Age: 22
Sex: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs
Nationality: German
Alignment: Face (Jobber)
Entrance Music: Attack on Titan Main Theme
Wrestling Style- "Style? Ummmmm try hitting them as hard as you can? Does that count?"
Preferred Matches -(hastily scribbles with a red face onto a sheet and shoves it forward) KO Matches, Multiple Pinfalls, Long Pin, POW Matches, Soft Hentai
Heart punch- While this usually ends up hurting Eren as much as his opponent, he will try to wind his fist back before striking them in the chest directly over their heart.
Finisher (pffffffft, well if you insist)
Titan DDT- Leaping up onto his opponent, Eren will attempt to use his body weight to bring his opponent's head directly onto the mat.
Ring Gear
Casual Clothers
Training Gear
Pics that were caught at just the right moment
There are two sides to Eren. One he shows, and one he tries to hide underneath. The side he shows to the crowd is of a confident one. He thinks he has what it takes to succeed in the business, even if he lacks the skills to back it up. Underneath, however, he is a bit on the odd side. When taking a beating, he will often cease resistance, liking the feeling of domination. Submissive to a fault, Eren does not care if he loses every match, so long as he can meet cute guys and the check clears.
A star athlete in his high school, he started to develop a attraction to his male counterparts, one that he had to hide for fear of persecution. He did dabble in wrestling, where he discovered his more submissive nature. His school had some top notch fighters, and were able to waste him in the ring no problem. He was slammed, pinned, choked out, knocked out, during every fight. But it didn't matter. The sheer thrill he got out of being completely dominated were worth the experience.
It was during this time that he met Akio, one of the more quiet members of the wrestling club. Akio had tussled with Eren for quite some time, and was a regular opponent who frequently crushed Eren in the ring. It was at this time that Eren had his first actual relationship with another man. It lasted for quite some time, with Akio and Eren meeting in secret for quite a few months. This usually involved them wrestling, and then screwing afterward. However it was not to last, as Levi was forced to move out of the country for a job oppertunity, forcing the two to have a sharp break up.
Secret Pictures of Akio and Eren
One plane trip later and Eren was here in Japan, ready to get paid and meet some hot guys. All he needed to do was step into the ring. It can't be that bad right.........right?
Fun Facts:
Eren is full on gay. Now that he is in Japan, he feels no need to hide who he is anymore. AFW was rarely known where he lived, so he doubted his school friends would bother to look for him here.
Despite his confidence, he lacks any real in ring skills. He can pull off an upset or two, but that is a rarity.
He couldn't care less about his wins or losses. Those are just worthless numbers.
Pretty Good cook!!! He has a cache of recipes from his birthplace in germany.
Despite his home being in Germany, his accent is almost nonexistent.
For a bit of extra money, Eren will happily take calls from any of the AFW guys to be a personal jobber for the night. He keeps this kind of info on the down low. Not exactly something he wants the public to know but hey, it's a side job!
Record: 0/0/0
Match history