Indefinate Hiatus

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Indefinate Hiatus

Unread post by Rainmaker619 »

Hey everyone.

It's been awhile since you've all last seen me, and that's because I've been having a lot to deal with over the last couple of weeks. School, looking for work, other feds, personal issues, it's forced me to put this place on the backburner. I'm tired of having all you wonderful people wait on me (both for RPs and IMs) and holding back tournaments with my hiatuses. That isn't fair to anyone here. So, until my schedule cools down, I'm going on an indefinite hiatus. I'm dropping all my characters (if someone picks them up I can just fine new ones no big deal) and all my threads besides my two tournament matches, which due to the spare time I have coming up I should be able to get done. Once those are over, however, I'll be gone. I won't be on Trillian much either, so the best way of contacting me is Discord. I'm sorry for any inconveniences this causes, but I can't be the one holding things back when everyone else is working hard to make this place something special.

I love you all.


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Re: Indefinate Hiatus

Unread post by Caboose2.0 »

Rain is a true hero on this forum. He told me bedtime stories, gave me cookies, blew up the death star, and one punched one punch man...

You will be sorely missed.

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Re: Indefinate Hiatus

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Awww :( don't worry man! I hope things get back to normal soon and you're back to your RP fun days

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Re: Indefinate Hiatus

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

It alright as irl goes before all this , but I do hope to see you back soon

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