Venti - The Windblown Wonder

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Venti - The Windblown Wonder

Unread post by Kassia »

The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered.
Big thanks to @TiefBlau for letting me use Venti as a faceclaim!

NAME: Venti
AGE: 22
WEIGHT: 126lbs/57.2kg
Entrance Theme
ALIGNMENT: Tweener (Face lean)
IN-RING STYLE: High-flyer/Technician/Dirty

LOOKS/OUTFIT: As shown in attached image.
More Photos of Main Attire
Additional outfit tails attached to belt are once again removed before wrestling.
Alternate Attire
Gym Attire
PERSONALITY: Venti is quite a friendly and lively soul, and one whose main trait is his carefree nature. He taunts and chats on and on regularly, enjoying speaking his mind and having fun with whatever he’s doing, making him a delightful ally to some, and an especially annoying opponent to others.

STRATEGY: Being very agile and nimble, Venti likes to use this to his advantage, frequently dodging and avoiding attacks. He enjoys the rush of jumping from the top rope and thus employs a lot of high flying moves, however has a fair amount of technical skill on the ground as well. Venti is not one to follow rules however, finding them too strict for his carefree nature, and sees no problem with going for cheap shots and tricks like Low Blows or Eye Rakes, much to his opponent’s annoyance.

PREFERRED ATTACKS: Mainly enjoys high flying moves however has a few submission holds and slams perfected if needed, despite not being the strongest. Regularly plays dirty when he needs to or just wants to, sometimes landing him in even more trouble.

ATTITUDE TO HENTAI: “Hm, no thanks! I still have SOME boundaries…”


Strength: ★★★☆☆ - Has got some decent strength in certain areas, but is nowhere near his main tool.
Speed: ★★★★★ - Described by some as like a rapid gust of wind, he excels in agility and nimbleness.
Endurance: ★★★★☆ - Can take his fair share of hits, and refuses to give up.
Defence: ★★☆☆☆ - Although he can evade well, his blocks are sub-par at best.
Technique: ★★★★☆ - A surprising amount of skill is present, often locking in holds or performing moves very efficiently.

Strikes: ★★☆☆☆ - Has enough power in his legs to hurt with things like superkicks, enziguri’s etc. but lacks it much more in his arms.
Submissions: ★★★★☆ - Can sneak in holds very well and can be a slippery opponent to fight off once they’re locked in.
Powerhouse: ★★★☆☆ - Mainly sticks to less strength intensive slams or spikes, however can sometimes perform them depending on the opponent and his mood.
Aerials: ★★★★★ - A master in the air, he’s called The Windblown Wonder for a reason after all.
Counters: ★★★★☆ - His agility lends him well to counterplay, slipping past opponents even when they were sure they hit him.


Signature Moves

Pushback (Tiger Suplex)
Sudden Breeze (Enzuigiri)
Bouncing Winds (Split Legged Moonsault)
Gale Force (Stunner)

Finishing Moves

Tornado Press (Twisting Moonsault)
Hurricane (Avalanche Impaler DDT)
Zephyr’s Wrath (Whiplash Neckbreaker)
Windbuster (Headbutt to Crotch/Groin on Floored Opponent)


Strengths: Incredible agility and nimbleness can make Venti a very slippery opponent for people to deal with, often dodging or escaping anything they try and not staying put, always looking for a move on the ropes. Additionally, has no problem with playing dirty, sometimes catching opponent’s woefully off-guard.

Weaknesses: While he’s not the weakest, he still can be outstrengthed a fair bit and due to his lightweight nature, he can be easily slammed around if caught. A lot of his main moves are quite high risk as well, and can sometimes fail, leaving him vulnerable.

Many of his friends describe Venti as ‘a tornado of sunshine.’ Venti has always been a happy soul, from when he was young to now. He was always willing to help and comfort others and be the light people needed. He loved any sort of activity that he did and grew quite fond of more intense ones, forever seeking the thrill and joy they bring.

One day, when his parents were out, Venti managed to come across a wrestling cartoon on the TV as he was scrolling through. He saw someone dash up to the top rope and perform multitude of acrobatic acts before finally landing on their opponent, and his eyes grew wide as he believed he found his true passion. He quickly researched and watched more episodes of the show, as well as actual matches, and he had never been so happy. He had picked up other hobbies at this point, such as his love for music propelling him towards playing the lyre, but this was one like no other, and he desperately pursued it.

After begging and wagering with his parents long enough about promising to get good grades in exchange for eventually enrolling in a wrestling school, he held up his end of the deal and quickly got to the ring, his sneaky tricks as well as agile build and nature making him a tricky opponent to catch and keep quiet and he saw solid success, quickly moving onto sparring matches and eventually proper ones, where he won over the crowd through his risky and entertaining wrestling style.

After some experience in both the Indie and Joshi scene, he received a contract from LAW. Venti replied and accepted almost less than 24 hours later, happy to be able to switch things up and have fun somewhere else. He had no idea what to expect in LAW, but he was gonna do his best to be a tricky foe regardless, and one that is consistently a joy to watch, but a pain to be against.

- Venti’s favourite wrestler is Iyo Sky (Io Shirai), and he was heavily inspired by her.
- His favourite video games are Animal Crossing and Rumble Roses.
- He has learnt numerous songs on his lyre, and regularly practices it, helping him calm down.
- He also loves to cook, however many of his friends don’t trust him with an open flame.
- One of Venti’s favourite spots was in a mixed tag match, where his partner performed a Sit-Out Powerbomb on their opponent and he rapidly followed up with a Frog Splash from the top rope, leading to a pinfall. He said it was one of the coolest things he’s ever been a part of. The victim, the women’s wrestler of the opposing tag team, said she felt like she had turned 2D for a moment with the flattening of her back and chest.
- Another one of his favourite spots was when he once attempted a top rope crossbody and was instead caught and manipulated into a Tombstone Piledriver. Although he lost, he described the crowd noise and surprise at the move as the best he’s ever heard.

A friendly, fun-loving and free soul that aims to wow as many audience members as he can and have as much fun wrestling as possible!
Last edited by Kassia on Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Discord User: kass.ia

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