Garnet Rose
ProfileReal Name: Garnet Rose
Nicknames: The Crimson reaper
Age: Male
Age: 19
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Black with some red parts
Height: 5’4 (He says he’s still growing)
Weight: 134 lbs
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Face
Difficulty: 6/10
Entrance Music:
Garnet Rose has black hair with some red tips and spots all over his hair. His hair lightly drapes towards the right side of his face that kind of covers a scar from an accident.
He has silver eyes and a toned, slender body. 5’4 in height. His hair is usually straight with some spots sticking up. Many people have called him cute or adorable before.
Wrestling outfit: Simple skin tight, sleeveless black shirt, black shorts with random suspenders and a bit of red all over. Black and red boots with red socks inside the boots.
Garnet is a nice, friendly person. An open and honest person with some shyness mixed in. He has his rare moments of being very excitable, though has learned to tone it down a bit for new people or during his matches.
He’s pretty shy when it comes to his scar. He uses his hair to lightly cover the scar, even if it doesn't cover the entire thing. While he isn’t afraid of showing it, he’s still insecure about it.
He’s not very good when it comes to attention or being in the spotlight but he does his best to ignore it for matches. He’s also socially awkward and not very good at first impressions but once he becomes friends with someone, he’ll be very reliable.
Garnet’s a dependable person that any friend can rely on. A good person that someone can tell their troubles to and will try to give you the best advice he can come up with while keeping any secret’s. Though he doesn't take his own advice sometimes as he can get into his own head.
He’s a giant fan of all sorts of stuff, some people could call him a dork due to it. Surprisingly doesn't seem to mind being called it when it referees to his hobbies.
Wrestling Information
Garnet is a fast and swift fighter, usually uses his entire body or legs to strike. His legs are extremely strong and powerful due to them being his main way of attack. He’s an all around fighter that mostly uses strikes, aerial or submission holds. Due to his height and not that great power, he barely uses power based moves that aren't his finisher or signature move. However he has been known to surprise his opponents by a surprise and quick power based move.
He mostly uses his smaller build to his advantage to either dodge a blow and get away or as he dodges it, he attacks if that person has overextended their move. He’s extremely fast and very good at balancing on his feet as well. A good example of this is he can walk on the ring rope and jump off it for a move.
He can take a good amount of damage before it will eventually take a toll on him.
His greatest strength is also his weakness, his legs. If they are taken out, then he’ll be much easier to beat. He’s not that great at escaping submission holds either, with smothering or leg based moves being so far the most effective on him.
Due to his shyness and awkwardness he’s not the best at using sexual moves, though he does know a few moves. A surprise hentai move will easily turn a confident Garnet into a blushing mess if used suddenly and precisely. However those that he had faced before said he was very good with his fingers and tongue.
Preferred Attacks:
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Spinning Back Kick

