Drake "Domino" Vyril

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Drake "Domino" Vyril

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Name: Drake "Domino" Vyril
Age: 21
Hair Color: Obsidian Black
Eye Color: Amethyst Purple
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 188 lbs.
Alignment: Face
Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Entrance Music: Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
Style: Domino is an all-rounder, implementing power moves and submission holds with skill and finesse, though he often favors maneuverability and aerial technique. His approach to wrestling is a mix of strategic and passionate, which can edge on ruthless.

Finishing Moves:
-Total Eclipse:
When the opponent is sufficiently weakened, Domino hoists them into a belly-to-belly piledriver position. After cinching the hold in place, he springs into a single forward flip to drive their head against the mat to complete the move. He isn't without mercy, however. If his opponent seems as though they've had too much, or there seems to be a risk of injury, the move is modified instead that the flip skips impacting their head, and his opponent is instead slammed on their back, with his body slamming overtop them for the pin.

-Sterling Stretch:
With a dazed or otherwise pliable opponent, Domino will apply an abdominal stretch submission hold. While twisting their body and leaving her belly taut and unprotected, he adds a clenching stomach claw. This move could be used with an opponent who's sitting up, the combination of abdominal stretch and stomach claw are the key points.

-Shooting Star:
With an opponent lying on their back, Domino climbs the nearest turnbuckle and springs into a high arching moonsault. His taut abdominals crash across his opponent's belly, and he usually just lies over them like that for the pin.

Match Types: He prefers standard matches, considering them the truest display of wrestling prowess and skill. He's not outright opposed to other match types, except for hardcore.

Smooth features and slightly fair, unblemished skin set the canvas. Expressive amethyst eyes are usually the first thing one will notice about him. Obsidian black hair tops his head, trimmed neatly short save for a few extended bangs allowed to hang over his right eye. Domino's body is lean, lacking in excess weight or bulk. His arms and legs are streamlined in smoothly-rippled muscle, chest toned and flat, and abdomen divided into a sleek six-pack.

Domino's attire is generally minimal. His upper-body goes completely bare and exposed, save for a pair of black and white elbowpads. He wears a pair of black and white wrestling trunks to match, leaving his thighs bare, and ending with a pair of predominantly black flap-style wrestling boots with white front panels.

Domino in full gear!
LAW Promo Shots
Black Motif
Blue Motif
Hotel Advert
Tokyo Life
Older Image

Socially, Drake is a friendly, upbeat, and uplifting person. He prefers to see the good in people, often opting to give them the benefit of the doubt. He's polite, if jocular and relaxed, and finds overt crassness to be beneath him. Nevertheless, he gets along with others easily. He enjoys modeling and wrestling alike, though he absolutely has a preference for the latter. He's not quite what one would call silver spoon, but he does have a preference for quality. Levels of snootiness are maintained at a joking level. Mostly. Just don't expect him to agree to a mudwrestling match any time soon.

Domino, however, is driven. Urged not only by his life of training, experience, and preparation, but also by the shunning and dismissal of his peers, Domino enters the ring with something to prove. Though he never truly leaves his friendly, even caring nature behind, he has a drive to win. The championship title is extremely important, not only in its prestige, but what it represents to him. Despite the treatment he's been given, he's proud of what he's accomplished and his ability. Though perhaps due to the treatment, he may be easily provoked and finds himself encouraging others to not give up or to keep trying. He's a bit of a showman, though that always takes a backseat to securing a victory, and never fails to convey his appreciation for the audience, fans, and support. Losing the audience can be rough on him.

The pairing of a fashion designer and professional wrestler is perhaps unexpected. And yet, it worked. Valerie, a high society dame with aspirations to start a fashion line all her own, had a secret wild side that idolized the savagery of professional wrestling, which lead her to meet a vibrant fella named Chet 'the Chainsaw' Vyril, a wrestler in a local independent federation. Opposites attracted, and Drake happened.

