A return that's a long time coming!

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A return that's a long time coming!

Unread post by Ink »

Hello! Again.

Hey, so a good chunk of you may remember me, but a good chunk of you may not. I'm Ink. I've always been lurking and enjoying the matches. I've been seeing a good bunch for fresh new faces I've never interacted with, and that's really cool!

So background on me. About 4 years ago I was invited to LAW by Scorn and Winner. I got my OC's ready to go, posted just one and....never posted again here. That said, I stayed on the Discord server. I enjoyed the channels there, and stuck around talking about wrestling and enjoying pic-spam. I met many friends there, most I still talk to on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I clashed with a good amount of people, and my abrasive nature created a negative reputation of me. One that was an arrogant elitist dickhead, one that I cannot deny. 2020 was the breaking point as I had a lot of things happen to me in my life, that caused my mental state to deteriorate. The death of my mother and the start of the pandemic caused me to lose touch with myself, and thus I had several panic attacks and ended up lashing out irrational at many, including some of my very close friends. No longer part of the server, I kept close contact with a lot of people from LAW, and things looked to be getting better as I worked towards improving myself. Then, 2021 started to look a lot like 2020, and I lost my best friend to COVID. Many of you know her as ElRincondeUsagi. She was my best friend, and the person responsible for many of my OCs you have seen. I also lost my dog very recently, and continued to battle with depression. I decided to make a change and not let it define me.

It has been a process, but I am getting better, and overall I am feeling as good as I have in quite a long time! I have gotten and I am getting the help that I need, and am on medication, and have been making a lot of good and positive choices in my life, and I am happy. I am a lot different than the person I was just a year ago, and that is a very good and positive thing.


The TL;DR of this is that I have made the decision to return to LAW. This time, full time with tons of new OCs to post. I use to have anxiety about people seeing me characters, as well as my matches for fear of judgement, but I have put that behind me! I am looking forward to having a lot of fun with you guys, old faces and new. :)

As for the Tanuki character, she is still one of my OC's (and most prominent! One of my "Four Pillars"), but her profile is insanely outdated. I wouldn't treat that profile as canon, but just know that her appearance hasn't changed all that much!

The characters I will be using are both girls and guys, so expect stuff from both the women's and intergender rings! I love to be as flexible as possible so I am available for pretty much any style and type of match! I can do: M/F, M/M, and F/F with any and all of my characters!

In any case, look forward to more from me, and I am very happy to get the ball rolling again! <3
Last edited by Ink on Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: A return that's a long time coming!

Unread post by CaptainL »

Welcome back! It's an exciting surprise to see you making a return, and I'm eager to see what you'll bring to the table. I'm truly sorry to hear about your struggles, but I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you! I can't wait to see your new characters!
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Re: A return that's a long time coming!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Cool! Welcome back again and nice to meet you! I am super excited about your characters and hope you will have a match with one of my girls! :)

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Re: A return that's a long time coming!

Unread post by Darius 2.0 »

Congrats on coming back! Sorry to hear you've had such a rough go of it.

Can't wait to see what new characters you come up with! :D

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Re: A return that's a long time coming!

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

I'm sorry for your loss.

But also, Welcome back! Don't be afraid to reach out on here or on Discord. I'd be happy to hear about your characters and plan matches!

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