============Basic Information:============
Name: Cadence CahillCallsign: Hunter
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 6’3’’/ 190.5cm
Weight: 195lbs/ 88.45kg
Eye Color: Bright/ Azure Blue
Blood Type: AB-Positive
Nationality: Irish
Place of Birth: Kilkenny, Ireland
============Military Information:============
Entry Age:17Branch: Navy; Navy Seals
Service time: 19 years
Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer (Discharged)
Status: Discharged (Honorable); Reason: Massive laceration to midsection left Master Chief, Cahill unfit for duty as per orders of commanding officers.
Specializations: CQC, Marksmanship, Path-finding, Reconnaissance
============Wrestling Information:============
Entrance Music: The Hunter - Adam JensenWrestling Alignment: Tweener
Combat style:
Blending his mainly strike and hold based combat skill-set with recent months of technical and high-impact training in wrestling, Cadence has formed a wheelhouse suitable for dispatching opponents both big and small with dangerous precision and vicious power. With an in-match mindset of tearing his opponent down whilst either out smarting them or out-matching them, Cadence attacks weak points, joints, or specific body parts with sheer ruthlessness.
"From where I come from, we're taught to fight as both Hammer and Scalpel, to be able to take down any opponent of any size and to keep fighting no matter how hard we get hit in the process."
Preferred Moves:
Knee Bar, Back Fist, Tiger Tail leg Sweep, Guillotine, Ax Kick, Kimura Armlock, Suplex ( Hammerlock Suplex Varient), Brainbuster,Argentine Backbreaker, The Omoplata, Calf Crusher, Banana Split.
Preferred Match Types:
Standard, Submission, Last Man Standing, Hardcore.
Hentai Matches: ”I... would not mind being persuaded into one.”
Physical Statistics:
Strength: 6/10
Endurance: 10/10
Speed: 7/10
Defense: 5/10
Technique: 10/10
Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 9/10
Submissions: 9/10
Powerhouse: 6/10
Aerials: 3/10
Counters: 7/10
Signature Moves:
Flying Omoplata

"Grabbing a standing opponents' arm from the front, Cadence will jump, wrap his legs around that arm while locking his ankles together near the opponents shoulder, and bring the opponent down with his weight; from there, All Cadence needs to do is sit up to not only keep pressure on the opponents shoulder, keeping them down, but to also wrench their arm back into many rather painful angles."

"With the opponent placed just far enough away from a ring-post, and either dazed, confused, or otherwise not focused or not able to focus on him, Cadence will run to the opposite ring post, and charge forward towards his opponent, jumping and hitting them with a dropkick to the chest that sends them back first into the post behind them."
Banana Split

Getting the opponent on their knees, or catching them off guard by the legs, the Attacker will wrap and lock a leg around one of the opponents own, whilst reaching down to grab their other leg; falling back to turn their opponent over with the Attacker placed underneath their rear and legs. Now having both legs wrapped around one of the opponents leg and both arms around the other, the attacker Pulls with both arms and pushes down with both legs, stretching the opponents crotch muscles as they pull each of the opponents legs outward from the center of the body.
Air-to-Surface DDT

”Bunker Buster"

Wrapping an arm around the back of the opponents neck, similar to a DDT, the Attacker lifts their opponent up by either leg, or piece of clothing so they are vertical and upside down, parallel to the attacker. Falling down back-first, the Attacker drives the still vertical opponents head into the mat.

Similar to the Banana Split, The Attacker with get the opponent to their knees, lock a leg into one of their opponents legs whilst grabbing the other leg of the opponent to fall back and roll the opponent on top of the attacker; however from there, The Attacker can then place the arm of the opponent closest to their body behind the attackers head, allowing them to reach both hands around the opponents head and pull it in as they press the opponents locked leg out, contorting the body and more importantly attacking the entirety of the spine, pulling and twisting it in all directions.
Urban Adder

