Alias: The Imperial Strategist
Age: 26
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Very Dark Brown
Weight: 138lbs
Entrance music:
Nationality: Japanese, Kyushu Region
Fighting Style: Boxer
War Style
War Pose: War Tortoise - The user fortifies his arms as tightly to his body as he can and places himself into a firm stance, preparing to spring at a moments notice when sign of danger looms. Keeping up an extremely high defense at the cost of an offense. In the sense of boxing, the user attempts to deny any high ground to the opponent.
War Strike - 3 quick powerful jabs from the War Tortoise stance, almost mimicking boxing. This particular strike is from the user's dominant hand, (right) and either goes onto a volley of 3 more strikes, all depending on the situation.
War Lance: Southpaw - 1 quick hook/straight punch from the opposite hand at the opponent, either to push them back or to gain the upper edge.
War Pose: Low Path - Like War Tortoise, but at a much lower stance, utilizing a lower advantage and to strike lower at the opponent, like the previous stance, defense is the highest concern, quick attacks are a secondary, and speed is the most important thing to worry about.
War Art: Merciless Juxtaposition - Several sidesteps and strafing around the opponent to get directly behind them and firing off a quick barrage of punches into their back, then wrapping both arms around the opponents head going in a backwards sleeper hold and pulling them to the ground, but instead of them crashing on top of you, the user flips themselves onto the back of the opponent. A move so ridiculous that it will only work once.
Warpath: Violent Undercurrent - A Warpath developed using a low, powerful sweep of the legs at the opponent crashing them to the ground. *Warpath: A move that requires a running start and using quick sidesteps to prevent the opponent from catching the user off guard.
War Pose: Shieldmate's Crossguard - The user crosses both arms in a heavy guarded cross stance, defense is highest priority and will sacrifice everything else to maintain a heavy guard that will not bend under any force.
Phalanx Strike - A heavy and powerful guard break attack only used when in the Shieldmate's Crossguard pose, whichever hand is at the front of the crossguard, the hand under it will be hand that will be used to strike at the opponent.
War Strike - 3 quick powerful jabs from the War Tortoise stance, almost mimicking boxing. This particular strike is from the user's dominant hand, (right) and either goes onto a volley of 3 more strikes, all depending on the situation.
War Lance: Southpaw - 1 quick hook/straight punch from the opposite hand at the opponent, either to push them back or to gain the upper edge.
War Pose: Low Path - Like War Tortoise, but at a much lower stance, utilizing a lower advantage and to strike lower at the opponent, like the previous stance, defense is the highest concern, quick attacks are a secondary, and speed is the most important thing to worry about.
War Art: Merciless Juxtaposition - Several sidesteps and strafing around the opponent to get directly behind them and firing off a quick barrage of punches into their back, then wrapping both arms around the opponents head going in a backwards sleeper hold and pulling them to the ground, but instead of them crashing on top of you, the user flips themselves onto the back of the opponent. A move so ridiculous that it will only work once.
Warpath: Violent Undercurrent - A Warpath developed using a low, powerful sweep of the legs at the opponent crashing them to the ground. *Warpath: A move that requires a running start and using quick sidesteps to prevent the opponent from catching the user off guard.
War Pose: Shieldmate's Crossguard - The user crosses both arms in a heavy guarded cross stance, defense is highest priority and will sacrifice everything else to maintain a heavy guard that will not bend under any force.
Phalanx Strike - A heavy and powerful guard break attack only used when in the Shieldmate's Crossguard pose, whichever hand is at the front of the crossguard, the hand under it will be hand that will be used to strike at the opponent.
Sweeping Dragon Stance - Right arm vertically up in front of you, your fist turned at a ninety degree angle and almost the same location for your left arm, except your fist is in opposite direction from your right fist. Keeping your right leg extended and your left leg held back, readying yourself for quick lunges and strides. This stance is the base stance and will be transitioned into other Dragons.
Crimson Blood Dragon - Tightly keep your legs together and lower your arms down to your sides. A very come at me stance. Rather than taking the fight to them, you wait and gauge closely to what your opponent will do and decide how you want to bite down.
Azure Arch-Dragon - Tightly keep your legs together and bring your hands together in a prayer like pose and keeping your head down. The Arch-Dragon is something to revere and not to be forwardly aggressive towards, through swift actions a reverant form will make itself clear.
Crimson Roundhouse Kick - Wait till they charge, strike before they can do anything, instead of going with a striking kick, this kick follows through.
Crimson Guard - Throwing up both arms into a vertical position and locking down for a brief reprieve.
Crimson Guard Bash - After locking up with the guard, the user rushes the opponent and either uses their left or right arm and bashes the opponent and using the other fist to deliver a quick strike.
