Age: 20
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6’2
Weight: 232 lbs
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: Heel
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Entrance music:
Appearance Gallery:
Despite this somewhat fiendish and manipulative nature however… Vesper is genuinely suave and gentlemanly, largely due to how his mother raised him. As a result outside of anything wrestling or business related, or where he can otherwise get something for himself, he’s actually rather pleasant to be around and can be rather proper and polite, especially to women. The only thing that really holds him back there being his as mentioned duplicitious and manipulative nature.
Wrestling Style: Sporting a very measured and slow paced style Vesper lets his intelligence dictate the way he fights. As a result, despite having the strength and leverage for powerful slams, he instead favors precise and powerful strikes with occassional high flying moves or submissions that target specific areas of his opponent’s body. The main idea being to work over his opponents in a vicious and targeted way before ultimately finishing them off as efficiently as possible.
Preferred matches - Standard, Tag Matches, Last One Standing, No disqualification, and Falls count anywhere,
Preferred Move(s) Kicks, Punches, Knees, Elbows, German Suplex, Armbars, Knee bars, neck cranks, snapmares, splashes, enziguri, superkicks, bicycle kicks, axe kicks, and spring board based moves.
Signature Move(s)
Deaths Door: Lifting an opponent up and turning them around so that they are in a tombstone position he will grab them by their feet and cross their legs, bending them back while balancing their head and shoulders between his thighs for a crosslegged tombstone stretch. Depending on their resistance and weight however he will sometimes follow up directly by dropping down for pile driver as well.
Crushing Fang: Catching an opponent in his mom’s signature cobra clutch submission Vesper will use his position to pull his opponent backwards before dropping down onto his knee, aiming to drive the foe back first into his knee for a painful backbreaker on top of the cobra clutch which he will either maintain or release depending on the situation.
Finisher Move(s)
Ghastly Dusk: With an opponent on their knees or crouched a fair bit away Vesper will dash forward from the other end of the ring and swing his arm out while putting his whole body forward into a forearm smash to the back of an opponent’s head in a effort to ko them completely.
Speed - 7/10
Stength - 6/10
Stamina - 6/10
Agility - 7/10
Charisma - 9/10
Strikes - 8/10
High flying - 7/10
Submission - 7/10
Power - 6/10
History: Both Vesper and Danica grew up in a life of luxury as a result of their mother’s hard work and smart investment, status and wealth they both highly prized growing up. Likewise this means they also grew up greatly admiring their mother. Not only for her intelligence and intense determination, but also for her ruthless aggression in the world of wrestling which both Danica and Vesper greatly loved as kids.
Though despite being twins who were extremely close growing up, Danica and Vesper couldn’t be more different. Vesper grew up showing signs of his mother’s intelligence and manipulative thought process, constantly finding ways to work smarter rather than harder whether it be in school work, social problems, or anything else. All culminating in Vesper being documented as having a genius level intellect at age sixteen, and captaining the debate and chess teams all throughout school.
Quite conversely in comparison Danica showed nowhere near the signs of intelligence her brother did. But she did inherit the intense competitiveness of her mother that pushed her to go beyond her limits and prove her superiority over anyone. Meaning that she was in almost any sport available to her in school. Granted though, because of her… Intense and tomboyish nature Danica excelled far more in solo sports like swimming, track and of course greco style wrestling… though also embarrassingly enough for her, dance as well. The latter being something she was talked into by her grandmother.
Due to the amazing talents both had growing up that they inherited from their mother, both could easily go on to do many things. Danica in the world of fitness and arts given her interest in music as well as sports, and Vesper in the world of academics and, honestly politics given his silver tongue. But both had already decided what they wanted to do far before hand. Wrestling like their mom and had been taking lessons in their free time from her whenever the chance arose for it to happen. All they needed was for more time to open up. Time that would happen once high school finally finished.
Though Vesper, smart as he is decided to attend college as well as wrestle, but thanks to the rise of digital learning it was no problem to flexibly fit that in with his new current obligations. Danica meanwhile had no such interest and acts as her and her brother’s defacto agent when their mother isn’t around. Largely cause she can intimidate any bookers into not screwing them over.
This would continue for almost two year. Vesper and Danica traveling around the states, dominating in the indies like their mother and gathering experience. Largely without their mother short for the occasional advice and good ward as a means of them forging their own independence and reputation. Eventually however a new promotion would rise up, one that would kindle Lydia’s interest that she easily joined and now, she wants her kids with her and naturally the two were eager to join their mom and extend their reach further across the world in LAW…
- Currently has an iq of 150
- Has broken the hearts of at least twenty girls since middle school
- Has won the Washington state Chess championship, as well as leading his debate team to victory in the state finals
- Generally prefers more electronic and hip hop music.
- Getting along well with his mother Vesper enjoys watching and critiquing movies with her as their preferred activity
- If asked he us definitely a leg and ass type person.