On the surface, Cadence holds himself with a calculating professionalism that isn’t all too often broken; conversations with the man often see him being stoic and solemn towards others, even being cold with how he holds himself. That being said, having spent over four years as the leader of his own fire-team, Cadence had learned to treat others with a certain amount of care and kindness, even from under that icy-exterior he so often adorns. Above all things, Cadence views loyalty as one of the most valuable traits one can have, and often does his best to show that to those he calls friend, often treating them with an unseen tenderness and understanding that many others aren’t afforded by him. Having been rather astute as a leader, Cadence had learned over time to accurately assess others, gleaning off of them personality traits and certain emotions that others might miss, and though this skill came very handy when encountering enemies, more often than not he had used it on his allies, with the genuine want to understand them to a greater extent.
Despite his professional exterior, the former Master Chief has always had trouble keeping his emotions in check especially when it came to anger; and though it’s true that he doesn’t get angry easily, when he does it often takes the form of a cold, calculating, even malicious side of himself that actively seeks to induce more harm or pain during matches. Rather blunt when it came to communication, the former soldier often struggled with properly handling more sensitive topics on the verbal spectrum, preferring to bulldoze his way through such situations rather than finesse his way around them. Genuinely Apprehensive about the new environment that is L.A.W., the culture shock Cadence now faces not only has made him wary of his new surroundings, but of the people within it, making him unsure of who to trust in the new environment and actively skeptical of new faces.
A Strategic Mastermind both in and out of the ring, Cadence often prefers to out smart or best others by skill rather than brute forcing his way through them, even if his height and build make that a viable option with some smaller opponents. Understanding well enough that LAW has its fair share of cheaters, the former soldier has no problem drawing the line where he deems in a match, willing to cheat if he deems it absolutely worth while. Rather vicious as a combatant, Cadence loves being able let loose and give his all in a fight, but even more so loves having an opponent who does the same, the thrill of a good challenge being ever so enticing to the man.
Extras:Despite his professional exterior, the former Master Chief has always had trouble keeping his emotions in check especially when it came to anger; and though it’s true that he doesn’t get angry easily, when he does it often takes the form of a cold, calculating, even malicious side of himself that actively seeks to induce more harm or pain during matches. Rather blunt when it came to communication, the former soldier often struggled with properly handling more sensitive topics on the verbal spectrum, preferring to bulldoze his way through such situations rather than finesse his way around them. Genuinely Apprehensive about the new environment that is L.A.W., the culture shock Cadence now faces not only has made him wary of his new surroundings, but of the people within it, making him unsure of who to trust in the new environment and actively skeptical of new faces.
A Strategic Mastermind both in and out of the ring, Cadence often prefers to out smart or best others by skill rather than brute forcing his way through them, even if his height and build make that a viable option with some smaller opponents. Understanding well enough that LAW has its fair share of cheaters, the former soldier has no problem drawing the line where he deems in a match, willing to cheat if he deems it absolutely worth while. Rather vicious as a combatant, Cadence loves being able let loose and give his all in a fight, but even more so loves having an opponent who does the same, the thrill of a good challenge being ever so enticing to the man.
- Cadence carries with him a notebook that he uses to document his encounters or matches with others, in which he will often note his thoughts on those he meets or fights including anything he feels he should remember specifically for future encounters with those individuals, I.e. Certain Personality traits, specific topics to remember, moves they enjoy using or to watch out for, Ect.
-Something of a sketch artist, Cadence tends to accompany his documented encounters in his notebook with rather accurate busts of those he encounters.
-As blunt as he may be, it's not uncommon for the man to sport a sarcastic sense of humor, nor is it unheard of him to find a liking in dark humor either.
1986 - 2001:
Born and raised in Kilkenny, Ireland, Cadence had spent most of his childhood on his Family’s Ranch, tending to crop and cattle alike. Though finding no real problem with his way of life at that point, at the age of fifteen he had begun to want more for himself, to become more than what he had considered his total sum. Having gone through part of a period in Ireland called “The Troubles” and often having to hear of conflicts in the middle east, Cadence had grown a heavy desire to aid in those outside of his ranch and outside of Ireland itself, thus he had come to the conclusion that a path in the Military was something he found desirable; and much to the chagrin of both his mother and father, he had begun to study the options that were at arms reach, so to speak.
Psychological Evaluation - Subject: Master Chief Petty Officer, Cadence (Hunter) Cahill; Excerpt 1
Time-stamp: 1:24:35 in Evaluation
Interviewer: “So tell me, Master Chief Cahill, what made you initially want to join a military?”
Interviewer: “I know from your files that you grew up in Ireland during The Troubles, did that affect your choice?”
