So random question. If LAW was mixed with Lucha Underground how would it look?
To anyone who doesn't know what LU was. Lucha Underground was a wrestling show on El Rey network that was mixed with actual fantasy/TV show format. It had filmed parts as well as live wrestling. Fantasy aspects like magic, aliens, lizard people, death/resurrection, gods, etc. As well as wrestlers like Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Richochet as Prince Puma, Jack Swagger, Ivilesse, Io Shirai and Mio Shirai, Pentagon, Fenix, etc.
Lucha Underground on wikipedia
As for how it'd be mixed. I feel like maybe the location would be in Japan. Since in the world it seemed global for the most part. Could be an underground temple thats Japanese themed. And our chars can be mixed somewhat with the supernatural settings.
For example, I'd have Mako being some sort reincarnated shark deity or something. Driven to hunt by a blood craze.
Lucha Underground X LAW
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