Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 19
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Face
Theme: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Endurance: 4.5/5
Strength: 3.5/5
Speed: 5/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 5/5

Personality: Laidback with a sunny disposition Imai is always one to make friends wherever he goes, friendly to just about anyone he first meets. In a match however he is very hot blooded and enjoys the thrill of an intense match against a skilled opponent. Being proud of his jiu-jutsu skill one of the few ways to make him mad is to insult either his skill or jiu-jutsu itself though he is also one to drop grudges quickly, especially after a match as in his eyes issues like that are meant to be dealt with in the ring. So it can be common that he will approach an opponent time after an intense match once more smiling and wanting to be friends. Still underestimating him because of this can be bad for one's health since his sunny demeanor hides a truly fearsome competitor.
History: Imai Cosmo from a young age had a tendency to get into scraps, mainly against people who bullied him though most times these ended poorly for the blond due to his height. However things would change when he was rescued from a bunch of bullies by an expert in jiu-jutsu who, upon seeing his determination, took the young man under his wing. He would later learn the man trained him also because his older brother had been a previous student and world class fighter. Learning all the ins and outs of the style Imai proved to be a force of nature in a five foot six package and would make a name for himself in fight clubs and lower level MMA venues as the King of Stranglers, gaining this nickname after defeating another older and talented jiu-jutsu fighter by knock out with his Python Clutch.
After making a name for himself in the octagon Imai spent time focusing on graduating high school and upon doing so he learned of the league known as Tension. Finding the idea of taking on women to be unique and interesting he decided to sign up. He now arrives, looking forward to forging friendships and rivalries to improve himself further and to show a wider audience the skill of the King of Stranglers.
Wrestling Style: Making use of his skills in both jiu-jutsu and kickboxing Imai utilizes a variety of grapples, choke holds and limb locks. He also will make use of delivering punches and kicks, namely to test the waters against an opponent or to wear down an opponent he's having a hard time grappling with. As befitting his title as the King of Stranglers he tends to try and take down his opponents with a variety of choke holds and sleepers until he can send his opponents to dreamland.
Favorite Moves: Choke holds, sleepers, ground n' pound, limb locks, take downs, and slams
Signature Moves: Triangle Choke, Scissor Throw, Sleeper Hold
Zone: Due to his intense training Imai has the ability to discern the 0.1 second interval in which his opponent is completely focused on their attack. Once he pinpoints this moment he uses a burst of speed to attempt to move into his opponent's blind spot to slap on a hold. In most successful attempts he will seemingly vanish from his opponent's point of view until he places them in a hold.
Python Clutch: A Rear Naked Choke Hold often used in conjunction with Zone Imai will move onto his opponent's back, wrapping his legs around their arms and midsection and his arms around their throat. He will then work to maintain this hold as tightly as possible until his opponent submits or passes out. In a hentai situation he might throw in a few dry humps. It earned its name when his first opponent in an official match compared being put in the hold to being crushed by a large python and due to Imai resembling a snake wrapped around its prey.
Fun Facts:
-Has an older brother who he was estranged with until they met in the MMA league. Since then the two have become close with his brother becoming a second teacher and sparring partner that Imai has yet to beat.
-Is a big eater and constantly can be seen chowing down when not in a match. Whether it be his rigorous training or metabolism he rarely ever seems to gain any weight after one of his feasts.
-Is bisexual and can develop interest in women and men alike
-Has a great love of music and can be seen listening to his favorite songs backstage when not chowing down.
None atm
LAW Record: 0-0-0
LAW Accomplishments: None yet.