mistaken for stupidity, and he spent a lot of his early years getting pushed around and taunted. His family thought this might change when they moved to Texas, but the situation worsened instead.
Things improved when Luke made a friend of Tommy Gunn, one of the more popular kids in his school. While Tommy was a bit of a goof off, he had a good heart and stood up for Luke, quickly making friends and striking a balance between them - the calm, slightly shy Luke paired up with the outgoing, impulsive Tommy. The two would forge a friendship that would take them through quite a few peaks and valleys, and would eventually bring them to the military and a station in Japan.
It was here that they had a rather infamous night at a local bar. Their CO just so happened to be a former wrestler in Japan, and with her stories fueling their curiosity and more than a little bit of liquid courage, they tried their hand at a hentai match that the club was hosting, inspired by the success of promotions like LAW. The two were a hit with the crowd, but much less so with their superiors after the footage leaked online, and they were summarily kicked out of the military days later, to say nothing of the damage it caused Luke’s marriage.
Tommy, screw up that he was, was eager to make things right, and suggested that the two give real wrestling a go until they were able to find Luke a more stable job. While he was hesitant at first, he didn’t have any better ideas, and agreed to join LAW on a temporary basis as Tommy's tag partner.
Things improved when Luke made a friend of Tommy Gunn, one of the more popular kids in his school. While Tommy was a bit of a goof off, he had a good heart and stood up for Luke, quickly making friends and striking a balance between them - the calm, slightly shy Luke paired up with the outgoing, impulsive Tommy. The two would forge a friendship that would take them through quite a few peaks and valleys, and would eventually bring them to the military and a station in Japan.
It was here that they had a rather infamous night at a local bar. Their CO just so happened to be a former wrestler in Japan, and with her stories fueling their curiosity and more than a little bit of liquid courage, they tried their hand at a hentai match that the club was hosting, inspired by the success of promotions like LAW. The two were a hit with the crowd, but much less so with their superiors after the footage leaked online, and they were summarily kicked out of the military days later, to say nothing of the damage it caused Luke’s marriage.
Tommy, screw up that he was, was eager to make things right, and suggested that the two give real wrestling a go until they were able to find Luke a more stable job. While he was hesitant at first, he didn’t have any better ideas, and agreed to join LAW on a temporary basis as Tommy's tag partner.
Bring it!

Just chilling…

I see ya.

+Has a good singing voice. People say he’s a dead ringer for Johnny Cash.
+Tommy’s tried to get Luke into anime a few times, but for the most part, it’s never taken. The one exception is Azumanga Daioh, which he finds hilarious.
+Has a collection of sunglasses, and he always carries a few extras on his person, just in case the one he currently has on gets broken in a match.
Friends: Tommy Gunn