Being raised in the middle of two exceedingly different worlds, Drake found himself struggling as a child. He made friends easily and cleaned up well, but ran hotblooded. As the years went by, he wound up in more and more fights - granted, for what most would consider right-minded reasons. And while Chet thought this was awesome, Valerie was somewhat less thrilled. She attempted to curtail his behavior by pushing him more into her world, which had by then become full of fashion and glamour. He took to it well. And then he began getting into fights again. Chet decided to try things his way, much to Valerie's dismay. Young Drake was foisted into his school's wrestling team, and it appeared to be working. Then he piledrove an opponent. According to Chet, Valerie committed, "The facepalm heard 'round the world."

The Vyrils were running out of options. Chet concluded, in his eloquent way, "Screw it," and signed Drake up to take professional wrestling training without Valerie's permission. When she found out about this, she had a few less-than-elegant things to say, herself, but assented under the condition that he not go full-fledged neanderthal and model for her growing agency and attend functions. Drake didn't hesitate to agree. He didn't care whatever stipulations came with it - he was excited to train as a "proper" wrestler. And that's how the bizarre dichotomy of Drake's life really took off.

The years went by with considerably fewer (albeit not entirely without) fights in school. Drake's body had been honed both by rigorous physical training for professional wrestling and personal management for modeling, which had taken off in the fields of fashion and fitness. And when it came time to begin his career as a professional wrestler, he was more than ready. Skilled, talented, and ecstatic, he made a great debut as the Chainsaw's prodigy son, supporting his father against his opponents.

His father's shadow is where the federation kept him clamped, unfortunately. Despite proving himself time and time again against opponents in the ring, Drake always found himself shunted to the sidelines as his father's sidekick. Frustrated and at a loss, he realized if he were to ever get the chance he craved, it'd have to be somewhere else. To that end, Drake accepted an invitation to join a larger, more prestigious federation in Japan. He'd been to the country on multiple occasions for photoshoots and vacations, so he already had a solid grasp of the language - there was nothing to hold him back. He accepted, and off he flew.

Drake entered the federation with an uphill battle ahead of him. He had no clout going in. He was young. He wasn't physically imposing. But he met every challenge, faced every opponent, and began gaining the momentum he'd always wanted; deserved. He thought he'd finally found his place. That is, until his modeling became more publicized. The federation management began to take him less and less seriously. He fought against it and adopted the name 'Domino,' defiantly embracing the dichotomy that made him who he is, and challenging anyone to prove him wrong. Yet he continued getting scraps.

Domino still wrestles with the federation in Tokyo, both as a member of its roster, and as a determined fighter against its dismissive management. It doesn't seem likely that they'll give the American much attention moving forward, but he continues to push. Someday he'll get his due. Someday the blood, sweat, and tears will pay off. Someday.

Friends: Kaeda Fukuda
Enemies: None.
Romance: None.
Rivals: None.

Fun Facts:
-He loves accents. Thinks they're the coolest things. Naturally, he doesn't think he has one.
-Absolutely hates being sold short for his age, size, or profession.
-Of course he takes care of his looks. Of course he's a bit vain about it.

LAW Match History:
vs. Dhalia DuBlanc (Pin, Total Eclipse finisher) - View Here
vs. Arlise Christiaens (Pin, Total Eclipse finisher) - View Here (Apartment PoW Match)
vs Kohaku Kariya (Pinned, Seduction) - View Match
vs Christie Myers (Pinned, Foreign Object)- View Here (PoW Match)
vs. Mae Madison (Pinned, American Splash finisher) - View Here
Social Scenes & Unofficial Matches
1. Outside Perspectives - With Kaeda Fukuda
2. Post Show Blues - With Kaeda Fukuda
3. An Encounter in the Gym - Domino vs. Melody Serperior (Gym Match)
4. Change of Fortune? - Domino vs. Miss Fortune (Private Match)
5. Friends Share! - Domino vs. Navi Florges (Gym Match)
6. A Spar to Remember - Domino vs. Yasha (Gym Match)
7. All For A Good Cause! - Domino vs. Heat Hashimoto (Inter-Federation Match)
Matches In Progress:
vs. Bella Pirata - View Here
vs. Ophelia Noir - View Here (PoW Match)
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:39 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Drake "Domino" Vyril

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Major overhaul in how I do record-keeping, and making sure everything is up-to-date!

Cleaned up the matches section significantly! Should be way easier to parse now, and have up-to-date information!
Message me! I'm happy to hear from you!

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