Hellfire - The unique Crimson Blood Dragon weapon art, the user rushes the opponent, grapples their neck with their left arm and delivers as many high powered punches to the opponent.
Ice Storm - The unique Azure Arch-Dragon weapon art, the user delivers a high kick to the jaw of the opponent, then leads into a volley of quick and light punches before the opponent can respond. Before rushing back to a safe area, you perform a fast roundhouse kick.
Crimson Blood Dragon - Tightly keep your legs together and lower your arms down to your sides. A very come at me stance. Rather than taking the fight to them, you wait and gauge closely to what your opponent will do and decide how you want to bite down.
Azure Arch-Dragon - Tightly keep your legs together and bring your hands together in a prayer like pose and keeping your head down. The Arch-Dragon is something to revere and not to be forwardly aggressive towards, through swift actions a reverant form will make itself clear.
Crimson Roundhouse Kick - Wait till they charge, strike before they can do anything, instead of going with a striking kick, this kick follows through.
Crimson Guard - Throwing up both arms into a vertical position and locking down for a brief reprieve.
Crimson Guard Bash - After locking up with the guard, the user rushes the opponent and either uses their left or right arm and bashes the opponent and using the other fist to deliver a quick strike.
Hellfire - The unique Crimson Blood Dragon weapon art, the user rushes the opponent, grapples their neck with their left arm and delivers as many high powered punches to the opponent.
Ice Storm - The unique Azure Arch-Dragon weapon art, the user delivers a high kick to the jaw of the opponent, then leads into a volley of quick and light punches before the opponent can respond. Before rushing back to a safe area, you perform a fast roundhouse kick.
Stance: Shield Guard - Left arm folded up on chest vertically, right arm loosely hanging at side. Keeping a rhythmic pace.
Stance: Reverse Shield Guard - Right arm folded up on chest vertically, left arm loosely hanging at side. Keeping a rhythmic pace.
Javelin Thrust - Lowering either left or right arm, depending on the stance, the user then lunges forward and delivers a high impact blow with the other hand and then reverts into the opposite stance.
Counterpunch: Parry&Riposte - Deliver a Shield Bash to your opponent then using your other hand and follow up with a heavy and powerful counterpunch.
Block/Attack: Shield Bash - Either the right or left hand, depending on stance. Bash your opponent with a heavy and hard back handed fist. Attempting to push them away from you.
Proxy Art: Deft Proxy Strike - A double feint punch leading first with the left hand, into a upper body uppercut, proceeding into a full body tackle.
Hybrid Art: Diabolus ex Ultimatum - A running jump attack, extending both legs into a airborn kick. Delivering a high impact attack. This Art leaves the user in a precarious situation. (used after recovering from the Deft Proxy Strike)
Stance: Reverse Shield Guard - Right arm folded up on chest vertically, left arm loosely hanging at side. Keeping a rhythmic pace.
Javelin Thrust - Lowering either left or right arm, depending on the stance, the user then lunges forward and delivers a high impact blow with the other hand and then reverts into the opposite stance.
Counterpunch: Parry&Riposte - Deliver a Shield Bash to your opponent then using your other hand and follow up with a heavy and powerful counterpunch.
Block/Attack: Shield Bash - Either the right or left hand, depending on stance. Bash your opponent with a heavy and hard back handed fist. Attempting to push them away from you.
Proxy Art: Deft Proxy Strike - A double feint punch leading first with the left hand, into a upper body uppercut, proceeding into a full body tackle.
Hybrid Art: Diabolus ex Ultimatum - A running jump attack, extending both legs into a airborn kick. Delivering a high impact attack. This Art leaves the user in a precarious situation. (used after recovering from the Deft Proxy Strike)
History: Growing up from your typical Japanese household and no sports or any athletics of his own volition during school, Hirosawa, Usui graduated with high grade marks and academical prowess with barely any athletic ability. Graduated university at the top of his class and going into business at a young age, ended up becoming one of the top members of his corporation at a young age of 25. One day, while riding the train home like normal, he overhears some talk about some insane wrestler making her debut match, ended up losing, but nonetheless was a powerhouse fighter. Usui, looks up who this person is and wonders, maybe he could try going at it in the ring. Giving his company a notice that he is going on his 2 month vacation, he is going to see what it is like in the ring. Regardless of strength or willpower, he has the uncanny ability of analytical thinking. Thinking to himself, maybe I could see those reruns of the Agatha vs Rosalina fight. Never having seen anything like that before, it has always been work, work, work. Maybe this will change something in him and give him a chance to fight.

In Memoriam