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Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:16 pm
by Rougue
This thread is actually not necessary but I just feel like I have to do this. I took one or two weeks off from replying and I am sorry for that to everyone for making them wait. I had a few small problems and one bigger one which was the reason for my time off. Anyway, the bigger one was or maybe still is quite the silly one.

My problem was that I got really down because of that "Thanks" system. My characters had pretty less "thanks" or even not a single one at all. This made me worry if people even wanna play with me or do they even like the way I play and do they even like my characters? This went on for a while until I couldn't deal with that anymore and needed to breathe through.

So I updated my roster and all of my characters except Laura, Harley, and Julia (they will follow later). Sorry to everyone for the wait just because I couldn't deal with the fact that my characters don't have so much "thanks" even when these "thanks" are actually meaningless. I will reply tomorrow again but since I got a few replies to do some people have to wait a bit longer sorry about that. I hope that doesn't happen again.

Also if anyone should be interested in whatever reasons I put down here my updated roster plus updated characters.

Sorry again to everyone for the wait.

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:35 pm
by ragaz
well, you know very well that i am very interested in a few of your characters

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:44 pm
by winner3
Just because people are slacking with the thanks feature doesn't mean your characters aren't great dude. I've always enjoyed your girls and I've been meaning to ask you for a thread for some time. I just have too many as it is. Again, I think your girls are great and I enjoy your threads and presence on this site. I'm sorry we let you down @Rougue. We'll try to make a bigger effort to make you feel welcome and capable, because you are

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:29 pm
by anime_hentaifighter
Glad your back my friend , and don't think to much of the thanks system.As not everyone thanks my characters either. it usually just a few who do it.

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:32 pm
by Devilish53
You don't have to feel silly about it. Gratification comes in many forms. A user just nearly left because no-one offered them threads. Another nearly did the same because they weren't being posted to. I've often come close to feeling both. It's easy not to feel focused on, but you have to remember that your a part of a community with us all just as much as anyone else is.

Also for the record, me, anime and winner all have like a six month headstart on you, and you're still around the same number as us for thanks!

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:51 pm
by CyanDimitrik
I think I've been thanked like.. what, five times? I've thanked people exactly zero times. Take that, society! Really though, I don't honestly bother with the system. I try to convey appreciation for characters and work through PMs or IMs and stuff. Don't think that because you've not been officially thanked, people don't notice. ^-^

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:11 pm
by Rougue
I thank you guys for all the positivity you give me. You are helping me a lot with that and I really appreciate this.

Re: Sorry...

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:44 am
by CaptainL
Don't think that just because no one's left thanks on your characters means that nobody likes them. I'll admit, I've left thanks on other people's profiles, but those were mainly new characters that I wanted to show my appreciation for, to let their creator know that I was interested in the concept and wanted to see where they went. For characters that were around since before I was here, I haven't done as much. But that doesn't mean I don't like them! Your characters are cool, and I've had fun in the RPs I've shared with you. Everyone uses the thanks system differently, and you shouldn't take it as a measure of quality. Just know that your fans are out there, and willing to have fun with you building plots and characters - I think that's worth a lot more than just simple upvotes on a post.

And lest we forget - I'm happy to see you back, and I can't wait to continue our threads ;)