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Forum vs. Messenger

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:22 am
by Noob
Hey y'all. Just a question for everybody. Where do you prefer doing your rps? And what are your opinions on doing stuff via things like discord or what not and then posting them here?

Personally I think i do better / enjoy things on messenger better and don't leave things waiting as much. Granted it also feels a lot harder to make things nearly as detailed. Especially if you use your phone.

Re: Forum vs. Messenger

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 3:08 pm
by anime_hentaifighter
Hmm to be honest I like to do both. So it just depends on your opinion to be honest

Re: Forum vs. Messenger

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 5:56 pm
by Satoshi
I like IMs when I have plenty of time on my hands to play it out pretty much instantly, which is what messengers are good at; letting you know and see instantly when there's a reply even if you tab out for a minute. Forums are better however if I know I have to take time between replies, since if I am doing that I will try to make longer, more detailed and polished posts which are much easier to do here.