Half Boston Crab

Wrist Lock Springboard Front Missile Dropkick

Seated on ropes sliding crossbody

Rope Walk elbow drop

Rope walk DDT

Rope Hung Dropkick

Float over DDT

Rope Hung Headscissor

Rapid fire shoot kicks into Enzugiri

Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Roll-Up

Tilt-a-whirl abdominal stretch

Running sleeper hold

Flying Cross Armbar

Running Jumping Facebuster

Snap Abdominal stretch bomb

Springboard corkscrew crossbody

Handspring pele kick

Snap scoop northern lights suplex

Rope Run Into Moonsault

Wheel kick to back of head

Diving double stomp

Kneeling spike hurricanrana

Modififed backbreaker

Crucifix driver

Front Flip DDT

Handspring standing moonsault

Handspring tornillo attack

Running float-over reverse bulldog

Springboard tornado ddt

Diving Moonsault

Sit-out Shiranui

Attitude To Hentai: “H-HUH!”(He says with a blush on his face as his eyes wander around, looking anywhere but the person who asked.) “W-Well if I have to….”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
-Endurance: ★★★ - Garnet has okay endurance, not the best but has learned to recover quickly for quick bursts of energy in all of his matches.
-Strength: ★★ - Like his appearance would assume, he isn’t very built for strength. While he can lift and throw those around his weight, it isn’t that great against those that are heavier.
-Speed: ★★★★★ - Is his main strategy to win. Extremely fast and agile on his feet.
-Defense: ★★★ - His main defensive strategy is to be faster than his opponents and dodge their strikes. He can take some damage but will lose to more non-stop heavy attacks.
-Technique: ★★★★ - He tries to make up for his weaker strength and defense with his knowledge of wrestling moves.
Wrestling Statistics
-Aerials: ★★★★★ - Loves going high and using aerial moves. Can get to the tops with ease and uses many types of wrestling moves with the ropes.
-Powerhouse: ★★ - Preferers using either all of his weight or quick and easy throws/strength based moves.
-Submissions: ★★★★ - Is good at submissions. While he can’t hold them long if his opponent is much stronger than him, he learned that with his limb targeting, they can be much more effective.
-Strikes: ★★★★ - Is very strong with his strikes. His legs are his main way to defeat anyone. He can kick higher than most people can think he can. He uses his entire body or arms as his secondary strategy if he can’t use his legs.
-Counters: ★★★ - Not the best at countering as he prefers to dodge most attacks. Though that doesn't mean he can’t counter, it’s just that he prefers not to have his opponent get a hold on him.
-Hentai: ★★ - Is someone good at hentai moves but can easily be beaten against a stronger/more experienced foe.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
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Rifle Shot( Diving frog splash attack)
Buzzsaw Blast(Running Face Wash)
Empress Blade (Middle rope dropkick)
Sy-Pod Shot (Springboard senton bomb followed by a springboard moonsault)
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Corkscrew Slice(Diving Corkscrew Stunner)
Red Reaper (Triangle Stretch)
Petal Burst (Running forearm in the corner and then Diamond Dust/Forward somersault three-quarter facelock bulldog/jawbreaker)
Petal Dance: (Neon Destroyer)
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Eating his opponent out


