Name: Mikazuki Hayase
Age: 21
Eyes: Amber (wears red contacts in the ring)
Hair: Naturally black but usually dyed white
Height: 5’7
Weight: 138 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Wrestling Outfit
Entrance Music
Mikazuki is a bubbly person with too much energy for his own good. It's rare for him to stay still for a second and even rarer not to be yapping as quickly as he moves for half that time. Exceedingly outgoing, he loves when the spotlight is on him, regardless if it's for a good or bad reason. The latter is usually a result of the arrogant side of his personality and his tendency to get into trouble because of it. The type to act before thinking, he's never been bothered by his recklessness or the sticky situations it occasionally gets him, finding them more entertaining than anything else.
His sunny disposition makes it easy to overlook how vain and aggressive he can be. Particularly, when competing with others, even over the most minute things. While he'd like to excuse it as an outlet for his excess energy, truthfully, he takes an almost sadistic glee in getting the better of people and proving himself. And in the ring, pushing people to their limits. The gloating he can do afterward is always as vindicating as beating someone.
He's yet to find a better place to indulge his competitive spirit than inside the ring. No matter how his ever-present impulse to beat stronger opponents occasionally ends with him roughed up, losses only mean he has another chance to put that person in their place! After Mikazuki's done being sour about it. He'll pester someone for a rematch until they go insane and until he can best them, at which point he'll proudly exclaim that he's outgrown them. Despite how annoying his brattiness can be, Mikazuki genuinely has an admiration for displays of skill and people who display grit, even if his ego prevents him from saying it aloud.
When he's not being rabid from the prospect of a challenge, Mikazuki is friendly to an almost overwhelming degree, often forgetting the personal space of those he likes. He gives everything 110% and even more when helping anyone he considers a friend. He's all around pleasant to be around, at least, when he's not feeling too mischievous or if you get on his bad side.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Since he doesn't have the biggest frame he prefers to batter his opponents with strong kicks until they're whittled down, enough for him to switch away from hit-and-run tactics to his preferred high-risk aerial moves to finish his opponent.
Mikazuki prefers to keep matches at a frenetic pace to stoke his enjoyment, regardless of whether or not slowing down would be a good idea. He aims to tire his opponent before he tires himself out.
Style: Striker, High-flyer
Preferred Attacks: Kicks, aerial moves, knee strikes, and the occasional submission when there isn't a massive size difference between him and his opponent.
Preferred Matches: In his opinion, iron man matches are the best to push himself and his opponent. Plus, it ensures his opponent can't give up so soon against him!
Attitude To Hentai: “Well, you know what they say about rabbits~”
General Statistics
Endurance ★★☆☆☆ – Mikazuki can't take that much punishment as someone smaller in size. It's offset somewhat by his tendency to push himself to get the most out of a match. The pace he likes to keep tends to make him tire quickly.
Strength ★★☆☆☆– Outside of his strong kicking power, his overall strength isn't impressive.
Speed ★★★★★– Swiftness is his best tool against anyone he's up against. He uses his nimbleness to keep his foes on the Blackfoot while he attacks.
Defense ★★☆☆☆– Mikazuki takes little interest in being defensive unless it's completely necessary to continue fighting. He'll fully commit to offense whether it's the logical option or not
Technique ★★★☆☆– When he isn't caught up playing with his foe or performing risky moves just to be flashy, has a solid level of skill he can utilize to get the edge over his opponent. Specifically, when it comes to countering or punishing an opponent that leaves themselves open.
Strikes ★★★★☆ – His punches may be lacking, but his kicks, matching his rabbit-inspired attire, pack a lot of power.
Submissions ★★★☆☆ – He finds using submissions a tad risky since it partially relies on overpowering his opponent, preferring only to use them against those with a similar build or to finish off opponents that are as good as beaten.
Power Moves ★☆☆☆☆ – With his noodle arms? Only against those smaller than him would he think about trying to manhandle them.
Aerials ★★★★☆ – Mikazuki has a wide arsenal of moves he uses to crash down onto opponents whenever he feels like flying.
Counters ★★★☆☆ – He has a knack for taking advantage of his opponent's mistakes and openings. Finding ways to swing things in his favor is essential in avoiding swift defeats by foes that can overpower him.
Signature Moves
Drop Kick
Can be done standing, running, or from the ropes. Mikazuki uses it against the legs of bigger foes to topple them over. He usually transitions into a submission to take advantage of a surprised opponent

450 Splash
His go-to aerial move. Gravity makes up for his small size when crashing down onto opponents.

Sunset Flip Powerbomb
Done after making his foe double over from a kick or when he's in the unfortunate position of being lifted

Hip Attack
The cheeky move gives his opponent a view of his cotton tail before laying them out.

Head Scissors
Making use of his strong legs, it's his go-to submission against downed opponents

Getting his opponent in a chokehold, he’ll fall backward , utilizing his weight and gravity to bring his opponent with him and onto his raised knees. Mikazuki can keeps them locked in place with the chokehold until he's finished playing with them.

Finishing Moves
Hare-Trigger Kick
A devastating axe kick Mikazuki uses to finish opponents that are too worn down to expect it.

Crescent Fall
A moonsault into a double foot stomp. Mikazuki uses his opponent's ribs or back to cushion his landing.

Rabbit Rush
Flaunting his agility, he pulls off a stylish backflip while simultaneously kicking an opponent's chin. Assuming they're still standing, the following super kick will ensure they won't be for long!

Mikazuki blames his lively childhood for his competitiveness and inability to stay still for a second. As the youngest of three overachieving siblings, he constantly vied to stand out amongst them and to earn the limited time his mother could spend with them at home. He spent the majority of his early years traveling from one cramped city to the next and even moving to the United States. All due to his mother's need to travel as a wrestler.
Performing under the moniker Umiko the Crescent Hare, she quickly gained notoriety in the local indies she joined for her foolhardy wrestling style. Mikazuki was the only one of his siblings to care about his mother’s work, never complaining about her schedule or having to spend the afternoon watching her work until she was done. Seeing the tenacity it took for her to claim victory or move on past her losses kindled his interest in wrestling.
It only burned brighter after a neck injury forced his mother to stay out of the ring. With such a source of inspiration for him gone, Mikazuki was sure of what path he had to take. Not only would he continue his mother's wrestling legacy, but build upon it. With her help and connections, Mikazuki pursued a career in wrestling after high school, going through training to eventually working local circuits just as she had.
Adopting rabbit-themed gear similar to his mother's and her dynamic, reckless wrestling style, he began to pick up a small following in his hometown of Yokohama, something that didn't help his rapidly growing ego. It wasn't long before he sought out larger crowds to perform. All in the pursuit of increasing recognition of the title he inherited from his Mother. At first anyway.
One thing was clear in the outset of his career. Nothing felt better than thoroughly trouncing someone! Besides proving his superiority over them, of course. Mikazuki sought out the most imposing opponents he could in each city he visited, only moving to the next once claiming victory from them. Indulging his desire to test himself led him to receiving an offer, one that'd let him spread his name on the biggest stage he's set foot in yet.