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Character Adoption thing

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:25 pm
by SweetHeart
So after a lotta thought I have decided to put a few of my wrestlers up to be adopted. The reasons for each my vary, but the main reasons are mostly either I didn't use them enough, I didn't enjoy playing as them, or I just feel others could play them better than me and I don't wanna get rid of them. If you are interested please let me know either via Discord or in Private Messages on here. First come, first serve. Once you have the character you can edit it as you see fit


Lucy Peach->Taken by Ultima

Hunny Bunny ->Taken by TheRiders

Skully! -> Taken by VoidEffects ... 41#p111041

Makoto Naito ... 982#p97982

Also just as another thing I will try and finish working on the other characters that I have been working on, which is why I am currently cleaning up my roster. So If you are interested in any of these characters lemme know

Re: Character offer thing

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:32 pm
by SweetHeart
Also I'm going to add that if I have an rp I haven't finish with one of these characters, the person who adopts them can finish the match if they want to