Young Lioness training program discussion

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Young Lioness training program discussion

Unread post by kite2014 »

Recently I created three profiles that included something known as the Young Lioness Program. After posting about it in the RP Discussion Discord a number of people started to become interested in the possibility of the Young Lioness program becoming a actual thing for LAW. But with that everyone had just a couple of questions, what does it take to have a character be a Young Lioness, how does one become apart of it, and what exactly does that mean for the characters that are to be a Young Lioness? All important questions but the best way to start out is to explain what the Young Lionesses are based off of.

In NJPW they have their own wrestling school known as the NJPW Dojo and the students are referred to as Young Lions. They are students learning the ways of NJPW wrestling style being taught by trainers selected by NJPW. Generally a Young Lion is seen either at ring side helping the show move along, being used for spots or being abused. They are also featured in matches at the beginning of the show usually in a losing effort against a veteran squad, Mid card talent, and sometimes wrestlers from out of country (example being that of Jon Moxley). They usually get in a bit of offense before eventually they do the job for their opponent, generally locking in a Boston Crab, and general moves. Even during their time as a Young Lion wrestling in the ring they are usually seen wearing black trunks, boots, the necessary pads, and maybe wrist tape. This is done mostly so they can get comfortable wrestling not only in a match but wrestling in front of a crowd and before they truly find their in ring character. When they are not wrestling they are seen outside of the ring as a sort of ring crew and are used for spots like getting beaten up and tossed around. Though this all sounds standard for a real life student, how can one bring this into LAW and not just making the new JOB Squad of LAW?

The main idea for the Young Lioness Program of LAW is for LAW to start developing the stars of the future, in hopes that they do not have to rely on purely outsourced talent. They will be trained by veteran wrestlers and current talent on the roster willing to take a teaching role. Making a Young Lioness is committing to making an upstart talent who is taking the necessary risk in hopefully making it in LAW. Though as stated for NJPW a Young Lion’s job on roster is to be seen, wrestle in a match for experience, and then lose to an established Roster wrestler. Does that mean that a Young Lioness’ job is to always lose to other characters and make the official Future Loser’s Belt championship division? I thought about that and quite honestly that doesn’t sound a lot of fun, and even then how are we going to know when they can graduate and become main roster material? That is why officially after much thought and deliberation we have come up with two possibilities for making a Young Lioness character.

Option #1: That a Young Lioness when apart of the program is on the main roster standings. Participating on the pre show or first few matches of the a card (for story purposes) but they get paid significantly less than those who are not listed as a Young Lioness. That is why if you are Young Lioness you would live in the Lioness Den which is a standard college dorm with communal showers and one kitchen that they all have to share.The only way of graduating is winning a certain number of matches not only against fellow Young Lionesses but main active roster combatants. That way they are forced to compete fiercely even against those who are their friends that they live with, and they earn their keep. This allows high tense situations against each other and allows more story elements to play out.

Option #2: The Young Lioness is assigned to an established pro for coaching. Allowing other story elements and possibly a bit more personal for them and eventually having a graduation match against their pro and having to wrestle them for a chance at graduating at their pro’s discretion. Win or lose it is the pro’s choice, like say if they defeated their pro but cheated to win and it is blatant and the pro is a face and doesn’t agree with their choice in winning they could deny them making even more tension between the pair.

We are still more than open to discussion because in the end it is for all of us and we would like to hear what you think of it. We can discuss if Young Lionesses will have a uniform that they have to wear or would they be allowed to have their own gear that they could wear. Possibly have a Young Lioness Cup where we could have the Young Lionesses in a tournament and of course a lot of Backstage and Gym interactions that can be planned out. We all hope you are interested and please discuss what are some things that you like, what could be changed, what can be added in, or what could be done. But most importantly get LAW Dojo up and running!

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Re: Young Lioness training program discussion

Unread post by CaptainL »

I was under the impression that the characters you made were intended to be recent graduates of the Young Lioness program, and that they were full-fledged roster members, just with a common backstory. That's what I was going off of when I made such a character myself. However, I do think the idea is a good one and could offer some nice storytelling opportunities if we want to make it official.

It's certainly possible, of course, to just leave it in the background, and say that a character came out of the program as part of their backstory, or was trained by X or was a classmate of Y, or that such and such wrestler squashed a Young Lioness in a particular fashion, making it an official part of the universe but not necessarily played. However, I also fully understand that some people might want to develop their characters from the beginning of their career, and it's nice to have the framework in place to do so. I know that some people might not find it enjoyable to create a deliberately generic character, but it could well pay off if they had long-term plans for their character.

In regards to a tournament, I know that Xalex proposed the idea of something similar in the past. I know he hasn't been active much any more, but this could be an opportunity to make the idea a reality.
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Young Lioness training program discussion

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

this does sound like an good idea to be honest

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Re: Young Lioness training program discussion

Unread post by Bare »

I really like it ^^ personally I think options one and two could be combined to an extent. Or at least the aspects of a communal living area and lesser pay forcing more competitiveness from the lionesses while at the same time their under the mentorship of a established wrestler that handles their training and could even have a hand in what matches the lioness can take part in. That way the better they do the more likely their mentor is to give them more oppurtunity all while trying to compete and stand out against their fellow upstarts. (Also i adore the idea of a graduation match against their mentor)

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Re: Young Lioness training program discussion

Unread post by winner3 »

Thanks for the write-up kite. I definitely think it's a fun and engaging idea. Maybe something we can incorporate more as users opt to take part. I think Option 2 is the better of the options you've detailed above. Tons of cool possibilities like the tourney idea Captain alluded to and the idea of a graduation match vs a mentor or maybe a match that Young Lionesses compete in that's judged by mentors the way Bare suggested. If you'd like to get the ball rolling, definitely continue making characters/stories concerning your idea for a Young Lioness program and encourage others to do the same.

A few folks thus far have expressed their love for the idea of the possibilities that this could bring about. And as long as users seem interested, I'm happy to support this.
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