Master Chief Cahill: “I won't deny that it did, I grew up with the feeling that my world was constantly on the verge of collapsing. With riots and fires breaking out even that far into the Troubles period, and my father being a Protestant pastor who actively let Catholics into our church, the conflicts often scraped by our ranch, what I had considered my little bubble. Even after the conflict had come to an end, there was always that fear that any remnant groups that held any grudges would come marching to our door, ready to deliver their final thoughts against our stance on the matters. With the skirmishes over in the Arabic regions arising and news of Operation Sandstorm hitting us via radio, I became tired of that feeling; I no longer could stand to bear the world outside my little bubble crumble, so I decided that if I were to help, a Military would be a good place to start.”
Psychological Evaluation; Excerpt 2
Interviewer: “I’m guessing your parents didn’t just let you go with an American Tourist, let alone someone who was willing to put you in the military.”
(Cahill gave a quiet chuckle, shifting his weight in his seat and rubbing the back of his head as he reminisced.)
Master Chief Cahill: “While Jameson was more willing, seeing some apparent potential along with my desire to get out of Ireland, My Parents took far longer to convince. They did give Jameson three chances to win them over, inviting him over for three dinners; almost got my Father convinced I was going to be in good hands on day one when Jameson asked for two more Bowls of the Colcannon my mother had made using Offal instead of Bacon. What really convinced them though was his wife and two children who came along on his trip; Knowing I’d be spending time with them while Jameson taught and trained me for the Military world put them at ease just enough, as long as I kept in touch.”
Housed with Jamesons family in San Antonio, Texas, Cadence spent two years living under strict training regiments and learning intense courses set up by Jameson himself with the intent of bringing out the utter best in the young man, and by the time Cadence had turned seventeen, both Jameson's and Cadence's commitment had paid off. Scoring a ninety-seven in the ASVAB and surpassing most others in the physical, Cadence was given free reign to chose which path he had found desirable, but amongst all of the more comfortable areas like engineering or office work, the Irishman, to Jamesons own delight, took the Navy, specifically a contract with the Seals.
Though boot camp was brutal, the first week alone, known simply as "Hell Week", forcing many of the starting applicants to drop out of the boot camp Cadence stayed strong; through cut, bruise, and broken bone he pushed his way through all 24 weeks of grueling training and what felt like impossible odds, but came out stronger, more determined of his choice.
Psychological Evaluation; Excerpt 3
Interviewer: "Tell me a little about your experience in Boot Camp, what did you take from it?"
Master Chief Cahill: "Boot' was difficult, excruciating at times; every test or challenge they put us through was designed to make us quit to, give up. Now in some branches, quitting would just get you a shark attack, surrounded by drill sergeants who would shout you down all at once; but in our Boot Camp, quitting meant you gave it all up, you went home to lick your wounds and weren't given another chance for a good while. As tough as it was though, it taught us a lot, mainly about team-work, and endurance. Every test from Hell week to the End of Boot' tested those two factors among many others, how well we can keep unit cohesion, and how well we can take pain; from having to keep a dense log out of frigid water with five others, to making a seven day, three-hundred mile run with no sleep, followed by a thirty mile swim in frigid water with continued sleep deprivation. The kind of activities that would make a good amount of Olympic Athletes back down."
Now a full fledged Navy Seal, Cadence met his new career with tenacity and an unfettered will, making a name for himself as one of the more active members; constantly choosing to be on the front-lines rather than on board the confines of a carrier or a base. As the years passed, Cadences relationship with Jameson grew, eventually seeing the older man as something of a second father, not one to replace his real father, but another guiding hand who acted as more friend than mentor. It's with in this time that Cadence would meet his life long friend and brother in arms, Charles Moore, a then Marine Sergeant whose playful nature and chaotic antics often helped ease the harsher reality of combat for the young Irishman.
Psychological Evaluation; Excerpt 4
Interviewer: "What was your relationship like with Master Chief Gray? and What about Sergeant Moore?"
Master Chief Cahill: "Jameson was... I don't want to say like a father figure, but close to it. He was encouraging but stern, I took a lot of what it means to lead a team from him. I... I looked up to him, wanted to be like him, fierce and determined, unwavering in his duty, yet able to be soft when it came down to it. He was a brother in arms, someone I could trust, and who trusted me."
Master Chief Cahill: "Moore, well, Moore was definitely the group clown when ever we met on the field, always optimistic, always looking for a way to screw around or pull pranks on fellow soldiers. Even under fire he always has this smile, both a little determined and goofy, like as soon as the fighting stopped he was going to do something stupid to lighten the mood. Can't lie that I enjoy his company, we play well off each-other, or so he says."
Rising up through the ranks as the years went by, Cadence found himself becoming less of the optimistic and energetic young man he had been, and begun to take on a more professional, even somewhat cold personality, his constant choosing to be on the front lines of skirmishes or near where more dangerous terrorist cells had formed, making him hardened, even jaded about the world and what he had seen. His new outlook however, would only harden further when in the span of one month, he would lose both his parents, and mentor; leading the man to build both a resentment towards himself for not spending more time with the ones he loved, and an increasing aggression towards his enemies without Jameson' guidance.
Psychological Evaluation; Excerpt 5
Interviewer: "While I am very aware about the fate of Master Chief Gray and will bring up your thoughts and actions during his passing, I must ask about your parents, When did they pass?"
