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Guess who's back!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:55 pm
by Smolsquito
Hello everyone! Just wanted to drop by really quickly to apologize for disappearing on you all. I had a few personal issues I had to figure out IRL, but now I'm ready to come back and continue the scenes I've yet to complete with you wonderful people.

In that time I also ended up deleting my discord account, so for those that are friends with me, my new account is Smolsquito#0086!

And with that, its both a pleasure and honor to be back, and I'll see you lovely peeps in the ring~! ...or in a stretcher, whichever happens first! xD

Re: Guess who's back!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:04 pm
by CaptainL
Welcome back! I might not have ever really spoken to you, but I do really like your characters and your commitment to the community. It's nice to see you back, and I hope that everything's worked out okay for you. Don't be afraid to take whatever breaks you need to figure out these things.