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Garnet’s past was pretty good. He has a loving family and good friends. Good childhood with its ups and downs with nothing really bad had happened to him. He however had a big dream of being a wrestler as after watching a match at a young age, fell in love with it.
He had his family support, even if they were a bit concerned for him just in case he injured himself. Garnet was like a prodigy as he took most people by surprise at his athleticism and quickness as he began winning multiple matches in multiple minor wrestling leagues.
However things turned for the worse for the young guy. Garnet’s been thinking of getting a new manager as his current manager has been wanting him to do more bigger and dangerous stuff. Garnet however decided to give the manager one last chance, which sadly resulted in an unfortunate accident.
The manager managed to ‘convince’ (Told Garnet at the last second) that he was gonna wrestle his opponent in an Inferno match (Which the manager told the one in charge that Garnet wanted to do and it was his idea). During the match, the Manager, who wanted to see a bigger fire for “Better ratings” . However luckily the workers stopped him. But once the workers turned their back on him, he turned the fire all the way up, resulting in the fire getting out of control in the ring.
During a move, the opponent was about to be burned from the fire due to the sudden increase but luckily Garnet managed to grab them before they could get burned. Unfortunately Garnet got burned instead, burning him and leaving a mark on him.
Luckily for Garnet, the burn wasn’t as bad as it seems even if it looks bad. Not allowing his new burn to destroy his life, Garnet went back to wrestling after multiple months of healing and therapy, despite multiple protests from friends and family.
(And if you're wondering, yes the Manager is in Jail for multiple years. Not only did he accidentally endanger Garnet, the opponent and maybe even the entire audience if the fire broke out, it also turned out that he’s been withholding money for Garnet pay and after some investigations, he also managed to convince Garnet he was over eating too much and convinced Garnet that he needed to go on a diet. A thing that combined with Garnet physique/high metabolism, training and job, became a very bad thing with it leading Garnet malnourished.)
He had his family support, even if they were a bit concerned for him just in case he injured himself. Garnet was like a prodigy as he took most people by surprise at his athleticism and quickness as he began winning multiple matches in multiple minor wrestling leagues.
However things turned for the worse for the young guy. Garnet’s been thinking of getting a new manager as his current manager has been wanting him to do more bigger and dangerous stuff. Garnet however decided to give the manager one last chance, which sadly resulted in an unfortunate accident.
The manager managed to ‘convince’ (Told Garnet at the last second) that he was gonna wrestle his opponent in an Inferno match (Which the manager told the one in charge that Garnet wanted to do and it was his idea). During the match, the Manager, who wanted to see a bigger fire for “Better ratings” . However luckily the workers stopped him. But once the workers turned their back on him, he turned the fire all the way up, resulting in the fire getting out of control in the ring.
During a move, the opponent was about to be burned from the fire due to the sudden increase but luckily Garnet managed to grab them before they could get burned. Unfortunately Garnet got burned instead, burning him and leaving a mark on him.
Luckily for Garnet, the burn wasn’t as bad as it seems even if it looks bad. Not allowing his new burn to destroy his life, Garnet went back to wrestling after multiple months of healing and therapy, despite multiple protests from friends and family.
(And if you're wondering, yes the Manager is in Jail for multiple years. Not only did he accidentally endanger Garnet, the opponent and maybe even the entire audience if the fire broke out, it also turned out that he’s been withholding money for Garnet pay and after some investigations, he also managed to convince Garnet he was over eating too much and convinced Garnet that he needed to go on a diet. A thing that combined with Garnet physique/high metabolism, training and job, became a very bad thing with it leading Garnet malnourished.)
Rivals: Seraphina Kane (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=14204)
Likes: Animals, Wrestling, Music(All types of music he can listen to) Sweets, Anime
Despite the scar covering his eye, his eye still works properly.
His favorite musicians that aren’t too big are Jeff Williams and Casey Williams.
A former gymnast and track runner in school.
Garnet has two dogs. A small, very intelligent black-headed tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a giant German Shepherd. Their names are Zwei and Beowulf.
Was a former Heel that once part of a Team of Heels. The team consists of multiple members, 2 of which were Ulti and Page One.
Spoiler for his Heel past.
Garnet was a younger, more emotional wrestler when he joined his first company. While he was good, he wasn't the best. Especially when a lot of his matches were those that were much stronger and taller with him. Now a days he wouldn't mind it but due to his inexperienced, he felt like he was getting cheated.
Eventually he formed a Tag team with a woman a few years older than him. She was more of a mixture of a Heel and Tweener, something while at first he wasn't too sure about forming a tag team with, it quickly turned into a good thing as the two became quite good friends. However that wouldn't change anything as both were still disrespected by some of the heads of the company,
The heads that didn't like Garnet thought that he needed a few good more years before he could join the company but they were overruled, so they hoped they could eventually get Garnet to quite by giving him matches against more experienced, stronger wrestlers. And it soon carried over to the Tag Team division.
After a particular hard losing streak, Garnet and his tag team partner thought about splitting up. However before the two could talk about it anymore, one of the best wrestlers, probably the best/worst Heel in the currently company talked the two after a match. She was one of the best manipulator and even though both Garnet and his partner knew they were getting manipulated, they still joined her new group. A group that allowed whoever joined to freely express themselves, not to receive any disrespect and to "take shit from no one".
While Garnet wasn't too sure, as the promise of it turning their careers around and provide plenty of outlets for their anger was very, very temping, his Manager(The same one from his backstory) managed to convince him to join her, seeing it as very good way to spread Garnet's name around.
The group was filled with 6 wrestlers(7 if you counted Page One). Two guys(One was Garnet, Page One but was consider a honorary member due to him also being a doctor and another was a one of the largest, strongest guys in the company but got tired of being pushed aside) and 4 women(Garnet tag team partner, The one who talked to Garnet and his Tag team partner, a woman who was tired at being a Jobber and finally Ulti.)
They quickly helped the woman that made the group, the leader, to gain the main championship belt and they quickly sealed their domination throughout the entirety of the league. They were known to be violent wrestlers, pushing a "take no shit form anyone'" mentality to the extreme with the only one in charge was the leader.
Garnet was probably one of the softest of the bunch, morally speaking at least. While he knew what they were doing wasn't the best thing and they could be less violent about it, he did love the fact that his career actually did turn around and it also did provide a great way to outlet his anger. It especially helped that the one's in charge were getting frustrated and angry at the group. Though they couldn't do anything about it due to the overwhelming might the group had.
(Big thanks towards DSX93 for pretty much coming up with this idea and for helping me with it!)
Garnet is polyamorous but keeps it a secret and can get easily embarrassed by it. He has a secret weakness for taller, stronger, dominating, beautiful people. (Which is honestly most of everyone in LAW)
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Wrestling outfit 1: (No weapons, no cloak.)
Wrestling outfit (2) (Takes off his jacket. A simple black tank top, shorts, wrestling gloves, knee and elbow pads, barefoot.)
Casual outfit:

(Pretty sure this is a female Ruby pic but decided on just saying it was male Ruby back instead.)
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Just the trunks and necklace

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(Pretty sure this is a female Ruby pic but decided on just saying it was male Ruby back instead.)
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After training, a new outfit and got caught eating cookies

Dress for a date

Lost a bet and had to wear fake dog ears and tail

Posing with a giant prop scythe

What he wore once as a Heel. Heel outfit