Master Chief Cahill: "August 4th, 2015... They... they were hit by a Semi traveling on the wrong side of the road, the driver was too intoxicated at the time to rectify his mistake, nor see them as they traveled back home from town..."
(Cahill takes a moment to collect his thoughts)
Master Chief Cahill: "... In those recent months, I'll admit I didn't spend as much time talking with them, or letting them know I was alright, even had a month where I didn't say anything at all as I was too busy with work. So when their passing came it... it hit hard"
Interviewer: "I see... so you feel you should have been a more attentive son?"
Master Chief Cahill: "Yes..."
Psychological Evaluation; Excerpt 6
Interviewer: "It says here that Chief Jameson Gray perished during an operation near the border of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, died detonating a large sum of ordinance that hostile forces were trying to attain. He had ordered his men to evacuate as the detonation device malfunctioned and required manual triggering to activate, detonating the ordinance before Master Chief Gray could get out of the explosions radius; is that correct."
(Cadence solemnly nods his head.)
Master Chief Cahill: "Yes."
Interviewer: "What did you feel in moment?"
Master Chief Cahill: "Disbelief, at first. As half of the men i brought with me to back up Chief Gray were helping to neutralize remaining combatants, I had my other half of the group check for survivors. While they found Gray's platoon marching back after the explosion, the only thing they found of gray himself was an arm. I still don't want to believe it, but DNA analysis confirmed it, Master Chief Gray was KIA."
Interviewer: "I know were the one to tell his wife, How did she take it?"
Master Chief Cahill: "... Better than I, Ma'am."
With the death of his parents and mentor having a rather large impact on the man, Cadence had, for once in his career, began to falter. Feeling lost without the guidance he had for so long, his abilities in combat became far more reckless, and he had found himself in far more tight situations than he had previously. Despite this, however, he would still remain relatively successful against enemy forces during this time, with he and his team often pushing them back from strategic points, or sending them into full retreat. However, his willingness to be on the front lines almost constantly coupled with his new more aggressive tactics and high rank often saw him mentioned or shown on local news networks in the area, which only helped to build a new reputation for himself in the eyes of terrorist leaders, one both as a serious danger to their operations, and as a high value target worth capturing.
Though they tried, for several years Cadence eluded capture, he and his team often outsmarting their enemies as they attempted ambushes or set traps, resulting in more of their own casualties; but they were persistent and desperate for a sign of victory or a way to demoralize the Americans. Eventually, however, a terrorist cell had gotten lucky; during an operation, whilst Cadence and his team were tasked to protect and evacuate civilians in a city sector, a small group of the terrorist cell took the chance and bombarded Cadences location with mortars. Though their attempt could have very well ended the Master Chief's life, the group did not find his body, rather, he found them.
Midst the still falling dust of the bombardment, an enraged Cadence began to attack, at first picking them off one by one whilst he had the advantage of surprise, then firing on them when his cover was eventually blown. Though they outnumbered him, Cadence held his own against wave after wave of hostiles; eventually though, he was taken down and captured, granted, not without making them pay a hefty price in doing so.
For two weeks they held Cadence captive, torturing him for information he would never give up, and taunting the American military with him on camera; and though they did their best to move him from location to location, the American military had eventually got a bead on their location and prepared a strike team to remove Cadence from enemy hands. With two weeks of their time and more than enough of their own resources used in trying to use their captive, to no avail, the terrorist cell had decided it best to cut their losses and commit something of a scorched earth campaign once the American strike team had broken through defenses; With the intention of having him either die as they got to his location, or die on the evacuation back, they had left Cadence with a massive laceration to his lower abdomen, retreating as the Seal bled in his cell. Though his wound was grievous, Cadence still held out, grabbing a gun for himself as the Evac-Team dragged him out, firing alongside them as he wasn't too keen on the idea of allowing others to die as they try to save him.
Having fallen under a coma on the flight back, with the strike-team's medic being just barely able to stabilize him, cadence would wake three days later in a hospital bed. The Carrier he had been brought to initially docking in Japan, allowing him to be hospitalized there. Though he had survived, medical examination had determined his body no longer fit for the use of the military, and within the week, the now former Master Chief Petty Officer would be honorably discharged from service.
Given the chance to stay in Japan until his full recovery, Cadence, now in the worst mindset he had ever been in, couldn't help be pulled in as he switched through the given Television channels on the rooms screen; particularly, he couldn't help but be enticed by the pull of L.A.W.. With his past career now over, and his families land long since taken, Cadence gave much thought about entering; he had some strings and favors to pull from the military for the moment, and he feared that his constant time as a workaholic on the field would make civilian life dreadful for the man. With some time to think, However, desperate to find a new belonging, a place where his skills may shine best, Cadence took the move to transition into wrestling, pulling a few favors to do so.
Encounters Journal
(Authors note: This section will have Cadence's thoughts on the characters he encounters, displayed directly under the link to whatever thread it had happened on.)
In Ring
For in-match encounters.
Out of Ring/ Out of Complex
For encounters outside of the squared circle.