Gender: Male
Birthday: December 10th, 2001
Weight:139 Ibs
Hometown: Tokyo
Appearance/ ring gear:

History: Yusuke grew up in a middle class family. He was the only child of the married couple but he knew they were plenty. His father trained him to use a kendo stick alongside other forms of martial arts, however he would follow in his mothers profession of being an artist! His father was okay with it but Yusuke still keeps a sword or two around to still train. During high school he mostly focused on his passion but noticed a white haired girl starring at him from time to time. It all came to ahead in the final school festival, he danced with the girl before being kissed on the lips. The boy was shocked to say the least but was okay since he did have similar feelings to the girls in question, however the girl ran away before he could even say anything.
After graduation Yusuke went to an art school and got high grades. When he returned back to his hometown he needed a true inspiration for his artwork. Then it came on the television, he saw a law match and he was blown away by it. A match where both competitors were fighting back and forth not giving up no matter what! Then and there Yusuke knew what his art would he off. He talked to management about being a professional artist at law, to capture the hard pounding moments and draw them for the world. Soon Yusuke decided he take a crack at wrestling thanks to his martial arts training. He strives to show the beauty in wrestling!
Finishers/ signatures: